Diablo 4: Unlocking the Power of the Seneschal Construct in Season of the Construct from JENNIECALL's blog

Diablo 4’s Season of the Construct introduces a fascinating new feature: the Seneschal Construct, a mechanical spider companion that can both damage enemies and heal your character. This robotic helper is an incredibly versatile tool, enhancing your gameplay in ways similar to a Necromancer’s minions, but with added complexity thanks to the Governing and Tuning Stones system. These stones work much like Path of Exile’s skill gems, allowing you to fine-tune your Seneschal’s abilities for maximum impact. Here’s how to unlock this construct, modify its abilities, and craft the perfect build for your Seneschal companion in Season 6.

How to Unlock the Seneschal Construct

The Seneschal Construct becomes available after completing the "The Ennead" quest, which is unlocked through "A Suppurated Wound" in Kehjistan. This quest is part of the seasonal journey, which opens up after completing or skipping the Diablo 4 campaign. Once you unlock the Seneschal Construct, it will accompany your character throughout the season, offering both offensive and defensive support.

The Seneschal Construct behaves similarly to the Necromancer's minions: it sticks close to you, draws aggro from enemies, and automatically attacks targets on screen. As your character grows stronger, so will the construct, scaling its damage output based on your character’s power and the Governing Stones you equip.

Understanding Governing and Tuning Stones

The true power of the Seneschal Construct lies in the Governing and Tuning Stones. These stones function like skill gems in Path of Exile, offering deep customization for your companion’s skills.

  • Governing Stones are the main skills your Seneschal will use, and they come in three types: Melee, Ranged, and Utility. Each Governing Stone offers different effects, such as damage-dealing attacks or buffs that enhance your character’s performance.

  • Tuning Stones augment the Governing Stones. They can modify skills in various ways, such as reducing cooldowns, increasing damage, or adding extra effects like taunting enemies or applying on-hit effects. To use these stones, open your inventory and navigate to the Seneschal Construct tab, where you’ll find sockets for both types of stones.

It’s crucial to pair Governing and Tuning Stones that share compatible tags, such as Cooldown or Damage, to ensure the stones work synergistically. Each Governing Stone can support up to three Tuning Stones, so there’s plenty of room to tailor your construct’s abilities.

Best Governing and Tuning Stones to Use

While Seneschal Constructs can deal damage, they are primarily designed for utility. They’re not meant to replace your primary damage dealer but instead serve as valuable support. That said, certain Governing Stones can trigger powerful utility effects, especially in endgame content.

  • Best Governing Stones:

    • Flash of Adrenaline: Grants your character a damage boost (up to 100% uptime with proper support).
    • Reconstruct: Provides a constant healing source, useful for sustain during long fights.
    • Tempest: Great for applying on-hit effects like Mockery when combined with the Arcing Tuning Stone, hitting multiple enemies at once.
  • Top Tuning Stones:

    • Tactical and Duration: Essential for maintaining 100% uptime on Flash of Adrenaline.
    • Arcing: This allows Tempest to chain attacks, hitting up to 12 enemies—perfect for spreading taunts and debuffs.
    • Taunting: Helps the construct draw aggro, keeping enemies focused on it and off your character.
    • Genesis: Increases the effectiveness of skills, like boosting Flash of Adrenaline’s damage buff by 2.5x.

Recommended Seneschal Construct Build

The Flash of Adrenaline skill is the heart of the Seneschal Construct build. It provides a 25% multiplicative damage buff, and when paired with Genesis, Tactical, and Duration, it becomes an incredibly powerful tool, offering a 50% permanent damage boost. This setup is perfect for enhancing your character’s overall damage output while your Seneschal supports you in battle.

Since you can’t equip the same Tuning Stone more than once, it’s crucial to pair Flash of Adrenaline with Tempest as your second skill. Use the Arcing Tuning Stone to ensure it hits multiple enemies, triggering Mockery and Efficiency. This combo taunts enemies and increases your critical hit chance by 15% on affected targets.

Overall, this build focuses on maximizing the damage buff provided by Flash of Adrenaline, while your Seneschal constructs help taunt enemies and apply critical chance debuffs for maximum effect.

Conclusion: Embrace the Power of the Seneschal Construct

The Seneschal Construct offers an exciting new layer of customization for  diablo 4 runes sale, players in Season of the Construct. Whether you’re looking to maximize damage output or enhance your survivability, this mechanical companion provides powerful tools to complement your build.

With the right Governing and Tuning Stones, the Seneschal Construct can become a formidable ally in both PVE and PVP content. If you haven’t unlocked your mechanical spider yet, get started with the "A Suppurated Wound" quest and begin experimenting with different builds to discover the perfect synergy for your playstyle.

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