JuliaCao's blog

By chance, I came across the single-color temperature smart dimming driver that we have been looking for. The main living room lights and ceiling lamps mainly produced by our company are instantly dazzling. They can not only be infinitely dimmed, but also flicker-free throughout the process, and can also be controlled remotely.


In order to understand smart homes, as well as supporting products and services, I have been talking about smart switches in the past few days. Some people say that single-fire smart wall switches cannot be connected to smart dimmer lights, or even some ordinary LED lights. Is this true?


Controllable switch + home circuit = smart switch?





Since the switch controls the light on and off, the smart switch intelligently controls the light on and off. So, does the home circuit + controllable switch become a smart switch? From this, can remote control and electrical equipment linkage be achieved? Let's explore this issue below.



Replace the mechanical switch directly with an intelligent control module

When the module is disconnected, the module itself loses power and the entire circuit is disconnected, making it impossible to remotely turn the switch on again. It's a bit like locking yourself out without a key when you go out, so this method is unreliable. Directly adding a device to the switch that receives instructions and controls it cannot achieve the effect of a smart switch.


It can be seen that controllable switch + neutral line transformation + household circuit = zero fire intelligent switch circuit


In the above circuit, because the controllable switch cuts off its own current after disconnecting the circuit, does the formula of controllable switch + neutral line + household circuit work?





Add a neutral line to the switch so that the switch has an independent circuit, so that the switch can supply power independently, and the line switch of the light will not affect the switch operation. This is the zero-fire switch solution.


The formula of controllable switch + neutral line transformation + household circuit = zero fire smart switch circuit is feasible.


Controllable switch + live wire modification + home circuit = single fire intelligent switch circuit


In addition to the neutral wire, household circuits also have live wires. Since transforming the neutral wire can achieve the effect of smart switching, is it also possible to transform the live wire? That is, controllable switch + live wire modification + household circuit. Is this formula feasible?


By modifying the circuit: instead of using mechanical switches to physically disconnect the circuit, add loads to the switch and lamp circuits. When the switch is closed, due to the load, only a small current passes through the switch and the bulb. The current passing through is too small to light the bulb while maintaining the switch operation. This solves the problem of a single fire switch.




However, it should be noted that the load must ensure that the current passing through it is small enough to not light up the bulb while maintaining the switch operation. Therefore, the single-fire switch has certain requirements for the power of the lamp. If the power of the lamp is too small, it will be easily lit or flicker by the small current passing through (this is also the reason why the single-fire switch load lamp on the market generally has a minimum power of 3W), and It is also necessary to pay attention to the rated power of each circuit of the single-fire switch.



A large part of automotive electronic products now is compatibility design for different car companies. No matter how compatible it is internally, when it comes to external requirements, it is necessary to determine the connection interface requirements, including installation location, structure and electrical content. One prominent problem is Connector selection. Automotive connectors and wiring harnesses are carriers for controlling electrical signals in automobiles. They organically connect vehicle central control components with automobile control units, electrical and electronic execution units, and electrical devices to form a complete automobile electrical and electronic control system.




(1) The content and quantity of automotive connectors and wiring harnesses in in-car electronic technology is also an important indicator of car function and performance.


(2) Automotive connectors, a single vehicle requires approximately 200 wire harnesses and more than 350 connectors








Figure 1 The whole vehicle wiring harness design requires a lot of connections.




When we choose a connector, we first need to consider the particularity of the automotive connector. Automotive connectors are also subject to standards set by different vehicle companies. The basic international standard is ISO 8092-2005, which is divided into four parts:


(1) ISO 8092.1 Dimensions and special requirements for single-wire chip connectors


(2) ISO 8092.2 definition, test methods and general performance requirements


(3) ISO 8092.3 Dimensions and special requirements for multi-wire chip connectors


(4) ISO 8092.4 Cylindrical plug connectors for single-wire and multi-wire plug-in connections Dimensions and special requirements




Since international standards are the result of games, many things are determined by manufacturers as a basic direction. However, the test parameters, test items and test methods are no longer in line with the current development status of connectors, so they are basically divided into three regional standards. Represents some of the requirements of the US, European and Japanese automotive industries.




