Common types of cancer in Indian women from dr murali's blog

Best Cancer Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Murali Subramanian

A lot of women in India have approached me to give information regarding cancers that are most common in Indian women particularly. I hope after reading to this blogs more women will be aware of the symptoms of these types of cancer and take steps to prevent it with best cancer doctor in Kalyan Nagar

There are 5 most common types of cancerin Indian women . But these life-threatening cancers can be prevented if detected and treated at an early stage. It is important to go for annual cancer screenings. This would help reduce the mortality rate and also improve the quality of life of the patient after cancer treatment.

Cancer in Women | Best Cancer Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Murali SubramanianCancer in Women | Best Cancer Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Murali Subramanian

The 5 most common cancers affecting India women to be aware of:

1. Breast Cancer

It is the most common cancer affecting women in India. It accounts for more than 25% of all cancers. 1 in 26 Indian women could develop breast cancer. In the rural areas, the number is on a lower side but in the cities it is about 1 in 20 women. Women of any age can develop this cancer.


  1. Inward turned nipples

  2. Lump in one or both the armpits or breasts

  3. Soreness & discharge in the nipples

  4. Discharge from nipples

  5. Change in the shape and size of the nipples or breasts


  1. A woman with a family medical history of breast cancer needs to be more cautious .Remember that it is easier to treat breast cancer if diagnosed at an early stage. It is important for women over the age of 40 years to go for mammograms.

  2. It is important to self-examine to feel the lumps or any other abnormalities in the breasts. Every woman must check for any variation in size or shape of the breasts. If you feel there is something abnormal, you must consult a doctor immediately. You must do self-examination once every month.

2. Cervical Cancer

It is the second most common cancer found in Indian women. Cervical cancer accounts for about 20% of all cancer cases in Indian women. In this case, rural women are at more risk of suffering from cervical cancer than urban women. This is more common in sexually active women. Cervical cancer is most commonly caused due to the presence of Human papillomavirus or HPV, which is a sexually transmitted infection. Other causes of cervical cancer include tobacco , AIDS, poor nutrition, genital infection,weak immune system, multiple sexual partners, long term use of contraceptive pills.


Unfortunately, in its early stages, cervical cancer does not show any symptom. However, with the advancement of cancer, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. Vaginal discharge

  2. Pain during sex

  3. Abnormal vaginal bleeding during sex, after menopause or between periods


  1. Practice safe sex to lower the risk of infection and getting this cancer.

  2. Avoid smoking to prevent cervical cancer.

  3. Go for PAP tests and follow up with the doctor.

  4. It can also be prevented by getting vaccinated for certain HPV infections. It is advisable not to use birth control pills for a long time to prevent cancer of the cervix.

  5. Maintain healthy body weight and eat a healthy diet with more organic fruits and vegetables.

3. Oral and Lip Cancer

It is one of the most common cancers affecting Indian women. Women over the age of 50 years are more prone to oral cancer.


  1. Small lump inside the oral cavity

  2. Erosion surrounding the gums and lip

  3. Loss of sensation inside the mouth

  4. Abnormal patches in the mouth or throat

  5. Bad breath and loosening of teeth

  6. Problems in speech

  7. Severe and unexpected weight loss

  8. Painful sores


1.Maintain proper oral hygiene and visit a dentist regularly. Also you can conduct a self-examination of the mouth.

2. Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco and eat cancer-fighting foods.

Ovarian Cancer | Best Cancer Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Murali SubramanianOvarian Cancer | Best Cancer Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Murali Subramanian

4. Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer mostly affects women when they are above 50 years. Ovarian cancer usually affects those women who never had children or those who had children after 30 years of age. Moreover, women with a family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, are more prone to this cancer.


  1. Pelvic pain

  2. Digestive problems & abdominal swelling

  3. A sense to urinate all the time


Regular health examinations and relevant tests can help.

5. Colorectal or Colon Cancer

Women with a family history of colon cancer or suffering from inflammatory bowel disease are more at risk of developing colon cancer. Other causes are obesity high-fat foods, being inactive, and smoking. Women between the age group of 40 and 45 years are mostly affected.


  1. Fatigue

  2. Abnormal weight loss

  3. Abdominal  cramping

  4. Blood in the stool

  5. Rectal bleeding

  6. Change in bowel movements like constipation, diarrhoea


  1. Make healthy lifestyle changes and start eating healthy foods that include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

  2. Also, you can start taking Vitamin D and calcium supplements after consultation with your doctor.

  3. Maintain a healthy weight, limit alcohol consumption and no smoking could reduce the risk of colon cancer.

  4. Limit the intake of red meat and exercise in order to prevent colon cancer.


Data shows that cancer is increasing in Indian women .Going for cancer screening once a year after the age of 35 is highly recommended to detect and getting treatment for this disease at an early stage with best medical oncologist in Kalyan nagar.

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By dr murali
Added Jul 3 '23



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