Best Depression Symptoms & Sign from mindcelebrations's blog

Depression is a common mental health condition that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and changes in how you think, sleep, eat and act. There are several different types. Depression is treatable — usually with talk therapy, medication or both. Seeking medical help as soon as you have symptoms is essential. It’s normal to feel sad about or grieve over difficult life situations, such as losing your job or a divorce. But depression is different in that it persists practically every day for at least two weeks and involves other symptoms than sadness alone. There are several types of depressive disorders. Clinical depression, or major depressive disorder, is often just called “depression.” It’s the most severe type of depression - depression symptoms and sign.

Depression can affect anyone including children and adults. Women and people assigned female at birth are more likely to have depression than men and people assigned male at birth. Having certain risk factors makes it more likely that you may develop depression. For example, the following conditions are associated with higher rates of depression. The symptoms of depression can vary slightly depending on the type and can range from mild to severe - symptoms for depression.

Healthcare providers diagnose depression based on a thorough understanding of your symptoms, medical history and mental health history. They may diagnose you with a specific type of depression, such as seasonal affective disorder or postpartum depression, based on the context of your symptoms. To receive a diagnosis of depression, you must have five depression symptoms every day, nearly all day, for at least two weeks. Your provider may order medical tests, such as blood tests, to see if any underlying medical conditions are causing your depressive symptoms. For more information, please visit our site


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By mindcelebrations
Added Dec 18 '24


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