1) The connector performance specification USCAR-2 formulated by the American Society of Automotive Engineers can represent the development status of connectors in terms of test parameters and test items, and is more operable in terms of test methods. Standards such as GM's GMW3191 and Fiat's 7-Z8260 are all written based on USCAR-2.




2) JASO D605-1996 Automotive Electronics Connector: The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association has also developed a basic connector standard based on the comprehensive needs of Japanese car companies.




3) LV 124 Test items, test conditions and test requirements for automotive electrical and electronic components under 3.5 tons. This supply specification is prepared by representatives of the car manufacturers Audi AG, BMW AG, Daimler AG, Porsche AG and Volkswagen AG Compiled, this is also a joint enterprise standard representing the German automotive industry.




In fact, due to the actual situation of automotive connectors, we also choose larger ones rather than smaller ones, because there are actually more potential troubles caused by connector selection issues. Therefore, we not only refer to the standard system, but also select suppliers based on rankings.



The fully automatic cartoning machine provides a wealth of post-packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. For products such as vials, syringes, injection pens/auto-injectors, etc., it can realize fully automatic cartoning of drugs. The fully automatic cartoning machine has integrated fully automatic processes such as automatic folding, dispensing, automatic paper tray forming, gluing, product cartoning, automatic folding instructions, automatic placing instructions, camera detection, waste rejection, and box sealing to ensure product packaging. The process is safe and reliable, and 100% testing is performed after the product is loaded to meet the increasingly complex packaging requirements of customers.


The following process is an example of a top-loading pharmaceutical packaging machine - a fully automatic pharmaceutical cartoning machine solution from Jiade.




Figure 1: Automatic forming of paper tray

Automatic carton/tray forming


Jiade uses 100% single material to make cartons and paper trays. After the paper trays are automatically formed, automatic carton assembly and gluing can be performed to meet the packaging needs of different combinations of syringes, ampoules, vials, needles and other products. Require.




Figure 2: Feeding system

Feeding system


Gentle and flexible handling of feed systems is one of the most difficult aspects of automating processes. These systems have been tested in field production runs under different operating environments and proven to be stable and reliable.


Figure 3: Clamping of single vial



Figure 4: Clamping of multiple vials

Secure and controlled delivery


Ensure gentle and smooth transfer of fragile vials, cartridges, and other syringes, with no contact between glass during the entire process!



Figure 5: Automatic placement of instructions

Orderly feeding of instructions, automatic placement of instructions


Jiade has specifically developed various scalable feeding systems, which allow large and thick booklet instructions to be fed in an orderly and high-speed manner while significantly reducing labor. Placing drug instructions has become simple and efficient. Say goodbye to manual placement and make automated drug packaging possible!


Figure 6: Camera detection

Stable and reliable cartoning, automatic appearance inspection


In the process of making packaging, Jiade integrates third-party equipment, such as camera systems, which can use camera detection for production monitoring. Ensure safe boxing process, 100% verification after product is loaded (unique advantage of top-loading)! Prevent empty boxes from occurring.



Figure 7: Product labeling and serialization

Product and carton labeling and track and trace


Ensure drug traceability by providing each packaging unit with a single sequence that can be used for identification. No matter small or large batches – every package can be coded. In addition, it complies with national and international pharmaceutical regulations and complies with GMP and FDA requirements.


When it comes to how freight forwarders develop overseas designated cargo markets, many friends have sent private messages asking for advice since last year. However, since I didn’t make my debut in designated cargo, I have never written about related topics, and I don’t have much qualifications to give advice. There are many friends and companies around me who do designated goods. In the eyes of outsiders, their profits are high, their practitioners have strong overall quality, and their income is generally higher than those who do self-delivery. They are also more likely to be criticized by foreign trade customers. If you actually understand, it is different. The size of the company, different service products, and the development methods, methods, and costs of designated goods in different regional markets are very different. If a freight forwarder starts a business from scratch and enters designated goods, the early time and cost may have already been eliminated before you can make money. You are crushed.





