Pretty girl adult sex dolls recent evolution from Yaled's blog

Evolution of adult sex dolls

Lover dolls are pretty real now, aren't they?

However, Bishoujo Love Doll was not so delicate at first. The lover doll, born as a tool for human masturbation, is said to have been born during World War II. Judging from various circulating materials, Hitler may be called "the facilitator of the birth of the love doll" to some extent.

In the late '80s, conjoined sex dolls appeared. At this time, the dolls began to approach the direction of the simulation. In the beginning, the whole body of the doll was stiff and sharp! Moreover, its posture is fixed and single, which cannot fully meet the diverse needs of various groups of people.

To overcome these shortcomings, a prototype of an animatronic or composite electric hip sex doll was developed in the early 1990s. Every part of this doll's body can be disassembled and assembled, so it can be put into different poses to meet the pose needs of different people. It also makes the face more beautiful and meets some aesthetic needs.

In the late 1990s, the bone performance, skin quality, and facial features of sex dolls were greatly improved. Japan began to experiment with making dolls with artificial bones. We hope that its posture can become more flexible and changeable, giving users a more realistic feeling. However, it is extremely difficult to achieve this. After all, the human body has complex bone and joint structures and flexible movements, which are difficult to imitate.

In addition, people began to use advanced medical non-toxic soft silicone or TPE materials to make adult sex dolls. These materials are more flexible to the touch. By attaching batteries to the love doll, you can keep the "body temperature" at 37 degrees Celsius for a period of time, so you can cuddle it!

Today's beautiful wholesale sex dolls can simulate real people's breathing, body temperature, and even the release of bodily fluids!

Future dolls may be able to recognize the user, flirt with the user, play sexual games, and react differently to the user's different poses and positions!

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