RAILBUS .. Green Low-cost Mass Transportation System from yaydohorku's blog

RAILBUS Inc., a start-up company incorporated in Delaware developed a new generation of the railbus as a green low-cost mass transportation system powered by solar energy.

The RAILBUS is developed based on small, driverless vehicles efficiently navigating a network of interconnecting tracks. Off-line stations, ondemand operation, comfort and convenience are all features of the system

RAILBUS is one of the world’s most advanced fully automated, fully networkable, intermediate public transit technologies.

An end-to-end 100% congestion free elevated rail network. Built entirely with ultra-light non-corrosive composite materials RAILBUS rail is quick and non-disruptive to build. RAILBUS rail has these extraordinary features.

RAILBUS vehicles engineered from top to bottom with high strength low weight components and modules. Packed with the latest technologies to maximize safety and efficiency while minimizing energy and maintenance costs.

Unlike other infrastructure projects, RAIL BUS is fundable, with multiple revenue streams which attract many regional and international financial institutions who have already intimated their support for RAIL BUS in any country.

RAIL BUS is more than a great transportation solution, it is a self-supporting system that creates jobs while providing multiple revenue streams.


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