Dolltorso's blog

Think about your basic needs. Surely food, water and oxygen come to mind. Have you thought about human touch? While you won't die without physical touch, it is absolutely necessary for your well-being. In fact, there is a condition that arises when this is lacking. It is called touch hunger. If you suffer from it, you can experience depression, anxiety and stress. This can cause your body to release too much of the stress hormone cortisol, which can affect your physical health.

Unfortunately, many of us are currently experiencing some level of touch hunger due to mandatory social distancing. So what can you do to prevent the negative effects caused by a lack of human touch while still adhering to health protocols? A love doll torso could be the tool you need.

sex toy torso

Silicone and TPE dolls feel like the real thing

sex doll torso used to feel cold and plastic. That is no longer the case. Artists and engineers have done amazing things. Nowadays, sex doll torso are made from scientifically advanced materials like silicone and TPE. Not only do they feel like touching real skin, they can also maintain a warm temperature for a certain amount of time.

sex doll torso are the perfect size and shape

We love vibrators and other sex toys. Still, you can't wrap your arms and legs around a vibrator. You can't spoon with a dildo while you fall asleep. You can do all of these things with a sex doll torso. Even better, you can choose a sex doll torso with a figure that you think is absolutely perfect. For example, a tall and curvy doll like Julia is perfect for someone who wants to snuggle with something soft and feminine.

A sex doll torso can provide important sexual release

High-quality sex doll torso can help with touch hunger by helping you simulate the experience of being touched. The experience won't be identical, but it will certainly help. Now it's time to talk about the main benefit of owning a sex doll torso.

Yes, that benefit is having sex and (ideally!) climaxing. No, human touch and sex are not the same thing. However, enjoying sex can provide similar benefits. Sexual release reduces cortisol levels, helps with relaxation, improves your mood, and causes your body to produce the “love hormone” oxytocin.

sex doll torso can also relieve boredom!

Of course, human contact isn’t the only thing missing these days. Let’s face it, all this isolation and distancing can be exceptionally boring. If you’re feeling restless and uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Maybe you’ve tried filling your time with baking, learning a new language, or exercising.

That’s great! Have you thought about spending some of your free time exploring your sexual fantasies? Think about it. When people have too much time on their hands, they often engage in unhealthy behavior. Having a sex doll torso can help you exercise your body and imagination!

Have you been binge-watching your favorite anime shows? You can create and reenact some fantastic scenarios with one of our fantasy or anime sex doll torso!

Improve your technique for later

Wouldn't you love to be a more experienced, confident lover? Think about it. If you're able to have skin-to-skin contact with others, don't you want the experience to be amazing? This is the perfect time to learn to last longer in bed and improve your sexual technique with your sex doll torso!

Many singles buy torso love dolls, but one day you will find the right partner, and some people want to buy even if they have a lover. I wonder if a love doll torso ruins relationships. Some people think that love torso dolls ruin relationships because they can't accept that they have a love doll torso. However, some people are against torso love dolls ruining relationships. I think it's not the torso love dolls that ruin relationships, but the lack of communication.

In my opinion, it depends on the person! Some people can use it as a spice in life, while others regard it as a taboo.


There is also a view that it should be the person, not the love doll torso, that ruins intimacy. How fun it would be if you could share one thing you like. One is not very interested, and the other is very interested, but if communication is not a secondary option, it will play its due role, which is actually a situation faced by many people.

Booty BBW Life Size Real Dolls Torso

Agreeing points

However, some people think that torso love dolls will make relationships worse. They think that sex is sex and romance is romance. People need to know that they don't have to be interdependent. In fact, the more you stick to the "relationship", the less you have sex. Over time, you and your partner will become closer to your friends.

Why love doll torsos ruin romance:

1. Some people have traditional ideas and cannot accept torso love dolls. Love doll torsos seem to think they are taboo and some people do not talk about sex. If your partner is a traditional person, it may be a good idea to try to convince your partner first.

2. Some people use torso love dolls as partners. Today's torso love dolls are very real and feel very real, with beautiful faces and perfect bodies. It is difficult to see in real life, but because torso sex dolls can do this, some people treat them as real people because they invest too much emotion in them. This will certainly ruin the relationship, but the problem lies with the person, not the love doll torso.

Conclusion: Whether the relationship breaks down depends on the person!

