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The term Hearts and Arrows are derived from H&A, and refers to round brilliant diamonds that have been cut to a very high degree of three-dimensional symmetry, also known as “optical symmetry” or “optical precision”. It is a feature that is specified by the GIA LAB in the certificate.

The Heart Diamond shape is one of the rarest and is currently considered the most popular of all Fancy Diamond shapes. Heart shaped diamonds are a modified version of the Round Diamonds. Because they reflect lots of light, the color of a heart shaped diamond is harder to distinguish than it is in a diamond with a large table, such as an Other Diamonds. Heart Diamonds often cost more than other Fancy Diamonds of the same weight because of Heart Shape cutting.

The European cut diamond is an excellent choice for jewelry. In terms of setting, OEC diamonds look great with settings that feature details and intricate designs, which highlight the beauty of the stone. European diamonds are cut with a focus on clarity rather than shine.

Emerald cut diamond is an attractive diamond shape and is sometimes call to as square emerald cut. It was initially made for emeralds, a popular diamond cut into fancy shaped diamonds. The emerald diamond has long, rectangular facets, and this gives it a sophisticated and eye-catching beauty.

Radiants cut diamonds have the outline of emerald cut diamonds, but they show a far greater shine. They lengthen the finger and come at a bigger discount than round ones, making them a great choice for engagement rings. A very fine-cut sparkle can shine as bright as a round diamond, but it costs much less. Due to their relatively affordable price point, they are also popular for non-engagement jewelry such as diamond studs and pendants.

Most emerald cut diamonds have length-to-width proportions going from 1.30 to 1.50. A proportion of 1.40 is thought of as "ideal". Be that as it may, proportions are subject to individual inclination. A lower proportion ought to be picked for a squarer shape, while for a stretched, more rectangular shape, a higher proportion is ideal.

A elongated cushion cut is like an ordinary cushion cut, yet it has more of a longer, rectangular structure rather than a square shape. Similarly as with the square variant, the corners are adjusted to frame a cushion like shape. Traditional cushion cuts have balanced sides, however with the elongated versions, there are different extent proportions possible.

The cushion cut diamonds combines a square cut with rounded corners. This classic cut has been around for 180–190 years, and was the most popular diamond shape for the first century of its existence. Cushion diamonds are still quite brilliant, but less lustrous than round diamonds.

The Name itself defines this brand that stones directly comes from Canadian Diamond mines and have some of the finest mines in the world. The best thing about these diamonds are that all these diamonds is totally conflict free. The retails customers can also track the full stone details its UIN Number of the stone.

It is a special category that we are offerings to our Customers at a very low price from the Market. These Stones are naturally Brown Shads. But it looks amazing after Ring Mounting. It may be contained in any shape, so the customer is having the open options to choose their shape at the low price rate Diamond.

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