The spatial omics solutions market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 11.9%, till 2035 from kylie's blog

Recent advancements in multiplexed profiling and tissue imaging methods have enabled the assessment of spatial heterogeneity in intact tissues; as a result, adoption of spatial omics solutions offering benefits over traditional methods, is increasing

Roots Analysishas announced the addition of “Spatial Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics Solutions Market, 2022-2035” report to its list of offerings.


Currently used histological methods measure limited number of biomarkers at a time and the fluorescent tags introduced interfere with the natural function of genes and proteins. Stakeholders are on the lookout for platforms that can simultaneously capture the arrangement of multiple biomolecules with single-cell or subcellular resolution, while preserving the tissue integrity. The up-and-coming field of spatial biology addresses this unmet need, while bridging the gap between high plex, high throughput, and high resolution.



Key Market Insights


Presently, 45 industry and non-industry players claim to offer spatial genomics,  spatial transcriptomicsand spatial proteomicssolutions

Majority (72%) of the solution providers are based in North America, followed by those headquartered in Europe (22%). A large proportion (50%) of these companies are large players, followed by small (30%) and mid-sized firms (20%).


More than 70 solutions are available / being developed for spatial profiling of biomolecules

Majority (51%) of the solutions are used for analyzing RNA transcripts, followed by 26% and 15% of the solutions that can analyze protein signatures and DNA molecules, respectively.


Partnership activity in this field has increased at a CAGR of over 70%, between 2016 and 2020    The highest number of partnership agreements (16) were signed in 2021. Majority of the partnerships (31%) were signed for technology / platform integration; followed by deals inked for commercialization of spatial omics solutions.

Grants worth over USD 20 million have been awarded to support research on spatial omics solutions, since 2018

Till June 2022, over 15 grants have been awarded for the research projects related to spatial phenotyping and profiling of biomolecules targeting various oncological and non-oncological disorders. Around 38% of the total number of grants were provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

More than 530 patents have been filed / granted for spatial omics solutions, since 2003

Close to 70% of the patent applications have been filed by various industry and non-industry players in this domain, post 2018. It is worth noting that, around 49% of the patents were filed / granted in the US, followed by World Intellectual Property Organization (35%).


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