Indian Ethnic Jewelry from manekratna's blog

We specialize in jewelry for everyone. Looking for something western, for a vacation or travel? Want something Indian with a contemporary touch? Looking to buy for a destination wedding without blowing up your bank account? Jewellery for us speaks for people and enhances their personality. We ensure that our unique designs keep you updated with the latest fashion trends and make a statement wherever you go. We aim to make trendy & high quality jewellery affordable and be the one stop solution for everyone's jewellery needs. Our passion for jewellery shows in our designs where each piece is carefully crafted & has a fervour of different colours - south indian imitation jewellery online shopping.

We know how appealing Indian jewellery can be. It's more than just decoration; it celebrates cultural heritage, a colourful fabric woven with history, meaning, and skill. Choosing the right pieces of ethnic jewellery can be challenging, whether you're an experienced collector or just starting. Indian jewellery is beautiful because it comes in so many different styles. There is a wide range of jewellery styles, from the classic beauty of temple jewellery to the modern style of fusion jewellery and the trendy appeal of fancy artificial jewellery. Take a look at the main groups below.

 Temple jewellery is traditional and based on the intricate designs and sacred symbols in temple buildings. Think of heavy gold necklaces with valuable stones, fancy headpieces, and fancy armlets - temple jewellery pendant. They were usually worn at religious events, but modern versions of gold-plated metal or hand-crafted brass make them suitable for fun events. Kundan jewellery looks royal because it has bright jewels in a molten lac bed. Its sparkle can make anything look more fancy, from tiny earrings to long chains that make a statement. For an extra pop of colour, look for Kundan pieces with Meenakari work (enamel painting). Similar to Kundan jewelry, Polki jewelry has raw diamonds set in gold foil. The raw diamonds give it a unique, rustic look, and the gold setting makes them shine even brighter. Kundan jewelry is often worn with Polki jewelry to create a truly royal look. For more information, please visit our site

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