Ericcclaw's blog

Family Law issues can not only be complex and challenging for both parties involved, but also a stressful period for the family, especially if there are children involved. Moreover, most divorce proceedings include other disputes as well, like spousal support, child custody, asset division, etc. 

Eric is an experienced family lawyer and a  child custody attorney Tustin  with extensive experience that can help you with any and all family disputes. His dedicated team of attorneys walk that extra mile to win the best verdict for our client and ensure that the whole process is smooth and stress-free for them. Whether we represent you at a trial or sit down at the negotiating table for you, our professional family attorneys will always serve your best interests with your family's well-being in mind. 

Our Practice Areas
We offer our full-suite of family law services with a successful record of favorable verdicts and settlement terms for our clients. Our services include:

● Divorce 
Going through a divorce can be very stressful for anyone. We make the process easier by protecting you and your interests judiciously. 

● Child Custodianship 
Our child support and custody arrangement ensures that the child's best interests are protected and served by both parents. 

● Division of Assets
We take inventory of all your assets, including real estate and investments made to give you your fair and equitable rights from the dissolved marriage. 

● Spousal Support
We're experienced and experts in winning you spousal support in Tustin and California.

The very mention of divorce instills anxiety in both men and women. Nevertheless, attorneys that specialize in divorce are frequently required to complete a divorce. While it is ideal to avoid attorneys altogether, this is frequently impossible given the temperament of the other side. Before hiring a divorce attorney, take a step back and consider if one is really necessary.


Are you and your spouse on talking terms, and is the divorce going along reasonably? If so, it's possible to go right to mediation. By doing this, you are likely to save yourself thousands of dollars in unnecessary costs and heartache. While mediation is becoming more prevalent, the unfortunate part is that divorce attorneys are used in many cases.


Primarily because in divorce, people are scared and want to protect their rights. They often don't consider going into it because of the enormous amount of costs attorneys bring to the equation. Going in, remember one simple rule; an attorney is not your friend, be precise with your issues. Their primary goal should be to end divorce proceedings as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.


There are many unethical attorneys out there, and it will be up to you to drive them to a cost-effective resolution. For people that do not have limitless funds to back them up, there are other alternatives where they can seek help. Some of the most recognized divorce attorneys are offering their help for all the men & women going through a family dispute, that too at an affordable cost.


If you need the aid of a reliable and experienced family law attorney who knows the stress, problems, and what it takes to fight for your rights and privileges in family law, contact us today. Look no further than the leading Costa Mesa Child Custody Attorney, the office of Eric child custody. For a consultation, call Mr. Nakasu at 1-714-916-9800.

When most people hear the term divorce, they immediately think of weeping children, long-fought custody fights, and emotionally charged court procedures. Most of the time, the images we create in our minds represent reality. Divorce is not an easy process. So, if you're convinced that you want to leave the marriage, you must be very certain before filing for divorce. Remember that a divorce may be one of the most important decisions you ever make in your life.


There are several things that simply do not work out. There are even a lot of instances when people who want to separate end up with uncontested divorce. This kind of divorce or even an emotional divorce will be a lot better than forcing yourself to live with a partner with whom you can't stand being with anymore.


If you really choose to go through with the divorce, then you might end up feeling alone and clueless. You can try doing some research to enlighten you about the divorce process, yet the ideal thing you can do for yourself is hiring a good divorce attorney.


A divorce attorney will know all the possible options available to you. If you are considering having an uncontested divorce, you will greatly benefit from the services of a divorce attorney. Additionally, when you're negotiating with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, having a lawyer mediating will allow you both to maximize your options under the state's laws.


Lastly, don't let your craving for a quick divorce get in the way of your decision-making process. Think it through. Don't rush yourself. Even if you think that all you want is to get away from your spouse and return to a single life, don't make a weak decision. It's just not worth it. When you file for divorce, be absolutely certain about what you want.


If you need the assistance of a reliable & experienced family law lawyer who knows the stress, problems, & what it takes to fight for your rights & privileges in family law disputes, contact us at the earliest. Look no further than the firm of Eric child custody, the finest Irvine Child Custody Attorney. For a consultation, call us at 1-714-916-9800.

Divorces are among the most difficult & traumatic legal processes that most individuals will ever face. Finances, child custody, as well as other issues can cause anxiety, tension, & conflict. Despite the fact that almost half of all marriages in America lead to divorce, many individuals are unaware that dealing with a professional California family lawyer may significantly decrease the stress of a divorce.


