Distribution of dividends for Baazim Trading Trading shares from doaausef3li's blog

Distribution of dividends for Baazim Trading Trading shares

The Board of Directors of Baazeem Trading Company announced its recommendation to distribute cash dividends for the year 2021 to shareholders. The value of the cash dividends distributed amounts to 17.72 million Saudi riyals divided into 10.13 million Baazeem shares, at 1.75 Saudi riyals per share, which represents 17.5% of the basic value of the share. The company also announced that the cash distributions will be entitled to shareholders who own shares and are registered in the company’s register of shareholders, which is located at the deposit center.

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The company also pointed out that the dividends that will be transferred to non-resident shareholder investors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and which the company will pay to them will be subject to a withholding tax of 5% when transferring or depositing the profits in the shareholders’ bank accounts, in implementation of the provisions of Article 68 of the Tax Law. Income.

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By doaausef3li
Added Jun 25 '24


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