There is no logic in the following content. It is just a brief discussion about freight forwarding marketing and the current methods of developing overseas designated goods. It is a reference for freight forwarders who want to develop overseas markets. In fact, no matter whether domestic freight forwarding sales or overseas designated goods sales, everyone’s purpose is the same. Likewise, we find customers through various methods and use various methods to connect with customers. In essence, what we sell is neither products nor services, but our credit, so that the other party can trust our credit.


First of all, the development of designated goods requires the team to have overseas marketing capabilities. In the early days of the freight forwarding industry, all designated goods were controlled by foreign freight forwarding channels. By setting up branches in China, overseas freight consignments were directly assigned to Chinese branches for operation. The market share of designated goods was also completely controlled by large companies, and there was no need to possess Marketing, after the designated cargo volume increases, foreign freight forwarders will only get contract logistics, project logistics or some designated cargo with high interest rates. The remaining market share of designated cargo will be allocated to other companies in the freight forwarding market. Through the development of foreign agents, we Cooperate with the company and start to receive designated goods in the form of exchange. At the same time, there are also freight forwarding companies that only accept designated goods unilaterally. In this case, strong overseas marketing and customer acquisition capabilities are required, and there are risks in the account period.


Secondly, the development of designated goods requires leverage. The leverage here refers to the team and technology. Some domestic freight forwarding companies that do not have an overseas agent network will develop designated goods through exhibitions, emails, and even visits abroad in the early days. At present, low-cost online media tools, search engine optimization, keyword marketing and other technical means can be used for precise development. This includes a large number of marketing methods and work details, with different requirements for teams, positions, and division of labor, because you use the Internet This tool is also used by competitors. Due to the large amount of information, I won’t explain it here. Interested friends can chat privately.


Finally, different freight forwarding companies have different scales and product attributes, as well as marketing methods in overseas markets and marketing tools used. For example, some travel companies only take in whole groups, and some only take in split groups; some logistics companies only do truck transportation. Just like not doing LTL, we need to match and classify different target customer attributes and our own business capabilities.


When developing overseas designated goods, first ask yourself whether the freight forwarding service you provide has core competitiveness, whether it is irreplaceable for overseas agents or customers, whether it has segmentation advantages in the region and industry, and other questions. Then, you can develop target customers based on the target market. For example, if you are engaged in the international logistics of dangerous goods and your core competitiveness is the warehousing, packing, risk declaration, customs declaration, etc. of all levels of dangerous goods, you can develop similar foreign agents or customers. , and these customers also need you to assist them in completing certain tasks in the service chain in China, forming long-term strategic cooperation, which will also generate long-term profits, and minimize the development of new customers and stable designated cargo business.


The above content is simple and ordinary, nothing special. In fact, the sales staff who developed designated goods in the early days simply and repeatedly used emailing to develop overseas customers every day. It is such a simple method, as long as you persevere, you will earn a monthly salary. Freight forwarding sales exceeding RMB 10,000 and freight forwarding companies with annual profits exceeding RMB 1 million. In the current Internet society, a large number of online platforms and social tools provide abundant marketing channels for developing overseas designated goods. It depends on how you discover and use them.

1. Synchronous generator excitation system



Generally speaking, a generator set consists of an engine (providing kinetic energy), a generator (generating current), and a control system. Wind turbines rely on wind power to drive the generator to rotate and generate current; hydroelectric generators use the drop of water flow to generate power to drive the generator to generate electricity. Fuel generators rely on the combustion of diesel or gasoline to generate power to drive the generator set. Although the power sources of various power generation systems may be different, they all have one important part in common, and that is the generator. The electrical energy we use in production and life comes from power plants, and they are inseparable from motors. The rotor can be driven by a water turbine, steam turbine, internal combustion engine, etc. The main components are shown in the figure below.




