Health industry from KevinDavidkin's blog

Technology has also had an impact upon society through the medium of communication. This is how we connect with each other around the globe. Technology has brought new ways for electronic communications. It is possible to communicate electronically through social media, email or Facetime with someone from another country. 

The health industry has also seen technological advancements that have helped keep people safe and well. There are many innovate applications for phones that allow people to watch their weight, how many calories they intake, heart rate and other health properties anytime of the day. Treatment is more accessible, as well as the advancement in healthcare, which provides benefits for the elderly and allows hospitals to make use of the latest technology in their operating rooms.


Technology: Good Thing, Bad Thing?

These days it's trendy to talk about technology as if it were purely a bad thing. We have companies that breach our privacy and collect our data without telling us; personal assistants that record us without our consent; and other breaches that reveal our personal data. It's not all bad however. These same tools can make our lives easier, from connecting doctors faster to patient data to digital bus routes making transportation more efficient and connecting doctors with patients quicker. What's the bottom line? Technology on its own isn't a good or a bad thing; it's how it's utilized that's important.

There are pros and cons when it comes to collecting data

We published a blog post a few weeks ago about Big Tech creating a platform that would allow healthcare professionals to search patient records. On one hand, it will give healthcare providers comprehensive patient records that could lead to more personalized healthcare and better results. However, Big Tech may use the data without the knowledge or consent of the people.

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These kinds of discussions go beyond healthcare technology. AI is now part of our daily lives. It's in our feeds on social media, driving to work, suggestions for traffic, and monitoring for suspicious transactions on our accounts at banks. Concerns are raised regarding how AI can use the data they have and what it can affect their users (e.g. facial recognition that could put our lives under surveillance for the duration of the day). AI can assist in improving many aspects of our lives, such as helping people with disabilities communicate, and monitoring wildlife.

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Do the potential positive outcomes from these technologies outweigh the negatives?

It's the way it is used that matters

Technology doesn't have to be either good or bad. It’s what is the culture that we build around it and how we use them. VPNs are an excellent example. They may either safeguard your privacy, or harvest your data depending on which VPN you use. Technology that collects data could be used to improve your life by implementing the appropriate regulations. However, it is a question of whether there's a push for these regulations that holds groups who violate these regulations--and people's privacy--accountable.

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By KevinDavidkin
Added Feb 8 '22




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