add this contact from marvelflex's blog

 Let's assume that the philanthropist who you first met is one of your top donors. It's an excellent idea to include her to your list of contacts. For instance, you could add this contact

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 You can offer your entire group exclusive deals to build the bonds of friendship by joining a group dubbed VIP Donors.

 You can work smarter if you plan an exhibition in conjunction with all artists who are participating in the show at the same time and adding more.

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 Notifications to follow-up on certain artists concerning shipping deadlines, loans agreements or special events, like openings or lectures.

 Find quickly the most important details

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 If you give a gift it is automatically recorded by the system the donor and classes them as an "Donor" within your account. This allows you to sort through

 Contact people who have donated art to your organization.

 Same applies to registering sales at benefit auctions. Artwork Archive automatically labels the buyer as a "Client" whenever you register the sale transaction. This lets you monitor and control your transactions.

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 You can easily monitor this vital population.

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By marvelflex
Added Dec 6 '21




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