This is not the case for healthy and mature adult relationships. Love torso dolls bring fun to romance, but unfortunately, not everyone can have one. It poses a threat to anxious people, and simply having it can lead to bruxism and doubts about relationships.

If the people involved think this way, it will damage the relationship, and it is safe to assume that the relationship may not be good to begin with.

For people who have a partner, the existence of torso love dolls has no effect on me, and of course I am honest about it. If you are single but want to deepen your relationship with the other person, it is best to get the other person's consent before continuing the relationship.

Like any addiction, a preference for substances can destroy relationships. If a person cannot satisfy it, it is not a substance, but it needs to destroy relationships. Even if you are addicted to toys, alcohol, games, etc., it is not the problem itself, but the fact that you are addicted to it is a destructive factor.

Like liquor, most people can drink it with gusto, but there are also people who can't even finish a drop.

Lover doll torsos can be saved and broken relationships. I think common problems like yours are like this, but as a supplement to life, their essence is to break relationships. No.

In recent years, love doll torso experience centers have opened and capital has entered the love doll torso industry. Initially, the new project was socially unacceptable, and many local police departments closed the shops. With experience centers reported around the world, from Tokyo to London, love doll torso seem to have penetrated the hearts of people in countries and cultures around the world.

So what is so popular about love doll torsos? Is it a temporary trend? Does it provide enough value to society to become a common phenomenon? Let's take a closer look at torso love dolls.

Is the sexual desire of young people declining?

A recent survey of young people (18-32 years old) by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that young people are having less sex than any previous generation. According to statistics, as many as 1% of young people have never had sex in the past year, a significant difference from 12% two years ago.

Female Sex Doll Torso

Teen sexual behavior is changing and has a negative impact on society.

Socioeconomic pressures

When asked why they don't have sex, young people participating in the survey said that economic and social pressures ranked high.

I have hundreds of thousands of yen and millions of yen in debt, and I have many jobs, so I don't have enough time to find a partner. And those who have time and money say they can't find a decent partner in today's social environment.

Especially when I move to a new place where I have no friends, I feel lonely. Working at the minimum wage does not lead to financial stability. Therefore, he said that he will not consider finding a partner or starting a family until he pays off his debts and has enough savings.

Secular society

In the past 70 years, the number of non-religious people has increased by 233%, and nearly 6% of young people said they are no longer tied to religion. As a result, society is now open to new sexual concepts and stories.

It is difficult for young people to find a partner among people who do not share common values ​​or hobbies, and the lack of empathy makes it more difficult to find a partner.

Life plan

Another reason for the asexuality of young people is that these socially conscious people are carefully designed in the future. They realize that in today's economic environment, the cost of having children and the growing consumption level make it impossible for them to have a family.

According to recent reports, it is said that the cost of raising a child is several million yen even without college fees, which is natural considering the economic situation of young people.

So what is the cost of a country with less sex to society? Love doll torsos What use is it for modern people?

Sex is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. When it declines, what are the risks to people's mind, body and spirit?

People who have little or no sex can become moody or dissatisfied with others and suffer from mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.

Love doll torsos can satisfy people's desires without the risk of infection or unexpected financial consequences. With the help of torso love dolls, a person can spend a blank period without a partner.

Love doll torsos will be chosen by young people who lack sex in the future.

Relieve social anxiety

You no longer have to spend time and money on results. Love doll torsos relieve the social pressure to find a partner and let you meet a person's psychological needs without the risk of rejection.

Spend time on other projects

Relationships can take away precious time from life and invest that time in other more productive projects to ensure future security. Imagine doing something more constructive when you are with your torso sex doll.

What can you do with your time? Learn new technologies, analyze investments, you spend time on them. But at least it can meet your original needs and needs? If the answer is no, then it's time to take a closer look at your relationship and decide if you can spend quality time with a love doll torso.

Adjusts Hormonal Balance

Sex is commonplace in a healthy lifestyle. People need sexual liberation to maintain hormonal balance, and as adults, they have an instinct to seek and conquer their opponents. Suppressing these impulses for any reason can lead to hormonal imbalances that affect thoughts and behavior.

Having a real love doll torso in your life allows you to release your desires without having to worry about dealing with emotional situations.

