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Sometimes it is not so easy to deal with a diet. Therefore, we have prepared these tips to help you. When we are in the middle of a diet to lose weight, we have many factors to consider. Mainly we think about reducing the amount of food we eat and we think that that is enough to lose the Weight we want. However, many times we finished the meal plan with dissatisfactionor because we did not lower the amount of Weight we wanted and it seemed a very slow process.

In this article we bring you 14 practical recommendations to apply when you are dieting.

Improve your diet with these tips

1. Eat slow

When you eat quickly you consume many more foods compared to when you do it slowly. The reason for this is that our organism has a predetermined time (around 20 minutes) to feel that it has already eaten enough.

Therefore, if you eat fast you will not send the signal to be full until 20 minutes, which means that you will have eaten a lot.

2. Eat with your less skillful hand

If you are right-handed, try to eat using your left hand. On the other hand, if you are left handed eat with the right. What is the usefulness of this? Achieve what we suggest in the previous point: eat more slowly.

3. Drink water a few minutes before eating

When the hours of food are approaching, drink at least one glass of water. With this you will be able to feel satiated and thus you will not eat so much. In addition, water will allow you to have a better digestion.

4. Drink black coffee

Good quality coffee has innumerable antioxidants, in addition to helping accelerate metabolism up to 11%. It also has the ability to burn fat by up to 10%. However, keep in mind that you do not gain anything if you add large amounts of sugar. Try to take it bitter or with very little sugar, preferably sweeteners.

5. Drink green tea

Green tea has an antioxidant known as catechin, as well as caffeine. The combination of both components has the effect of burning fat in a healthy way.

6. Prefers whole fruit instead of juices

Fruits have vitamins, minerals, water, fiber and healthy sugar. Therefore, they are very beneficial during the diet. However, when you mix them with water to make juice, what you get is that their properties are diluted. Added to this, most people usually add refined sugar to juices, which is not favorable for the diet. For all that, it is best that you eat the whole fruitsand not in juice.

7. Have healthy snacks on hand

Try to always have on hand a variety of products that are healthy and easy to swallow. That is, you can eat them anywhere you are, for when they give you anxiety attacks. In this way you can reduce the chances of eating some goodies or any food that goes against the diet. We recommend the granola, a cup with chopped fruits, cereal bars, and yogurt, among others.

8. Brush your teeth after dinner

Brushing your teeth after having dinner reduces the possibility of falling into the temptation of eating a snack at night.

9. Eat away from the kitchen

Many times we serve the right amount of food on our plate, but then we are tempted to repeat. If you are very close to the kitchen, you are more likely to get up and serve yourself again. On the other hand, if you are far away, you may not feel like getting up.

10. Eat fiber-rich products

One of the best allies of the diet is fiber. It has many healthy properties and has the ability to make you feel full.

11. Completely eliminates sweetened beverages

The worst enemy of your diet and your health are sweetened drinks. That is the sodas and pasteurized juices, because these products have high amounts of sugar.

12. Increase the amount of proteins

During the diet, try increasing the consumption of high quality proteins, such as fish and white meats. Some studies show that the consumption of proteins helps increase the speed of metabolism, which will help you lose weight.

13. Eat as little saturated fat as possible

It is important that you consume fats because these help to improve the digestive process, to avoid constipation, among many other things. However, eat only the unsaturated fats that are known as "good". Instead of animal oil, use olive oil; Instead of butter, better make a piece of avocado, for example.

14. Sleep well

Normally we do not take into account the importance of good sleep when it comes to a diet. At first glance, there seems to be no relationship between sleep and weight loss. However, sleep is closely linked with weight gain. The lack of sleep prevents the proper functioning of the body, and also increases the appetite to try to compensate the energy that the body lacks. With these recommendations, your diet will be much more effective. Remember that you need discipline, your body will thank you.


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The practice of healthy habits such as exercising and eating balanced is the best way to return to the ideal weight. This time we give you some recommendations to not fail in the attempt. To return to your ideal weight you do not have to submit to diets that expose your health. In fact, choosing such options produces counterproductive effects and few results. Although they seem a fast way to "burn fat", in the medium and long term they are useless. The problem with these Eating models is that they are very restrictive and cause the dreaded "rebound effect". Therefore, for a long time, they have been discouraged and, instead, healthy habits have been proposed to achieve a healthy and stable weight. Thanks to this, many completely improved their lifestyle and managed to understand that a good figure can only be obtained with discipline and effort. Are you trying to get back to your ideal weight? Do not make mistakes. Here are some tips.


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Jogging may not come to mind while considering strategies to safeguard your hearing. The benefits of regular exercise, however, also include improved hearing. There is more to the ear than meets the eye; it is a very sensitive organ. Tiny components inside your ears work together to convert sound waves into information your brain can understand. Additionally, due to their sensitivity, these tiny portions are susceptible to damage from your body's alterations or imbalances.

One of those abnormalities is a high BMI. Hearing loss is one of the health hazards associated with being overweight. One of the microscopic components of the ear, the cochlea, can be harmed by low oxygen levels in the blood, reducing its functionality and leading to hearing loss. Your oxygen levels can be raised and your BMI can be decreased with regular exercise. It can also stop neurotransmitter loss, lessen noise-induced hearing loss, and help you avoid or lessen other negative impacts of being overweight. Quietum Plus Reviews

Hearing aids function by assisting your ears to maximise their remaining capacity. They make sounds from your surroundings louder so that your ears can send a greater signal to your brain. But modern hearing aids are much more capable than before; some of our favourites can intelligently focus on certain environmental sounds, exactly like your ears would. Quietum Plus

All of this implies that your ears may once more alert you to risks in your environment. Hearing aids can help you hear better, which can also help you regain your feeling of balance. Even if you do lose your balance, certain hearing aids' monitoring features can identify falls, so they can immediately call for assistance if you do. In order to maintain a record of your mental and physical activities, enhance your fitness, and prevent cognitive decline, you can use the same tracking functions.

Mask modes, which increase speech frequencies muffled by face masks, are also available in some hearing aids. These make it possible for you to understand what is being said without needing to ask people to take off their masks, protecting you and your conversation partners from contagious diseases like COVID-19.
