Opana ER is available in many strengths; you can easilyorder Opana ER onlineand use it as per your doctor's guidelines. However, it is always advisable to take care of all the necessary precautions while using the medicine.
Opana ER dosagewill vary from patient to patient. Your doctor will examine you properly and recommend the minimum possible Opana ER dose to determine suitable dosages.
Opana ER dosage will depend on certain factors such as:
Age and weight of the patients
How you responded to the first dose of the medicine
The typical Opana ER dose will be as follows:
Dosage for treating pain (moderate to severe)In the form of extended-release tablets
For adults
5 mg of the medicineafter every 12 hours or as and when required
For children
Using Opana ER for treating patients younger than 18 years is not safe.
In the form of oral tablets
For adults
10 mg to 20 mgof the medicine after every four to six hours or as and when required
For children
Using Opana ER for treating patients younger than 18 yearsis not safe.
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