Contours are one of the most from taoaxue's blog

In fact, I believe they could be better than destruction in the final period of expansion. Dhemaji Warlocks are pretty good. They're still not quite there, but they get very cool spells like metamorphosis, and if used correctly they're able to do WoW Classic SoD Gold exceptionally well in tools, one of of my absolute favorite things about Warlock and wrath, apart from the fact that they can get demonic port is that they have a dream-soul perform.

If you train saw the target, and they're at or below 25% health, it'll do four times the normal amount of damage. It is insane since even if your target is healed up to 100% health level, they're doing four times as much damage for the rest of the time. Also, if you don't happen to get struck by that train, so it's almost impossible to hire damage. I've seen traded ticks for 6k +.

Contours are one of the most interesting classes of Wrath of Lich King PvP, they have probably the highest skill limit of all classes throughout the expansion. Marksman Hunter is a class with a lot of utility, with commercia doing several different actions based on the state you're in. Honors also offers deterrence having readiness, more of sacrifice than utility and toolkit that it wasn't in TBC and traditional.

Hunters are a different class, and generally players who played during TBC or classic can continue to WoW SoD Gold play them in Wrath this is positive news for them since they're much more viable in arenas. Both the beasts mastery and survival hunters are not bad at arenaplay, however marksmanship is significantly superior. It's far more consistent damage and doesn't lose its edge as the expansion continues.

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By taoaxue
Added Apr 8 '24



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