Currently, 99% of the electrical energy used by humans is generated by synchronous generators. In order to achieve energy conversion, a synchronous generator needs a DC magnetic field. The DC current that generates this magnetic field is called the excitation current of the generator. According to the supply method of the excitation current, any generator that obtains the excitation current from other power sources is called a separately excited generator, and a generator that obtains the excitation power from the generator itself is called a self-excited generator.


The excitation system of a synchronous generator generally consists of two parts. One part is used to provide DC current to the field winding of the generator to establish a DC magnetic field, which is usually called the excitation power output part (or power unit). The other part is used to adjust the excitation current during normal operation or in the event of an accident to meet operational needs. This part includes excitation regulator, forced excitation, forced demagnetization and automatic demagnetization, etc., and is generally called the excitation control part (or control unit).


2. Synchronous generator voltage regulation



Maintaining the terminal voltage of the generator equal to a given value is the main means of voltage regulation in the power system. So how to ensure that the terminal voltage of the synchronous generator is a given value?


We say that when the load changes, the excitation must be adjusted. Let's analyze its specific principle using the simplified phasor diagram of the generator.





From the above figure we can get:


In the formula: Eq——the no-load potential of the generator; Uf——the terminal voltage of the generator; If——the load current ratio of the generator.

The above formula shows that when the generator no-load potential Eq is constant, the generator terminal voltage Uf will decrease with the increase of the load current If. In order to ensure that the generator terminal voltage Uf is constant, it must increase with the increase of the generator load current If. Increase (or decrease), increase (or decrease) the no-load potential Eq of the generator, and Eq is a function of the generator excitation current Ifq (if saturation is not considered, Eq and Ifq are proportional), so when the generator is running As the generator load current changes, the excitation current must be adjusted to keep the generator terminal voltage constant.


For metal button switches, during the entire application process, if the light does not light up, this problem needs to be solved immediately to avoid hidden dangers. So how to solve the problem that the indicator light of the metal button switch does not light up? Let’s introduce it to you below.


In different household appliance workplaces, because the circuit line control circuit is very long, the indicator light is not very bright, mostly caused by induced voltage.


1. Insert a small volume size 0.01_0.22UF middle input terminal into the input and output terminal of the distribution line, and then connect a 100k_500k resistor. The actual operation is inconvenient.


WINDOO quick-plug button switch-indicator light high current


2. Add an RC circuit. Many AC contactors also have their electromagnetic coils connected on both sides. Its function is to digest and absorb induced current. This is also a very effective solution.


3. Each display light uses a shielded cable, but it is not very beautiful.


4. Modification of the resistance-capacitance absorber is simple, convenient and cheap.


Therefore, if the indicator light of the metal button switch does not light up, it can be solved in this way.


After reading the above article about ‘How to solve the problem when the indicator light of the metal button switch does not light up’, you will know what is going on next time you encounter it, and you can even solve this problem yourself. You can also consult us for more related questions.


In modern construction and industrial fields, the reliability and safety of power systems are of vital importance. Single-stage junction boxes are widely used in various power systems as an effective power distribution solution. This article will introduce you to the relevant knowledge of single-stage junction boxes in detail and help you better understand this important power equipment.



Single stage junction box


1. The definition and function of single-stage junction box




The single-stage junction box is a device used in power distribution systems. It is mainly used to divide one power supply into multiple outputs to achieve power distribution and protection functions.




(1) Realize power distribution: A single-stage junction box can divide one power supply into multiple outputs to meet the power needs of different devices.


(2) Improve system reliability: The single-stage junction box has overload protection and short-circuit protection functions, which can effectively prevent overload and short-circuit accidents in the power system.


(3) Convenient maintenance: The single-stage junction box has a simple structure and is easy to install and maintain.



2. Classification and selection of single-stage junction boxes




​According to different uses and structures, single-stage junction boxes can be divided into the following categories:


(1) Indoor junction box: mainly used in indoor power systems, such as homes, offices and other places.


