What is a Employer Identification Number (EIN)? from Vancy's blog

You can submit an application for an Employer Identification Number for your company in any of the following ways:

A business entity's Employer Identification Number (EIN number) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number.

Apply Online: Employers can use the EIN online service to apply for an EIN number. Customers simply need to visit the EIN online website, complete the application form by filling out all of the required fields, carry out a straightforward preliminary validation, and then submit the correct SS4 form. An EIN will be issued after it has been verified by the IRS to contain all correct information.

However, before submitting an application, please note that not all business entities are permitted to do so online.

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Apply by Mail: You can still submit your EIN application by mail if you prefer to do things the old-fashioned way. The processing time for a mail-in EIN application is approximately four weeks, and once more, you must ensure that the SS4 contains all required information.

If it is determined that your company requires an EIN, a letter with the number will be sent back to you.

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Apply by Fax: After ensuring that the SS4 form is filled out correctly, you can also fax it to your state fax number at the IRS. Within four business days, you will receive a fax of your EIN if the SS4 is approved and you are assigned one.

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By Vancy
Added Jan 16 '23


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