Types of Food Wrapping Paper: Which one is best for your business? from Lora Young's blog

If you have a trade or company in the hospitality sector, it is essential that you know the types of paper to wrap food that exist today (to wrap objects, as decoration for boxes, corporate, for gifts, etc.). A matter that seems to have nothing or little to do with hospitality, though nothing further from reality.


Paper packaging serves, among other important issues, for the maintenance of food and for optimal storage in the chambers, also can be a packaging create order incentives. This is a new world, especially for newcomers to the business. Can you tell how many types of paper there are and what the role of each of them is? Let's take a look.


Types of food paper: which one is best for your business?

Normally, especially hoteliers with little experience in the sector, think that the paper used to wrap food is reduced to two large families: aluminum and film. However, the reality is that plasticized paper, paraffining, hot melt or laminate are other types that can't be missing from your business.


Plasticized paper

This is a widely used guy in France. It is plasticized by a face so that the food does not soil the paper and, in this way, is wrapped unspotted. In addition, you can customize it on the other side. It is versatile, useful and perfect for corporate hoteliers.

On the other hand, its waterproof capacity makes it ideal for a perfect preservation of any type of food, so it has a universal use (meat, fish, cooked foods that release oil, cold cuts, etc.).


Paraffin paper

This is another type of waterproof paper, only, in this case, this part is not plasticized, but is treated with paraffin. You can use it for optimal food preservation, as well as to maintain proper hygiene of all food.

You should know that this waterproofness is not only related to cleaning, but also to the absence of moisture permeability and grease resistant.

The paraffin, in any of its versions (can be one or two-sided), stands out for its high resistance to liquids, so it will be perfect for wrapping foods that contain or release water such as fish, meats, etc.


Hot melt paper

This highly moisture-resistant form of packaging has a hot melt coating on one side. It is a water-repellent material very similar to paraffin paper, only that the adhesive used is the so-called hot melt.

This adhesive (solvent-free in its formulation) is suitable not only for those who bet on the best preservation of their food, but also for respect for the environment. In this case, this type of paper usually has a plasticized face.

We recommend that you use it for the presentation of food, either in a restaurant or in an establishment where you bet on the gourmet exhibition. Perfect for presentation

as well as cheeses in oil, cold cuts in general, dumplings, croquettes, omelette, etc.


Anti-gring paper

As the name suggests, it is the special role for especially fatty foods. In this case, we are talking about a paper treated with a special product, precisely in order not to let the fat in the food go over the wrapper.


Aluminum complexes

If in your company or business you have charcuterie products (ham, cold cuts, cold cuts, etc.), you must have this packaging. In this case, aluminum foil with a layer of cellulose is ideal not only for the preservation of food, but also for the containment of fat typical of this type of products. However, although this use is the most common, this wrapper is quite versatile and useful.


Laminated paper

Although versatility is a common denominator in all these hospitality products, the truth is that perhaps this is the most functional, since you can adapt it to virtually any food.

It is characterized by carrying on one of its faces a glued sheet, hence its name. It is ideal for the preservation of certain foods without the possibility of fat or moisture transferring.

The particularity of this paper, however, lies in the possibility, if you so want, of separating the paper from the glued plastic layer. This way, it will be much easier for you to recycle it. Among its many uses, one of the most common is the packaging of sausages.


In conclusion, remember that there are numerous types of paper to wrap food, which will be especially useful if you own a hospitality business. Old acquaintances reinvented for food conservation, but also for a perfect presentation of them. The waterproofness and their great durability are the common denominators of all of them.

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