Build a Psychologically Safe Workplace from mindcelebrations's blog

Psychological safety is a phenomenon that allows and sparks interpersonal risk-taking within teams. It encourages group members to offer opinions, suggest ideas, ask questions, raise concerns, speak up, and admit mistakes without fearing negative consequences. By definition, psychological safety makes employees feel safe speaking up, taking risks, and making mistakes at work—all of which can increase their satisfaction, innovation, and performance. Psychological safety’s importance extends further. In Dynamic Teaming, Edmondson explains that it’s critical to managing dynamic teams - psychological safety at workplace.

Dynamic teams have fluid membership and may gather in the moment across industries, functions, time zones, and languages without proper preparation to navigate ever-shifting circumstances and tasks. A critical part of fostering psychological safety is requesting employee input. Until it becomes an ingrained part of your team’s culture, they may hesitate to provide feedback unless explicitly asked - psychological safety at work.

When soliciting their opinions, explain why doing so matters. Make it clear that a team in which they share their thoughts on everything from strategic decisions to brainstorming new ideas—provides a diversity of perspectives, opportunities for discussion, and chances to innovate and break from the status quo. Once your team provides thoughts, respond productively. Even if you don’t agree or like someone’s idea, ensure they know you appreciate that they shared it. Refrain from shutting down ideas right away; instead, use them as starting points for group discussion and new ideas.

If you use the psychological safety scale, revisit it periodically to track whether your efforts are yielding the culture you want. You can also regularly solicit feedback from employees in a one-on-one setting about how they feel about the team culture and adjust accordingly. If you’re courageous enough, you can unleash your team’s full potential by cultivating a culture that values open communication, sharing ideas, supportive discussions, and growing from mistakes. For more information, please visit our site

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By mindcelebrations
Added Dec 18 '24


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