(2) Outdoor junction box: mainly used in outdoor power systems, such as road lighting, landscaping and other places.


(3) Industrial junction box: mainly used in factories, mines and other industrial fields, with high protection level and anti-interference ability.




When selecting, the following factors should be considered:


(1) Usage environment: Depending on the use environment, select the corresponding protection level and material.


(2) Power demand: According to the power demand of the equipment, select the appropriate capacity and number of output channels.


(3) Installation method: According to the installation conditions, choose the appropriate installation method, such as fixed, wall-mounted, etc.


3. Installation and maintenance of single-stage junction box




When installing a single-stage junction box, the following steps should be followed:


(1) Determine the installation location: Select the appropriate installation location based on the design requirements and actual conditions.


(2) Prepare tools and materials: Prepare corresponding tools and materials, such as screws, insulating tape, etc.


(3) Installation equipment: Fix the single-stage junction box in the installation position, and the terminal blocks should be firmly connected to the cables.


(4) Inspection: After the installation is completed, check whether the wiring of the single-stage junction box is correct and whether the sealing performance is good.





In order to ensure the normal operation of the single-stage junction box, regular maintenance should be carried out, including the following:


(1) Cleaning: Regularly clean the surface and interior of the single-stage junction box to prevent dust and debris from affecting the performance of the equipment.


(2) Inspection: Check whether the terminal blocks, insulators and other components of the single-stage junction box are normal.


(3) Maintenance: Regularly maintain the single-stage junction box and replace damaged parts to ensure stable equipment performance.


In short, the single-stage junction box, as an effective power distribution solution, has broad application prospects in modern construction and industrial fields. Understanding the principles, classification, selection, installation and maintenance of single-stage junction boxes will help us better apply this important equipment and improve the reliability and safety of the power system.




I went to Singapore from the end of 2013 to work at the Singapore National Stadium (the photos used in this article are all photos of the Singapore National Stadium that I took at work). Until I returned to China at the end of 2015, I witnessed the development of a super building. From nothing to something, I have been involved in a lot of work. Some people will ask why you gave up this job.




I want to tell you that it is not easy to manage such a comprehensive multi-functional stadium, so I have faced many difficulties and challenges just in the lawn area in the stadium that I am responsible for. . Oh, by the way, I am the assistant turf director of the stadium, but I am solely responsible for the turf maintenance of the football field. After all, the director also needs to manage other internal facilities of the entire venue.




Let’s stop the digression. Although I don’t know whether I am qualified or not, at the invitation of a friend, I came here to join in the fun and talk about the management of natural turf in professional football fields. I just wrote down my humble opinion. If there are any inappropriateness or shortcomings, please forgive me.



The management of natural turf planted in professional football fields is still a big problem, so I will compare football fields and golf courses and talk about my personal experience and feelings.



The special characteristics of football field turf. The difference between football field turf and golf course turf is very big. It took me almost half a year to really transform my concept of managing a golf course into that of managing a football field, let alone compare it with other lawns.



Anyone who has played golf or has been exposed to golf, or anyone who makes golf lawns, knows that the main function of a golf course is to provide entertainment, with the purpose of allowing golfers to easily play a hitting game. This game is a game that any ordinary person can play, regardless of the professional competition. In other words, you only need to give him a piece of lawn, and he can play golf. Strictly speaking, it means that the golf course lawn must be brought to a certain level to a standard recognized by golfers. This standard is not uniform and immeasurable, and each golf course is different. Therefore, golf lawns are relatively extensive compared to football field lawns.




Football field lawns are particularly high-end and professional football field lawns are more than just a lawn. I have also played football. You may say that if you are given a lawn, you can also play football. Then you are talking about a lawn, not a football field. The function of a high-end football field itself is to provide a professional-level high-level competition venue. The purpose is essentially to obtain a final game result. The quality and standard of this field will largely affect this result.  





