Importance of DPF Cleaning from golzol's blog

We provide professional testing, cleaning and regeneration of all exhaust filters for automotives, commercial, plant and agricultural vehicles. Regular cleaning of exhaust filters improves engine performance and reduce future damage and costs – and we can do it all at our dedicated workshop. We offer a professional DPF filter cleaning service that regenerates and repairs exhaust filters. What sets us apart is the technology we use within this service. In fact, our regeneration process achieves of the original condition of the filter, with certified results. Our technology is different from any other as it allows us to regenerate a wide range of units - Engine Carbon Cleaning.

There are two types of filters – one with an additive, and one without but for a vehicle to operate without an additive, it must be placed close to the engine. Regular maintenance and cleaning of a DPF is crucial to keep the filter clear, flush out soot and debris and reduce the chances of a blockage – which could cause further mechanical issues with the engine down the line - Diesel particulate filter system.

Understanding what is blocking your DPF requires experience. Soot and ash are commonly found in a DPF but as they are different materials, they need to be dealt with differently. Regeneration is typically used to remove soot, which is burnt by the process. For ash, as it’s incombustible, it can only be removed through professional cleaning of the DPF. We use a flash cleaning technology which is different to any other cleaning solution on the market as it allows us to clean all kinds of particulate filters and selective catalytic reduction units (SCR) used in cars buses, trucks and plant vehicles.

DPF’s are an important element of a diesel engine and failure to regularly clean or replace blocked exhaust filters can result in poor engine performance, an increase in fuel consumption and therefore money. and it can cause engine management warnings. All of these things combined can result in not only a large and expensive repair bill, but downtime of your vehicle. If your engine is within a commercial vehicle this can have massive repercussions on your operational productivity. For more information, please visit our site

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By golzol
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