Working with a divorce attorney is by far the most effective way of making sure your divorce proceeds as smoothly as possible. Regardless, some people choose to file on their own. Although this may work in certain situations, the inclusion of combined assets, common debt, and children can complicate matters significantly. For example, separating finances without the assistance of a lawyer can have a detrimental impact on both credit and financial stability for two spouses filing without the assistance of a lawyer.


In addition to splitting your finances, you must determine what to do with joint debts such as mortgages. Another complex series of concerns is child custody. Determining whether to share custody, working out a visitation or shared custody plan, and deciding what to do about child support are among the questions that may need to be settled during a divorce. If these issues are not brought to a smooth resolution, the experience can be traumatic for the spouse, children & other loved ones.


If you need the aid of a reliable and experienced family law attorney who knows the stress, problems, and what it takes to fight for your rights and privileges in family law, contact us today. Look no further than the office of Eric child custody, the leading Orange County Child Custody Attorney. For a consultation, call Mr. Nakasu at 1-714-916-9800.

If each parent wants to have sole custody of the child, the court will investigate each parent & determine which home setting is best for the youngster. In some situations, the court will ask the child whether they have a choice for where they wish to live. The most common court visitation agreement provides the mother complete custody & the part-time father visitation based on his availability. This trend has lately shifted, leaving both parents with shared custody and requiring mediation to determine the optimum visitation schedule for both parties.


Common Custody Arrangement


Legal custody of a child/children means that you have sole discretion on how the child is raised, including schooling issues, religious beliefs, and medical care. Parents can be assigned with either sole or joint legal custody of the child. In situations where one parent is unfit, the other parent will be granted sole custody. Physical custody refers to with whom the child resides.


Determining Factors


First & foremost, the child's best interests are considered. The emphasis is on the child's requirements and desires rather than the parents' expectations and desires. The court system seeks to protect continued and regular communication with both parents. However, circumstances in parents' lives can cause the courts to doubt whether contact will be in the child/children's best interests.


Obstruction in Custody Orders


Offensive behavior by either parent in regards to custody orders is not recommended. However, poor behavior does not mean that legal action can be taken against the other party. To ensure that custody orders are carried out to the letter, create the most specific custody order you can with the help of an accomplished child custody lawyer. This way, if the other party creates a situation in which you do not feel comfortable, you will have a court order to examine their actions. If their actions are in direct violation of the order, then legal action may be taken.


If you want the services of a trustworthy & experienced custody attorney who fully understands the stress, challenges, and what it takes to fight for your rights & privileges in child custody matters - Look no further than the office of Eric child custody, the leading Irvine Child Custody Attorney. For a free initial consultation, call Mr. Nakasu at 1-714-916-9800.

Fathers appear to face more child custody challenges than mothers. Unfortunately, in many jurisdictions, it is still a woman's court, and men must cope with it. Most child custody concerns, on the other hand, are simple to resolve. Here are a few child custody matters to consider when going through a divorce.


Moving Away


Child visitation schedules get thrown out the window when one of the parents moves far away. Usually, the men get shafted here, but you don't have to. If your ex-wife moves away, make sure you are the first one to court asking for the visitation schedule to be readdressed. Otherwise, you leave it to her to decide, and you don't want that.


Getting Remarried


If you or your ex-wife is getting remarried, this could leave your child confused. Usually, the child will not trust (or even like) the new person in his or her life. It's a good idea to wait a year or two before even thinking about re-marriage. If there is a new somebody in your life, then you'll have to slowly work her into your current child custody and visitation agreement. Don't just bring her directly into the picture.


Child Care Issues


If your child is young, then odds are they are in some type of child care. If they weren't before, they probably would be now. Make sure you and your ex-wife agree on where your child should go to daycare, along with who picks up the child and when. Custody issues aren't always as easy to deal with as this one.


They do get worse at times but keep your cool through it all. Remember, if you lose your cool, then you are the bad guy, no matter what. The sad thing is, most men lose custody cases because they were not well informed or well prepared when they went to court.


If you require the services of an able and experienced custody attorney who fully understands the stress, challenges, and what it takes to fight for your rights & privileges in child custody matters - Look no further than the office of Eric child custody, one of the leading Child Custody Attorneys Fullerton. For a free initial consultation, call Mr. Nakasu at 1-714-916-9800.