Save Money

You can invest as many times as you want, and you can go on vacation as many times as you want with the money you save. The initial cost of a real doll torso may be high, but considering the cost of dating in modern society, I think it's cheap.

Your Secret Companion

There are many people in society who cannot face the fact that some people may be dating a love doll torso instead of a person.

That's why most manufacturers package and ship them inconspicuously, so that you can hide your love doll torso and it won't be known by any

Feminists and so-called moralists have been creating a stigma about love doll torsos since their inception. Even today, admitting to owning a love doll torso is not socially accepted. One of the rumors used to discredit torso love doll owners is that torso love dolls are unsafe. They claim that these torso sex dolls are poisonous, owning them will hurt oneself, and that it is dangerous to society. In fact, all of these statements are fictitious and none of them are true.

Safe Materials

The first claim about love doll torsos is that they are made of unsafe materials. Critics of torso love dolls say that regular contact with plastic materials is harmful. For example, it was discovered in the last 10 years that when water in PET bottles is left for a long time, nitrites are produced and cause cancer.

What is not mentioned in these claims is that most torso love dolls are made of a thermoplastic elastomer called TPE, which is specially designed by combining silicone with the latest synthesis technology to be a material that is harmless to the human body. ...Manufacturers have been improving this material for many years, hoping to experience the product with free thinking without harming the health of customers.

sex doll torso

Excellent Touch

It is also pointed out that love doll torsos are made of rough materials. The actual real love doll torso feels as good as healthy human skin, or even better. It is made of materials that adjust the composition many times, and it is trimmed and polished after output, which can achieve smooth expression.

Damage resistance

Others claim that love doll torso bones are dangerous to humans because they are made of alloys and may cause some damage. The person who said this may not have bought the torso sex doll, and customers over 10 years have not encountered this problem. There is no guarantee that it was thrown in the car and flew out of the window in an accident, but one customer experienced it personally and the real doll torso was actually worn a little.

Howard Stern was on the air with a love doll torso. Since then, thousands of customers have recognized and started to buy torso love dolls, so his popularity has become a turning point for the sex doll torso.

How do you ensure safety?

Love doll torsos are inherently safe, but as a responsible owner, you need to follow some best practices. Check the quality of the product you buy. There may be some shady companies selling inferior torso sex dolls, which will bring certain risks.

Stable quality

The industry is well regulated, and you can rest assured that you will get what you promised by buying from a reputable online retailer. Using TPE and silicone, you get a high-quality female sex doll torso with a padded skeleton, so you can spend a little money and stay with it for a long time without it losing its shape.

Social anxiety is a devastating mental health problem for many people. Simply put, the fear of being rejected by others can make you feel humiliated, embarrassed, depressed, or defensive.
Social unrest is said to be the third most common mental health problem in the world, and its number is steadily increasing. In short, tens of millions of people around the world suffer every day, but have no way to deal with it.

Because social anxiety is an ongoing problem, some people think that love doll torsos are useful for relieving anxiety. In fact, there are quite a few reports that real doll torsos have improved their mental state to some extent.

Social anxiety can manifest in many ways, the most common of which is meeting strangers. When you have to go on stage to give a speech, or when you have to give a speech in front of a small group of people, you may feel anxious and imagine what will happen when you make a mistake.

sex doll torso

There is also general social anxiety, which affects almost every aspect of a person's life. I always worry about the thought of interacting with others, wondering what other drivers will see, and some people even experience it when driving. If you feel anxious in your daily life, such as at home, at work, or in a parking lot, you may have general social anxiety disorder.

How do I know if I have social anxiety disorder?

Here are some situations that people with social anxiety are afraid to experience and are not comprehensive.

When being introduced to someone you are meeting for the first time. When being criticized, even if it is constructive criticism. Being the center of attention all of a sudden. Being seen doing something important. When dealing with someone in authority. If it is your turn to speak in a communication...

Physical symptoms of social anxiety

When you feel socially anxious, there are usually some signs. These symptoms can be transmitted to others through your facial expressions and demeanor. Symptoms include flushing, hiccups, sweating, rapid pulse, neck and facial muscle spasms, dry mouth and throat, and trembling limbs. Being aware of these symptoms increases anxiety and leads to a virtuous cycle.

