When I Have Enough Money from Kingang's blog

You're able to melee, range or mage them. I'd say range, watching your melee and magic levels are a bit low. Take a rune crossbow with ~2k adamant bolts (depending on how long your remaining, 1k is sufficient for a shorter excursion ), an anti-dragonbreath shield, complete dragonhide with RuneScape gold archer helm and snakeskin boots, ring of wealth, and also the best RFD gauntlets you may wear/black dhide vambs. Additionally an ava's accumulator. Bring far better gear if you can afford to attract it (and lose it). In your inventory, you are able to take about 6-8 antifire potions (depending on how long you intend on staying), a woodcutting axe and 875 gp (to access the dragons), some nature and fire runes always help alch drops like rune limbs, a few sapphire (electronic ) bolts are great to poisen the dragons at the start, which can help a bit, then switch into addy bolts (optional).

Maybe a prayer kettle if your really paranoid but you won't desire it, along with the rest sharks. You can bring range potions, they speed you up quite a little, but at additional cost. Simply stand back a couple of squares and array them, its simple once you arrive, make sure you are plagued with your antifire, you'll know when to repot if the dragons breath starts hitting on you (as long as your shield is equipped it is only going to hit 1-5 harm so don't fret too much).

Proselyte Full/Dragon Full/Guthans Full[only if you wont mind losing it should you die and dont mind wasting money for charging it] Abbysal Whip/D scimitar/or any single passed fast and robust weapon. Anti-Dragon/Dragon Fire shield. Amulet of fury or the dragon rock one. Best gloves you can get. Any ring. Rune/Dragon boot Inventory. Lots of prayer potions. [about 10]. Some power potions, anti-fire potions. . .only if you want. [totally 5]. Elf crystal[I obtained this from tip.it] 3-4 better or sharks. Id say splitbark as it provides several xtra defence. Everything depends on if you dont mind losing them Buy runescape 3 gold if you die and your cash. The very best staff[think about the above] Antidragon/dragonfire. The rest like above. Inventory should be similar, but have room for runes for flame burst.

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