RSgoldfast - They are possible Runescape monsters from levels 1-360 from Kingang's blog

Meteor storm: shoots three celebrities and one meteor wich does 2-10 damage;v; 50 wayyyyyyyyy too repeated possibly the first one work and only the first one. Style burst, ultima: full battle: it shoots 2 celebrities at the air then conveys a power lance and OSRS gold then blasts a meteor warp and then utilizes nightshade and then teleports into the foe and slashes him lvl 60 so that this is member only right??? You are using meteor and something similar to.

Snare and then melee? Some are odd, not realistic, too strong, or just useless. . .like those where you just tele to a person and hit them they dont need THREE of them you can just buy 2 or 1 (then 1st and the 3rd)

Minigames bring a lot of fun to RuneScape players everywhere, so it's natural that a good deal more enjoyable and exciting minigames will be released, or a few small challenge which will tax your combat skills to the max. However, what if there were a minigame that did both? A minigame that required you to believe, strategize, while at the exact same Buy runescape 3 gold time analyzing your ability to challenge a high level creature, or multiple, tough lower level ones. So my minigame idea is just this:

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