Treatment of social phobia

People with social anxiety often feel helpless when they realize that their thoughts and reactions are irrational, but they can't do anything about it. There are few effective treatments to relieve social anxiety. Seeing a professional therapist can be effective, but treatment can cost tens of thousands of yen and may take years to produce results.

One treatment for social anxiety is cognitive behavioral therapy, which has lasting effects after at least two years of treatment. Sustainability and consistency are important. It is important to label negative thoughts as irrational and constantly correct them, repeating rational thinking based on facts for about 2 minutes every day.

Is Love Doll Torso a therapeutic system?

Love Doll Torso allows us to see another way to deal with social unrest.

Psychotherapy is encouraging, so the therapist will not be tired of hearing complaints. An important factor in social anxiety is that failure can be catastrophic, but if you know that no matter what happens, someone will never leave you, you can reduce the risk of social situations. I can.

Even if you say something stupid and laugh it off, it is an experience that no one can take away. The real doll torso just stays silent, deals with you, and listens to you.

This is an attempt to relieve anxiety and increase happiness in life. If you suffer from social anxiety, maybe Love Doll Torso may be a good choice.

In the movie "Inflatable Torso Sex Dolls", Ryan Gosling plays Lars, a gentle young man suffering from loneliness and social unrest. In the movie, he buys an inflatable love doll torso and develops a sweet and strange friendship with it. Instead of being ridiculed by friends, family and neighbors, they are supported by their hearts.

Lars found a way to cure loneliness through an inflatable real doll torso. Does this apply to others? Maybe it's right!

"Friends" are important for sex doll torsos.

It is especially important to tell the owner why you buy this torso sex doll. Of course, I want to know if the torso sex doll feels satisfying. I also want to know the motivation for the purchase. Of course, sex is the main reason, but surprisingly, friendship is second.

Many people who buy torso sex dolls are men and women, such as those who have ended their relationships, and those who have lost loved ones. For them, sex doll torsos are a stable and reassuring companion who can establish a conversation without too much emotional risk.

BBW Torso Sex Dolls

People who don't want to spend too much time on romance

Have you ever ended your relationship without having time to be with your lover? Most people have experienced or have experienced separation, which is really painful, and no one wants to be in that position.

At the same time, everyone has physical and mental needs. People who shuttle back and forth between life and work should design torso sex dolls as if many people buy them. If you think this is something that lonely people do, you are very wrong! ?? Many people, such as business owners, college students, salespeople, and researchers have bought it.

More people than expected have a "faithful love" for torso sex dolls

On the Internet, although "marriage" with sex doll torsos is rarely achieved, there are also many users who use sex dolls more aggressively and give advice to many people. It provides constructive activities and fun for doll owners. In doing so, lonely people can live more positively.

Sex doll torso weddings are also fun, and anyone who likes to dress up, design and make up torso sex dolls can give full play to their skills in such activities.

Sex doll torsos heal the grief of losing loved ones

The separation of life and death is devastating. The most important of these is the loss of a physical and mental partner. What do people do when they need a friendship, miss their partner very much, but are not ready to start a new relationship?

Many people rely on customized torso sex dolls. Not only can this satisfy physical loneliness, it can also ease the grieving process. Many sex doll torso manufacturers allow for a reasonable amount of customization to mimic a former spouse or partner.

If you are considering using a sex doll torso to cure loneliness, know that you are not alone. Many people who feel lonely or isolated can find happiness by owning a torso sex doll.

Here are the best tips for new sex doll torso buyers. It is best to provide some general tips for buying and using torso sex dolls to help you make decisions as a buyer:

1. Choose the right size and body shape. Make sure you choose a size that fits you and matches your preferences. Also, consider the body shape you want, whether it is athletic or curvy, etc.

First tip for new sex doll torso buyers, the size and body shape of the love doll torso are essential considerations when buying a torso sex doll because they have a significant impact on your sexual experience. Choose a size that fits you and matches your personal preferences. Do you prefer a smaller or larger female sex doll torso? Do you want a real doll torso that fits your height or is bigger or smaller than you? Body shape is also an important consideration.

Life Size Booty Sex Doll Torso

Do you prefer a curvy sex doll torso or an athletic love doll torso? These factors should be kept in mind when choosing a size and body shape that matches your preferences and ultimately ensures a pleasurable sexual experience.

