How to Troubleshoot Common Issues in Meeting Room Booking Systems from sp5der's blog

A Meeting Room Booking System helps businesses schedule and manage meetings. Sometimes, though, these systems can have issues. But don't worry! Most problems can be fixed quickly. In this post, we will discuss how to solve common problems with meeting room systems, especially those from Evig, one of the best audiovisual companies in Dubai. Let's dive into easy solutions to these common problems. Can't Connect to the System

Sometimes, themeeting room booking systemmight not connect to your office network or calendar. This issue can happen if the Wi-Fi is down or the system isn't set up right.


What to do: First, check if the Wi-Fi is working. If it is, restart the system. Sometimes, a simple restart can fix the problem. Evig's room booking systems, like Evoko Naso and Liso, are easy to set up and usually work immediately. If the problem continues, Evig can help you troubleshoot.

Double Bookings Are Happening

Double bookings mean two people have booked the same room at the same time. It can mess up your meeting plans.


What to do: Check if the system is synced with your calendar. If the sync isn't working, bookings will not show up correctly. Evig, one of the best audio visual companies in Dubai, offers room booking systems that sync smoothly with calendars like Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365. If needed, Evig can help ensure everything is connected properly.

Wrong Info Showing on the Screen

Sometimes, the display of the meeting room booking system shows the wrong details. It can display wrong information like it may say the room is free when it's actually booked, or it may show old meetings.


What to do: This is usually a syncing problem. Try restarting the system or refreshing the screen. Also, check if there are any software updates available. Evig's systems, like Evoko Naso and Liso, are updated regularly to ensure they work perfectly.

The System is Slow

If the Meeting Room Booking System is slow, it can be frustrating. You might miss your chance to book a room on time.


What to do: Check if too many devices are connected to the Wi-Fi. You can also try restarting the system to speed it up. Evig's systems are built to work fast, but their support team is always ready to help if you have any issues.

Can't Cancel a Booking

Sometimes, you might need to cancel a booking, but the system won't let you do it.


What to do: Check if you have the right permissions to cancel the booking. If you do, but it still doesn't work, restart the system. Evig's Evoko systems make cancelling bookings easy, and if you run into trouble, Evig can assist you.

Touchscreen Not Working

It can be frustrating if the touchscreen outside the meeting room isn't responding.


What to do: Start by cleaning the screen. Dust or smudges can make it hard for the screen to respond. If cleaning doesn't help, restart the system. Evig can offer help if the problem continues, or they can replace the device if needed.

Error Messages Pop Up

Error messages can be confusing and annoying when trying to book a room quickly.


What to do: Restart the system to clear any minor glitches. If the errors keep coming up, check if the system needs a software update. Evig ensures that its systems are updated regularly to prevent errors from popping up.

Get Help from Evig

If you've tried everything and the problem still isn't fixed, don't worry. Evig, one of the best audio visual companies in Dubai, is there to help. They provide excellent product support, including the Evoko Naso and Liso Room Managers. If you need help, Evig can guide you through the troubleshooting steps or give a quick fix.



A Meeting Room Booking System is valuable for keeping your office organized, but sometimes problems arise. Luckily, these problems are easy to fix. Simple solutions are often all you need, whether it's a connection issue, double booking, or touchscreen problem.


And if you need more help, Evig, one of the best audio visual companies in Dubai, is always ready to assist. With their support, your meeting room system will keep running smoothly, ensuring your meetings stay on track.




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