So we have standards for this venue, and the standards are unified. For example, the Premier League has unified venue standards, and the Champions League also has unified venue standards. Only by unifying the standards in this way will the game be fair, because among the factors that determine the outcome of the event, the venue will be a unified and fair factor, and then the factors that determine the fate of the event will be more reflected in the players. On the body. Therefore, the sports on the football field are intense and involve strong confrontation, which requires very high quality of the lawn. The venue committee will confirm whether the venue can be used for competitions.







On a golf course, the details we pay attention to are different from those on a football field. Taking a high-end golf course as an example, we will pay attention to the coordination of details of the entire course and focus on different points. We will need the venue to be clean and tidy, the lawn to be beautiful, the lawns in different areas of the venue to be mowed to appropriate heights, and the boundaries of each grass area to be clear. Only on the greens will there be a need for speed and softness.




We are not like a football field, where we need to consider the softness and hardness of the field, the grip the lawn can provide to the players, the cutting height and toughness of the turf grass, the trimming stripes and color of the lawn, and more importantly, the drainage capacity of the football field. Golf courses also need good drainage capabilities, but that is in terms of maintenance. Good drainage is conducive to lawn maintenance. After all, most people will not play golf when it rains and water accumulates. The football field is different. When it rains, we need to ensure a dry enough venue so that the game can continue as much as possible without being interrupted.




In addition, the golf course is a long-term venue, and the activities it handles are single, only relatively leisure golf. At the same time, these grasses are grown and maintained under natural conditions. The environmental conditions are much better than those of the football fields in the stadiums (even for other non-special purpose lawns), and the quality of the lawns can be guaranteed. We also need to ensure a good enough football field lawn, which requires artificially creating environmental conditions to promote the growth of the lawn.




For example, using artificial light to promote growth, using large industrial fans to circulate the air in the stadium, etc. Although the football field is also a long-term venue, its number of renovations will be much higher than that of a golf course or other lawns. In addition to extremely fierce competitive sports, it will also deal with other large-scale events, such as concerts or track and field events, etc. These large-scale events will cause great damage to the venue, so necessary renovations are required, and golf course renovations can take as short as 5 to 10 years.




The football field is just a lawn of about 8,000 square meters, but this lawn is indeed special, and everything that happens on this lawn will be spread around the world through the media. Therefore, the construction of the venue and the selection of turf grass will affect this 8,000-square-meter lawn, the level of events held here, and the ease of future maintenance of this lawn.



In the current market, a variety of food packaging bags emerge in endlessly, especially food and snacks. For ordinary people and even foodies, they may not understand why there are many types of snack packaging. In fact, in the packaging industry, they also have names according to the type of bags. Today, this article lists all the food packaging bags in life. Types and types, so you can eat with confidence!




The first type: three-side sealing bag


As the name suggests, it is sealed on three sides and leaves an opening to contain the product. It is the most common type of food packaging bag. Three-side seal bags have two side seams and a top seam, and these bags can be folded or not. Can stand upright on the shelf when folded.






The second type: stand-up bag


The self-standing bag type food packaging bag is as easy to understand as its name. It can stand up independently on the container. Therefore, the display effect is better and more beautiful.





The third type: eight-side sealing bag


This is a bag type developed on the basis of the stand-up bag. Since the bottom is square, it can also stand upright. This type of bag is more three-dimensional, with three planes: front, side and bottom. Compared with stand-up bags, eight-side seal bags have more printing space and product display, which can better attract consumers' attention.





The fourth type: nozzle bag


The nozzle bag consists of two parts, the upper part is an independent suction nozzle, and the lower part is a stand-up bag. This type of bag is the first choice for packaging liquids, powders and other products, such as juices, drinks, milk, soy milk, etc.




Type 5: Self-standing zipper bag


Self-standing zipper bags, that is, an openable zipper is added to the top of the package, which is convenient for storage and consumption and avoids moisture. This type of bag is flexible, moisture-proof and waterproof, and not easy to break.




