It's important for one to learn not just words on their own, but also common terms and phrases when learning a new language. Today, we're going to be looking at the word lack of confidence, which is useful to many varieties of culture.


Lack of confidence meaning in Hindi

Lack of confidence in English is equivalent to आत्मविश्वासकीकमीin Hindi. Let's explore it.

  • आत्मविश्वासmeans self-confidence.
  • कीis a possessive particle, equivalent to of.
  • कमीmeans lack or shortage.

The detailed translation of the lack of confidence is आत्मविश्वासकीकमी. It's a term for a situation or emotion in which a person has self-doubt about their skills or generally feels uneasy about choices they've made.


Lack of confidence meaning in Hindi with Example

English: Her lack of confidence stops her from trying new things.

Hindi: उसकेअंदरकेआत्मविश्वासकीकमीउसेनईचीजेंआजमानेसेरोकतीहै।


English: A lack of confidence can be a barrier in career advancement.

Hindi: करियरमेंतरक्कीकेलिएआत्मविश्वासकीकमीएकबाधाहोसकतीहै।



Understanding phrases like lack of confidence and their translations like आत्मविश्वासकीकमीin Hindi enriches our language skills and helps in better expression and communication. Recognition and overcoming a lack of confidence is a critical part of personal growth, whether it's for personal growth, professional growth, or effective social interaction.

The journey of learning English and translating it to Hindi often involves encountering phrases that have a lot of meaning and context. Self-criticism is a phrase that is often used. Understanding this term in Hindi requires not only a direct translation, but also an understanding of its context.


Self-Criticism Meaning in English

A system of considering yourself is self-criticism. It is necessary to examine your own behaviors, ideas, and emotions. However, when this inquiry is beneficial depends on how it is treated.


Self-Criticism Meaning in Hindi

Self-Criticism is known as आत्म-आलोचना in Hindi. आत्म denotes the self-interest, whereas आलोचना denotes review or examination. Thus, the idea of analyzing ourselves is expressed by आत्म-आलोचना.


Self-Criticism Meaning in Hindi with Example

English: After the presentation, she engaged in self-criticism, analyzing what she could have done better.

Hindi: प्रस्तुतीकरण के बाद, उसने आत्म-आलोचना की, विश्लेषण करते हुए कि वह क्या बेहतर कर सकती थी।


English: Self-criticism is essential for personal growth, but it should be constructive and not harsh.

Hindi: आत्म-आलोचना व्यक्तिगत विकास के लिए आवश्यक है, लेकिन इसे रचनात्मक होना चाहिए, कठोर नहीं।


By comprehending the significance of expressions such as Self Criticism in different dialects, we can enhance our perspective and language abilities. Self-Criticism is known as आत्म-आलोचनाin Hindi. Learning the meaning and use of both terms can be achieved by following the examples given.

Discover the meaning of Up to the Mark in Hindi. Understand this English phrase with examples and its application in Hindi language. In this guide, we'll explore the meaning of Up to The Mark in Hindi, complete with examples to enhance your understanding.


What Does Up to the Mark Mean?

Up to The Mark is a common English term that describes something that meets the required standards or expectations. It implies that something is sufficient or meets a standard.


Up to the Mark Meaning in Hindi

The Hindi translations of Up to The Mark are मानककेअनुरूप and उम्मीदपरखराउतरना. This usage relates to fulfilling goals or rules.


Up to the Mark Meaning in Hindi with Example

English: The performance of the team was not up to the mark.

Hindi: टीम का प्रदर्शन मानक के अनुरूप नहीं था।


English:Her research work is certainly up to the mark.



Conclusion Hindi or English learners must master the expression Up to The Mark and its meaning in the language. It expands your vocabulary and helps you understand the little distinctions between the two languages properly.

Welcome to EnglishToHindis you Destination to learning English to Hindi. The English word rigorous has a few different meanings in Hindi depending on the context.


Rigorous Meaning in Hindi

कठोर- This is the most common meaning of rigorous in Hindi. Kathor means strict, stern, harsh, or unrelenting.

तीव्र- Another meaning of rigorous is intense, acute, or severe. Tivr implies something that is done with force and vigor.

कड़ा- Rigorous can also mean strict, stern and demanding when translated as kada in Hindi.


Rigorous Meaning in Hindi with Example

English - The teacher was known for his rigorous teaching methods.

Hindi - शिक्षककेलिएउसकीकठोरशिक्षणविधियाँजानीजातीथीं।

English - She underwent rigorous training for months before the marathon.

Hindi - मैराथनसेपहलेउसनेमहीनोंतकतीव्रप्रशिक्षणलिया।

English - The regulations for the exam are very rigorous.