2. Look for torso sex dolls made with quality materials. Make sure the female sex doll torso is made of pure silicone or TPE material, avoid materials that are cheaper or potentially toxic.

Second tip for new torso sex doll buyers. When looking for a torso sex doll made with quality materials, it is important to consider the type of material used. Pure silicone or TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) are often used in premium torso sex dolls because they are safe, non-toxic, and durable.

Cheap torso sex dolls may be made with materials such as PVC or vinyl, which are potentially toxic and can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. Additionally, PVC and vinyl materials are not as durable as silicone or TPE, which may cause the doll to wear out or break down more quickly.

It is also important to pay attention to the construction and manufacture of the torso doll. Look for a real doll torso made with a sturdy metal skeleton, as this will give the torso sex doll stability and a more realistic feel during use. Additionally, torso sex dolls that are handmade or produced in small batches may be of higher quality than those produced in large batches.

3. Check the weight of the love doll torso. It is crucial to make sure the weight of the torso sex doll is right for you, especially if you have limited mobility or strength.

When considering the weight of a torso sex doll, it is important to consider your own physical abilities and limitations. If you have any mobility issues or strength limitations, you may want to choose a torso sex doll that weighs less. On the other hand, if you are comfortable with a heavier torso sex doll, you may want to consider a sturdier torso sex doll.

It is also important to consider how you plan to use your torso sex doll. If you plan to move the torso sex doll around frequently, a lighter weight may be more appropriate. If the real doll torso is more stationary and used primarily in one place, a heavier weight may be acceptable.

Ultimately, the ideal weight of a torso sex doll will vary based on personal preference and circumstances. When choosing a torso sex doll, be sure to carefully consider your own needs and abilities to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

4. Consider your budget. Sex doll torsos can be expensive, so determine what fits your budget, especially when you factor in accessories or tools needed to maintain the love doll torso, such as cleaning fluid or lubricant.

It is important to consider your budget and what you can afford. The price of torso sex dolls varies widely, from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, depending on the quality, materials, and features.

In addition to the initial purchase price, the cost of accessories and maintenance tools is also important. For example, you may need to purchase cleaning fluid, lubricant, and storage bags to properly care for your torso sex doll. These additional costs can add up over time, so it is important to consider these expenses when setting your budget.

It’s also worth noting that some sex doll torso manufacturers may offer financing options or payment plans to help make the costs more manageable. However, be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully and make sure you can afford to pay before signing a financing agreement.

Ultimately, it’s important to set a budget that’s realistic and affordable for you. Don’t stress over overspending or running out of money on your sex doll torso purchase. Instead, focus on finding a high-quality doll torso that fits your budget and provides a satisfying and enjoyable experience.

5. Choose a reputable brand or seller. Buy a quality torso doll from a reputable brand or seller that you trust, especially when it comes to after-sales support services.

Reputable sellers will not only provide you with a high-quality product, but they will also provide after-sales support services to help ensure that you are satisfied with your purchase.

When looking for a torso sex doll, consider doing some research to find a reputable brand or seller. Look for companies that have been in business for a while and have a good reputation for providing high-quality products and customer service. You may also want to read reviews or ask other torso sex doll owners for recommendations to help guide your decision.

In addition to quality products, reputable sellers will also provide after-sales support services. This may include things like warranties or guarantees, customer service support, and repair or maintenance services. Be sure to read the seller's policies carefully to understand what is supported.

6. Practice good hygiene habits. After each use, remember to clean the torso sex doll thoroughly using the recommended cleaning method to avoid any bacterial contamination.

Read the manufacturer's instructions: Before cleaning your torso doll or toy, always read the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Follow their recommended cleaning methods to avoid damaging the product.

Use a mild detergent: Use a mild detergent and warm water to clean your torso doll or toy. Avoid using hot water as it may damage the product. Gently clean the surface of the torso doll or toy with a soft cloth or sponge.

Rinse thoroughly: After cleaning, rinse the torso doll or toy thoroughly to remove any soap residue. Make sure all the soap is rinsed off as any residue will attract dust and bacteria.

Dry thoroughly: After rinsing, dry the doll torso or toy thoroughly with a clean towel. Make sure to remove all moisture to prevent bacterial growth.

Store in a clean, dry place: Store your torso sex doll or toy in a clean, dry place to prevent bacterial growth. Avoid storing your product in damp or wet places.

