I've searched all over the place hoping that the ashes will reappear somewhere (like the doll that returned from Niloof or the dwarf) however, I haven't been able find them. I tried dropping my doll, and then taking another from the dwarf... but it came back the same.
A PM could help me in. What can I do to RuneScape Gold reach you? I've have already sent an email to Jagex saying that this could be an issue with the game, but I haven't heard back in a week.
Okay, so after two days, I finally received my 70attk. I also took my Abyssal whip however I was interested in what equipment I should buy to increase the bonuses I receive for my stats. What if I wanted to increase my stat bonuses to the strength and attack? What equipment should I buy? I have a budget of 3 mil.
After receiving 99 Fletching and was enthralled to purchase 99 woodcutting, and then 99 firemaking. An idea that came to me: Buy an Saradomin or godsword. I can't afford an actual godsword, and I don't want to spend 80% of my money on the Saradomin sword.
I estimated the profits. It was 1,232. The log price rose. This is 1.5k. I multiplied that by 99 WC logs, which is approximately 35K-36K. 44M+ will be my final amount that will be enough to Buy OSRS Fire Cape purchase a Godsword or SS or something entirely different.
The Wall