Yes, Classic WoW is presently a fun, happy place to be -- certainly more happy than retail. But the bloom is presently very much on the increased. There is a certain critical mass of players that have
classic wow gold to be proceeding via a zone in World of Warcraft Classic to guarantee enough people to form groups for various dungeons, or even for quests. Without enough people to perform group quests or dungeons, you are locked out of quicker and their better items leveling these areas offer. Don't get to view them. Gear that will make your leveling simpler remains out of reach.
It is going to be more difficult to find people to set up with continue through content and to do quests. Running dungeons on alts requires finding people to play, although running dungeons is an excellent way to level. Groups get harder to find, as the zones empty out. Joining a guild can help, but leveling alts was still a fairly slow process and one consistent complaint that gamers made to Blizzard was that it was too difficult to locate people to conduct dungeons with.
I'm only discussing community concerning classes in this informative article -- that the damn thing is long enough already -- but I believe that makes sense for 1-20, in which most grouping is done in temporary clusters instead of in-guilds. Nonetheless, Classic WoW encourages faster questing/dungeoneering and grouping for mob-tagging. That's an excellent thing when there's lots of people to perform. When you don't have them 13, it is not great at all.
WoW Classic is intended to funnel players. Level 60 is the end-state. That is one issue that's going to reoccur, and that
cheap wow classic gold is why I am not incredibly comfortable waxing poetic about the superb nature of the Classic community. It's not because people are not being helpful; they very much are. It's because some of the changes that Blizzard put to the game involving Vanilla and Battle for Azeroth might have weakened the community bonds of the game, but they were adjustments Blizzard made to try and support what many players themselves said they wanted. At precisely the same time, yes, there were players who were against these modifications. Each expansion of WoW has made important adjustments to the game mechanics.