Type 6: Back-sealed bag


A back-sealed bag is a type of packaging bag with the back edge of the bag sealed. This type of bag has no opening and needs to be torn by hand. It is mostly used for granule packets, candies, dairy products, etc.





The above bag typesbasically cover all types of bags on the market. I believe that after reading the full article, you will be able to handle various packaging bags with ease.


Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and sensors are directly woven into textile fibers for health monitoring, new nano-sensors have spawned wearable smart textiles, silk fibers imitating comet moths have been made into super-porous multi-functional fibers, etc... Textile black technology has emerged in recent years. They emerge in endlessly, bringing more convenience to our lives.






Intelligent textiles integrate textile, electronics, medicine, computer, physics, chemistry and other technologies. They can sense environmental changes and respond accordingly. They play an important role in improving the quality of life and meeting the needs of special industries. They are the future development of the industry. The main direction, but the operating environment of textile machinery is harsh. To achieve large-scale mass production, production equipment must be efficient and reliable to match the development needs of the industry.




1. Keywords for power supply indicators: dust-proof and moisture-proof, anti-vibration, strong environmental adaptability


1. Dust-proof, moisture-proof and vibration-resistant


Starting from the application environment, textile production equipment has special application conditions and certain risk factors:


1) Fan: During the operation of the equipment, a lot of lint and dust from textiles will inevitably be produced. The fan will blow these objects into the power supply, causing a potential short circuit. Moreover, lint and dust can easily block the fan, causing the power supply to fail. get dissipated and thermally damaged.


2) No protection: If textile lint and dust fall into the power supply, without protective measures, it will easily cause an internal short circuit in the power supply, causing damage. In severe cases, the internal cotton may catch fire and cause a fire.


3) The product is damp: The shell has holes and the hollow structure inside the shell cannot block water vapor. At the same time, the air inlet of the fan becomes a passage for moist water vapor. When the internal environment of the power supply is not closed enough to block water vapor, harsh indoor and outdoor environments, outdoor environments, etc. will directly affect the life of the power supply and equipment.


4) Strong vibration environment: Textile equipment usually uses processes such as vibration, pulling, and impact to separate fibers and remove impurities. Therefore, there are high requirements for the anti-vibration ability of the power supply.







2. Strong environmental adaptability


The conventional input voltage range is 85-264VAC, which cannot cope with all situations. For example, when the equipment is started and shut down, the input voltage exceeds 264VAC instantaneously, and conventional products are at risk of damage; for example, during high and low peak power consumption periods, large voltage fluctuations can exceed 264VAC; for example, equipment There is demand for exporting overseas, and it cannot meet overseas electricity standards.


weho's fanless semi-filled power supply LMF-UH series products have a wide input voltage range of 85-305VAC, which is not afraid of power grid fluctuations; in addition, the product's operating temperature range is: -40 to +85℃, lower operating temperature, broadening the application area. Suitable for lower environment applications, fast startup is not limited, specially designed for conductive heat dissipation scenarios, no derating in 55℃ windless environment.


At the same time, the LMF-UH series can also maintain 1.5 times the peak power output for 1 second, meeting the transient high current demand of the motor when starting up. It is widely used in strong vibration environments of knitting machinery, spinning machinery and other equipment, providing customers with Come to a better choice.






2. Typical application solutions in the textile industry







In the textile equipment system, after the front-end power supply LMF350-23B24UH is connected to the mains input, it outputs 24V to power the back-end PLC, stepper motor and other components. The product can achieve 1.5 times the peak power output for 1 second to meet the back-end motor start-up generation. The transient large current; the back end is connected to URB2405YMD-6WR3 to step down to 5V to power the LCD touch screen.


The power supply of textile machinery needs three-proof protection and meets certain vibration level requirements; lint is easy to accumulate inside the equipment, causing power failure. Weho LMF-UH series not only meets the above needs and ensures high reliability, but also takes into account the advantages of domestic brand, complete protection functions, fast delivery, and localized fast service, bringing customers a better choice