7. Final tips for newly purchased torso sex dolls. Store your torso sex doll carefully. To help your sex doll torso last longer, make sure to store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and harmful chemicals that could alter its composition.

Overall, take the time to research and consider all aspects of buying a torso sex doll, especially quality, hygiene, after-sales support services, and legal issues where you live.

If you choose a sex doll torso, you can safely invest in your future sex life. If you don't want the hard-earned money to be wasted, you need to learn how to maintain torso sex dolls. People often complain that they bought cheap lifelike sex torso dolls, but these adult toys will soon be damaged. In fact, they lacked the ability and responsibility to take care of authentic love doll torsos. This is a step-by-step process to maintain torso love dolls and prolong their life. Silicone real doll torsos are more flexible than real women. You can take a different nasty posture when having sex with a torso sex doll. However, be careful of the bone joints. Do not put pressure on your wrist or hand. If you like doggy style, be sure to put sex doll torsos on pillows and furniture. The feet are used to support the love doll torso, but cannot withstand extreme stress. Please do not endure sex. Water-based lubricants are also recommended in the anal canal or vagina. Oil-based lubricants can tear the skin.

Bathing sex doll torso It is better if you clean the love doll torso thoroughly or wash it with antibacterial soap once a month. You can put the real love doll torso in the bathtub, but do not immerse your head or neck in the water. You can separate your face from your body and clean it with a mild antibacterial soap or a regular damp cloth. Dry at room temperature.

Adult Sex Dolls Torso

Wig Care Wigs are one of the most important things when customizing a real doll torso. Of course, you don't need frozen and ugly hair. Washing torso sex dolls wigs is a simple task. First, remove the torso love doll's hair and wash your hair with a light shampoo. You can also apply conditioner lightly. Then dry the wig naturally. Use a wig stand if possible. Use a regular comb to look into the wig from bottom to top.

Bone Care Since sex doll torsos have a metal skeleton, they are light and provide sexual pleasure. The movable joint gives the love doll torso more flexibility, but at the same time you have to realize that you don't have too much weight to break the joint. Be careful when moving sex doll. Do not drop on a hard surface as this may damage the skeleton. Do not use sharp objects or stretch your limbs with great force. Remember that the manufacturer assembles the torso sex dolls in an upright position. If you put it in a bent position for a long time, it may damage or deform the body. However, please do not let the real doll torso stand for a long time. It may also destroy the skeleton of the love doll torso. We have found that many people like to stand. However, energetic standing can also hurt torso real dolls.

Beautiful vagina, anus and mouth To ensure good hygiene, all three holes must be cleaned after each use. silicone sex doll torsos are less porous than TPE torso sex dolls, but the risk of fungal growth is almost the same. If you are not a "clean" person, it is recommended to use a condom. Otherwise, pour mild antibacterial soap into the well and rinse it with water. Use water until the soap is completely removed. Air-dry the canal and use the updated powder inside and outside.

It's fun to have a satisfying sex life with a sex doll torso. But you must be responsible when you are a torso sex doll. Most sex doll torsos come with instructions, and the company will explain how to educate yourself and take care of the sex doll torsos. Please read this manual before using the real doll torso. Never share your torso sex dolls with others to prevent contaminated diseases. Regularly clean the vagina, anus and mouth with antibacterial soap. We recommend using a condom to prevent the growth of bacteria. Water-based lubricants are used during intercourse to prevent tears. Show responsibility for a better sex life.

Considering the dark past is the first time, the sex doll torso industry has experienced tremendous growth in the recent past. These entertainment love doll torsos are more than just taboo, but there is also a sense of shame when people talk about issues in public. But as people embrace real doll torsos, more and more sales around the world show that these amazing torso sex dolls are accepted in society. In fact, the popularity of torso sex dolls comes from Howard Stern, who ordered real sex doll torsos in the 1990s and actually played with them. When the torso sex dolls were heavily criticized, Howard's bold behavior greatly influenced the acceptance of these wonderful sexual aids. When Howard Stern took the lead in acquiring realistic dolls, these love doll torsos changed from simple inflatable dolls to human silicone and TPR torso sex dolls. The love doll torsos have been improved over the years and now you can talk to them. That's incredible. Right? Well, real doll torsos encrypt a special intelligent function that allows them to adapt to different situations.

