Does the cell phone signal blocker have radiation? from dojammer's blog

There is no need to avoid the radiation hazard of cell phone signal blockers. Like cell phones,cell phone signal blockers do have certain radiation.

The working principle of cell phone signal blockers is similar to that of cell phones. For example, the chip it uses is the same as that ofcell phones, and it also emits electromagnetic signals. Therefore, like cell phones, it will also produce certain radiation to the human body. Will all intensities of electromagnetic radiation endanger human health? The degree of harm to the human body caused by cell phone signal blockers cannot be cut off in one size fits all. It is related to the length of time the instrument is turned on and the individual's physical condition. In fact, the national safety value of electromagnetic radiation intensity (i.e. field strength) is clearly stipulated.


The national regulations mentioned here are the "Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Regulations" (GB8702-88) approved by the State Environmental Protection Administration on March 11, 1988 and implemented on June 1 of the same year. The regulations stipulate the safety values ​​of electromagnetic radiation exposure for both occupational and public groups. For the public, for electromagnetic radiation with a frequency range of 30-3000MHz, the average field strength cannot be greater than 0.4 watts/square meter in any continuous 6 minutes in 24 hours a day.

Formal companies with production licenses have all produced cell phone jammers that have been inspected by relevant departments, and the radiation intensity is within the safety range specified by the state. Generally,cell phone signal jammers suitable for smaller spaces such as classrooms and conference rooms are not large in power, and there are strict regulations on the installation location. For example, on the wall behind the classroom corridor and the podium, the distance from the human body is usually more than 2-3 meters, which has reduced the harm of electromagnetic radiation to the human body to the safety value range. For small spaces, you must not blindly introduce high-power jammers (shielding range greater than 50M radius) for laziness and saving. "The electromagnetic field strength of high-power cell phone signal jammers is also strong, and a longer distance is required to enter the safe range.

The practice of making a one-size-fits-all judgment on the degree of harm of jammers has made regular jammer manufacturers quite indignant. Radiation and harm to the human body are two different things, how can they be equated? Just like cell phones, microwave ovens, and televisions all have radiation, and some of the field strengths are quite strong, but outside a certain range and within a certain period of time, this harm can be ignored and will not cause irreparable damage to the human body. Therefore, these products are widely used in society and have not been abandoned.

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