Buy Premium quality of cashew nuts by expotersway from EXPORTERS's blog
Cashew nuts are kidney-shaped seeds that are commonly consumed as a snack or used in
cooking and baking. Cashew nuts are native to northeastern Brazil but are now
grown in various tropical regions around the world, including India, Vietnam,
Nigeria, and Ivory Coast They are nutrient-dense, containing good amounts of
healthy fats, protein, and various vitamins and minerals. However, they are
also calorie-dense, so portion control is important. Consuming cashew nuts in
moderation may contribute to heart health due to their healthy fat content
(monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats). They also provide essential
nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Cashew nuts can be enjoyed
roasted and salted as a snack, used in cooking (such as in stir-fries or
curries), or ground into a creamy paste (cashew butter) used in vegan cooking
as a dairy substitute. Cashew nuts are harvested from cashew apples, which are
not commonly consumed themselves but can be used to make beverages or jams. The
nuts are processed to remove the toxic shell and are then roasted, salted, or
used in various culinary preparations Some individuals may have allergies to
cashew nuts, which can cause severe reactions. Cross-reactivity with other nuts
is also possible
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