Are cast iron pumps more corrosion resistant than stainless steel Submerged pumps? from luolintec's blog

  Are cast iron pumps more resistant to corrosion than stainless steel submerged pumps? This is not entirely true. Corrosion resistance mainly depends on the specific chemical properties of the conveyed medium.

  For example, in sulfuric acid transportation, the corrosion resistance of cast iron pump is indeed higher than that of stainless steel Submerged pump, but in the transportation of weak acid, weak alkali and salt medium, the corrosion resistance of stainless steel Submerged pump is better than that of cast iron pump. Pump bodies of different materials have different corrosion resistance to different media. It cannot simply be said which material has better corrosion resistance. Generally speaking, the corrosion resistance of stainless steel is higher than that of cast iron. Since cast iron is cheaper than stainless steel, when the conveying medium has little corrosion resistance to the two materials, cast iron is usually selected.

  The material characteristics of stainless steel Submerged pump are:

  1. Corrosion resistance

  The stainless steel Submerged pump has strong corrosion resistance and is very strong and durable. Therefore, the material can be used in various working environments. Most stainless steel Submerged pumps are high quality steel castings made of high strength materials. Therefore, stainless steel Submerged pump also has stainless steel corrosion resistance, when using a pump made of this material, you do not have to worry about the pump being affected by the external environment. This is also why stainless steel is stainless steel. Steel pumps for different working conditions

  2. Good value for money

  The price of stainless steel Submerged pump is also competitive in similar pump products. It not only has a high cost performance, but also has characteristics that other types of pumps do not have. Therefore, the stainless steel Submerged pump is a cost-effective pump product

  3. long lasting

  The quality of the stainless steel Submerged pump is also very good compared to other pumps. The failure rate of later use is very low, and the later maintenance is also very simple. As long as the pump is maintained during normal operation, the maintenance time of the pump is very long, which can meet the requirements of users for long-term use.

  stainless steel Submerged pump

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By luolintec
Added Feb 23 '22



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