2020 wasn't a reality, but people did. Everyone had adapt to the online education, zoom meetings, social distancing, and online education. This was a major problem for brick and mortar companies that provide primary services in-person.
Be ready to adapt to anything
How adaptable are you? Patrick J. Rottinghaus defines adaptability as "The ability to adapt to and capitalize on change, and the ability to bounce back when unexpected circumstances alter your plans for the future."
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2020 wasn't a reality, but people did. Everyone had adapt to the online education, zoom meetings, social distancing, and online education. This was a major problem for brick and mortar companies that provide primary services in-person.
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Uncertainty is the only thing certain in 2021. However, your ability adapt to change is what you should focus on. It doesn't matter if it's your product or service delivery, marketing, or engaging with your customers, you have to be prepared to move to the beat of whatever the market throws at you, and then tackle it with a fresh approach.
The Wall