Hindi - परीक्षाकेलिएनियमकाफीकड़ेहैं।


Conclusion In conclusion, the aim of this article was to explain the different Hindi meanings and usages of the English word rigorous. We have seen how terms like kathor, tivr and kada can be used to translate rigorous into Hindi depending on the context. The example sentences have clarified the usage of these words. This article will help in understanding the nuances of this word and using it appropriately.

Welcome to EnglishToHindis, your reliable resource for translating from English to Hindi. We're going to examine the definition of reliable in Hindi now and provide examples to help you get it better.

Reliable Meaning in English

In English, the term reliable serves to characterize someone or something that can be believed and is regularly of high quality or successful. It's a characteristic that's usually desired in individuals, resources, and knowledge.

Reliable Meaning in Hindi

In Hindi, विश्वसनीयmeans reliable.

Reliable Meaning in Hindi with Example

English: He is a reliable worker, always completing tasks on time.

Hindi: वहएकविश्वसनीयकार्यकर्ताहै, हमेशासमयपरकार्यपूराकरताहै।

English: For accurate information, it's important to consult a reliable source.

Hindi: सटीकजानकारीकेलिए, एकविश्वसनीयस्रोतसेपरामर्शकरनामहत्वपूर्णहै।


Your ability to communicate bilingually may be greatly enhanced by knowing the definition of reliable and how to translate it into Hindi, विश्वसनीय. It is quite helpful to become familiar with these terms and how they are used in phrases, whether you are studying Hindi or English.

A common word in discussions about conventional foods and healthy food is millet, grain that is widely consumed around the world. You've arrived to the correct site if you're wondering what millet mean in Hindi or why it's used for words.


Millet Meaning in Hindi

In Hindi, millet is called बाजरा. This small-seeded grain is known for its rich nutritional profile and is a common ingredient in various traditional Indian dishes.


Millet Meaning in Hindi with Example


Hindi - बाजराएकप्रकारकाअनाजहैजोकिफाइबरमेंसमृद्धहोताहै।

English - Millet is a type of grain that is rich in fiber.


Hindi - मेरीदादीअक्सरबाजरेकीरोटीबनातीहैं।

English - My grandmother often makes millet bread.



Knowing how terms like millet are interpreted in other languages—including Hindi—opens doors to new cultural and literary perspectives. बाजरा, also known as millet, more than just a word—it's a connection to usage, nourishment, and a better way of life.

Presenting EnglishToHindis, the solution for translating English terms into Hindi. We're going to examine the definition of insights and its usage in Hindi now.


What Does Insights Mean?

Insights is a term that describes being able to get fast and thorough understand of a subject or object. It's about gaining a difficult situation or issue with clarity and often without notice. The term can be used in educational, logical, and creative issues.


Insights Meaning in Hindi

Insights meaning in Hindi अंतर्दृष्टि. The term अंतर्दृष्टि refers to a union of the terms अंतर and दृष्टि, which collectively imply a deep inside understanding or education.


Insights Meaning in Hindi with Example


English: Her insights into child psychology are very valuable.

Hindi: बालमनोविज्ञानमेंउसकीअंतर्दृष्टिबहुतमूल्यवानहै।


English: The book provides insights into the country's culture.

Hindi: यहकिताबदेशकीसंस्कृतिकेबारेमेंअंतर्दृष्टिप्रदानकरतीहै।



Having a sense of insights in its Hindi translation, अंतर्दृष्टि, will enable you to appreciate the quiet distinctions and richness of both languages. Continue browsing EnglishToHindis for other Hindi translation and details on English words.

Understanding the Hindi Meaning of the Apprise. We won't just translate; we'll also provide examples and context to give you a clearer picture. This is especially useful for professionals and students who frequently navigate the world of bilingual communication.


What Does Apprise Mean?


Apprise is an English verb that is frequently employed in formal settings. Its meaning is to enlighten or communicate with someone. Transmitting information, frequently of great or particular significance, is the essence of the word.


Apprise Meaning in Hindi


Apprise in Hindi is सूचितकरना. The action of informing or showing someone is also expressed by this verb.


Apprise Meaning in Hindi with example


English: Please apprise me of the current situation.

Hindi: कृपया मुझे वर्तमान स्थिति की सूचना दें।।


English: I wanted to apprise you of the changes in the time table.

Hindi: मैं आपको टाइम टेबल में हुए बदलावों से अवगत कराना चाहता था।


In the end education the Hindi meanings of words like apprise and similar words, सूचितकरना, can aid in dictionary expansion and fluent interaction. Knowing the translated words may be very helpful to a person work in an international environment, language consumers, or anybody simply curious to learn a language.