Day care chemotherapy center from dr murali's blog

Best Day care chemotherapy center in Bangalore. Chemotherapy Day Care is the center where your chemotherapy treatment will take place.

Best Day care chemotherapy center in Bangalore | Dr Murali Subramanian

It is a standalone unit where chemo drugs are administered in presence of experienced oncologist. Most of the time patient will bring their relative of friend to stay with them during their treatment with Best Medical Oncologist in Kalyan Nagar.

Day care chemotherapy is a quite new concept in cancer hospital. In day care chemotherapy center a patient does not require to get admitted in a hospital but usually it is a short stay. Many a time a patient may not require even a bed and can take treatment on a private couch or in a common lounge in an aesthetic setting often while reading, watching television or surfing mobile applications

In day care chemo center all patients are assigned a personal medical oncologist, who will decide the treatment protocol. There will be a dedicated nurse and a doctor who will supervise the entire treatment

Some of the other benefits of Day care chemo:

  • Easy excess to experienced Oncologist, Pediatric Oncologist, Hematologist and Pain and Palliative care specialist

  • Competent and dedicated technicians and nurses

  • No overnight stay

  • Faster recovery

  • Minimal or no disruption to regular routine

  • Economic advantages

  • Discharge process is quick and patient does not need to stand in long queue

  • Since it is a day Cancer Care Centre, there are negligible hospital-acquired infections.

The importance of chemotherapy daycare center is increasing each day because of the advances in chemotherapy and the need for timely treatment delivery. Patent usually complain of getting delays in appointment in hospital and this is one of the main reason why day care chemo concept is becoming popular in India. The best way out is by isolating the procedure from the complexity of overall cancer management, thus making it simple and immensely patient-friendly with Best Cancer Doctor in Kalyan Nagar

Book your appointment with Dr. Murali Subramanian  for Best Day care chemotherapy center in Bangalore – Today:+91 9880522891 or Check out our Social Media page! 

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By dr murali
Added Jul 3 '23



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