Telegram is a messenger for exchanging data between users. It allows you to have private or group conversations, subscribe to channels, create conferences and use/create bots. It also supports the exchange of files, multimedia in different formats. Well, the owner and main developer is Pavel Durov. Yes, yes, the very creator of the social network VKontakte. And now let’s talk about everything in order and in detail.
Main feature of TelegramThe main feature of the app is the privacy of all users. However access to personal files is strictly forbidden to anyone other than the account holder, and correspondence is only visible to the chat creator and the person you are chatting with. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Also, when you register each user is given a unique “nickname” and the created account is linked to your phone number. Correspondingly, to be authorised on another device, you will have to be verified by a code from a text message. In other words, no one else can access your account without a phone number.
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