In addition RLCS X will see the creation of the RLCS X Games from dakunlee's blog

In addition, RLCS X will see the creation of Rocket League Prices  the RLCS X Games: North American Regional to be able to take place online on January 23-24 and January 30-31. This nearby is each an professional a part of the RLCS X circuit and an legit X Games Aspen occasion where the top North American teams will compete against every different, with the winning team earning RLCS X Games medals. 

The RLCS X Games can be available at the Rocket League Item Prices ESPN App and stay on Twitch and YouTube beginning at 10 a.M. PT beginning on January 23.  Viewers can even have a threat to earn new X Games Fan Rewards  in the event that they music-in on Twitch at some stage in the RLCS X Games.

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