How to take Meridia? (Dosage) from Jennifer Lorax's blog

Take Meridia precisely asdirected by your doctor. Do not consume more or less than the recommended amount or for a longer time. Order Meridia overnight. Follow the directions on your prescription label.

Take Meridia oncedaily. Follow your doctor's instructions.

Your doctor may adjust your dose occasionally to ensure you get the best results.

Take Meridia with or without food.

During the first four weeks of taking Meridiaand eating a low-calorie diet, you should lose at least 4 pounds. Inform your doctor if you have not lost at least 4 pounds after four weeks of taking the medication.

Your doctor may need to check your blood pressure and pulse often. Visit your doctor regularly.

Do not use Meridiafor more than two years.

Meridia dosage

It is an effective medicine forweight loss and treating obesity. To ensure that the medication you are taking is effective and safe, consult your doctor for suitable Meridia dosages. You can easily buy Meridia onlineand use it as prescribed by your doctor. 

Your doctor will initiate your treatment with the medicine's minimum possible dose and gradually adjust your medicine doseas and when required. To determine the best suitable dosages for you, your doctor should examine you thoroughly. Your doctor will recommend Meridia dosagekeeping the following factors in mind:

  • Age of the patient 

  • Weight of the patient 

  • The medical condition of the patient 

The following are the usual Meridia dosagethat your doctor can prescribe you:

Dosage for weight loss 

In the form of oral tablets 

Using Meridia for treating patients more than 65 years old might not be safe.

  • For adults(more than 18 years but less than 65 years of age) 

10 mg of the medicine once a day, with or without food. 

Using Merida for treating patients younger than 18 years is not recommended. 


The overdose symptoms may include headache, dizziness, and fast heart rate.

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