Torso Sex Dolls

Given the many advantages of women, they are an ideal replacement for their relationship They offer a great way to recover from the loss of a close relationship with a partner in the bedroom. You don't have to cheat on your partner For those who have been in a bad relationship, torso sex dolls can be used as a compensation to get back into the dating world. The torso sex doll is virgin and untouched until you buy it. This makes them 100% immune to sexually transmitted infections. Sex doll torsos are completely obedient. Are you ready to be more loyal and obedient than women? Dolls sex torso also come in different sizes and shapes to meet the different needs of different markets. They are also equipped with engraved mobile joints for additional flexibility. With the tremendous advancements in the sex doll torso industry and the many advantages of torso dolls, we cannot ignore health and safety. This is probably the most important consideration and factor when deciding to buy the most authentic

How to Play Safely with Sex Doll Torsos There are three health and safety considerations to consider. Product quality, design and materials used to make torso dolls. The torso sex doll industry is well regulated, so it is important to know what to look for and what to avoid when buying torso sex dolls. If you can buy from a reputable store, make sure you buy from those that provide a warranty on their products. Also, look for customer reviews and determine the quality of the seller. For sex toys, it is best to spend more money on products made of silicone and TPE materials. Both materials do not harm or irritate human skin and are easy to clean and disinfect in the long run without affecting the quality of the toy. Even more surprising, both silicone and TPE materials are hypoallergenic and will not cause skin irritation or disease when using products made from them.

The engraving skeleton with the toy is fully filled and fragile to avoid injury during intercourse. Sex toys have been completely safe for sex for many years and have undergone extensive quality assurance. However, do not use your back to lift heavy toys as torso sex dolls come in all shapes and sizes. There may be a problem with the back.

For thousands of years, our sex life has been a part of our biology, and it is still a part of our future generations, but for some reason, people don't like to talk about sexual desire. The rise of technology has changed the way we observe and engage in sexual behavior. The latest wave is the invention of Real TPE love doll torsos and Sex Doll Torso Robot.Many years ago, people associated torso sex dolls with abilities that were not able to form relationships with others. But now torso love dolls have begun to remove the shame they once had. People are beginning to realize that it actually has many benefits that can be a useful tool to satisfy our sexual fantasies. For those who have no experience, adult doll torsos are adult toys that look like people. It usually appears in the shape of the entire human body. It sometimes looks like a person, with features such as underwear, vibration, and even sound samples. However, for experienced people, torso sex dolls can be their family, friends, or even wives. This article will discuss 10 reasons to buy realistic sex doll torso.

Male Masturbator Real Sexy Torso Toy

1. No need for attachments

To be honest, not everyone has to deal with the complexities of the relationship. In fact, many people just want to have their companions to fulfill their fullest desires. In Sex Love Doll Torso, not only is every fantasy realized, but it is also unconditional. Do you hate it when your partner tells you that you are too weird and irresponsible? Then the lifelike sex doll torso may be your perfect replacement!

2. Use safety

Sexually transmitted diseases are a fear of getting them. The risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease lies in the fact of having multiple sexual partners. This is especially true when sex workers are added to the mix. Adult Lovedoll torso is a safe way to go because it confirms the risk of not suffering from these terrible diseases.

3. It looks very real

Most people remember an old love doll torso from the family comedy that blows up a balloon that basically looks like a girl. Today's models go beyond the light years in a playful way. If you look at the new models, you will notice that they may move. The best way to describe how chic these love doll torsos are is to imagine a Jessica Rabbit shaped like a love doll torso.

4. On-demand behavior

Sexual relationships with people are good, but it has its disadvantages. One of them is that we still have to consider our partners when they want to have sex. Property real doll torsos will soon solve this problem. No complaints, you can have sex with your heart at any time.

5. Zero risk of pregnancy

Do you like raw food? Of course it is. It feels good! However, when the condom falls off, there is always a feeling of insecurity. This stupid fear will soon disappear in the torso sex doll. Sex torso dolls can take everything with them, which is guaranteed by Zero Baby. Sex will be more interesting.

6. Useful for monogamy. No cheating.

We've all heard the story of a few breakups because they had to look for sex elsewhere. One of the most common reasons is that they are "bored" by their partners. That's where a sex doll torso comes in.

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