Pick a jersey Islanders Stadium Series or Senators from seestyle's blog

The New Danielle Hunter Jersey York Islanders (officially) and Ottawa Senators (unofficially) released the jerseys they'll wear for their respective outdoor games.The Isles will wear that for their Stadium Series game at Yankee Stadium on Jan. 29. Ottawa is playing in the Heritage Cla sic Paul Krause Jersey on March 2 against the Vancouver Canucks.A few thoughts on each:Islanders: 1) Points for making the "chrome logo" look Minnesota Vikings Hats le s than stupid. 2) It should replace the current black jerseys immediately. Retroactively, if po sible. Like, photoshop all existing evidence. 3) The white nameplate is outstanding. 4) John Ben Ellefson Jersey Tavares could have a Zoolander-esque second career ahead of himself. 4) Deduction for eliminating the actual map of Long Island. 5) Seriously, replace the black jerseys.Senators: 1) It's basically the inversion of their current black alternates, which is fine. 2) That's it. Pretty boring.Winner Andrew Booth Jr. Jersey : Islanders. Replace the black jerseys.

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By seestyle
Added Sep 3 '22


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