Have you ever been asked a question and had no idea what
the answer was? It's a regular occurrence in our everyday talks, and
articulating it in a language other than your native tongue might be difficult
at times. Today, we'll look at the phrase I have no idea and it’s meaning in
Hindi, as well as provide examples to help you understand how to use it in
everyday occasions.
I Have No Idea Meaning in Hindi
Let's look at the fundamental Hindi
translation of I have no idea. The phrase translates as मुझेकोईपता नहींहै. This
statement is a simple approach to show your lack of expertise or clarity about
a specific subject or concern.
I Have No Idea Meaning in Hindi with Example
English - I have no idea, you tell
Hindi - मुझेकोईपता नहींहै, तुमबताओ।
- I have no idea, I last saw it on the table.
- मुझेकोईपता नहींहै, मैंनेआखिरीबारटेबलपरदेखाथा।
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