The Benefits of Ithmid (Kohl)
Spanning across different cultures and histories, Ithmid, also known as kohl or surma, stands as a testament to humanity’s quest for health and beauty. Predominantly used as an eye cosmetic in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and North African cultures, Ithmid influence extends beyond the superficial, entwining itself with traditional medicine and spiritual practices. This article uncovers the potential benefits of Ithmid and its significant cultural implications.
Historical and Cultural Significance of Ithmid
Ithmid journey through time is steeped in cultural significance. Ancient Egyptians used kohl, not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its believed therapeutic properties. They also used it as a protective amulet against evil.
In Islamic culture, the use of Ithmid holds spiritual significance pure as it is reported that Prophet Muhammad used it. Recognized as a Sunnah (practice), the application of Ithmid transcends the realm of beauty, making it a spiritual practice deeply ingrained in the social fabric.
Potential Benefits of Ithmid
Eye Care and Vision Enhancement
Anecdotal evidence and traditional beliefs suggest that Ithmid may provide some level of protection from harmful UV rays. It is also considered by many to have vision-enhancing properties. While these claims are primarily based on traditional beliefs rather than scientific research, they have played a significant role in Ithmid continued use across generations.
Antimicrobial Qualities
Traditional medicinal systems often highlight the supposed antimicrobial properties of Ithmid. The belief is that Ithmid might help in preventing eye infections due to these properties. While research is ongoing, this potential benefit adds another layer to the fascinating narrative of Ithmid.
Beautification and Psychological Effects
The cosmetic role of Ithmid is arguably its most visible. As an eyeliner, Ithmid enhances the appearance of the eyes, adding a distinctive allure. This aesthetic enhancement can also have positive psychological impacts, often bolstering an individual’s self-confidence and contributing to their overall sense of well-being.
Spiritual Influence
The use of Ithmid is considered a spiritual act in some cultures, particularly within Islamic traditions. This gives Ithmid a dimension that goes beyond physical health and beauty, adding a deeply personal, spiritual aspect to its use.
Ithmid presents an intriguing intersection of traditional medicine, beauty enhancement, and spiritual practices. Its historical use and the potential benefits attached to it continue to pique interest and uphold its place in various cultures. As with all traditional and alternative medicines, individual experiences with Ithmid can vary, and it’s always fascinating to explore these diverse narratives and understand how traditional practices continue to resonate with modern life.
Keywords: Ithmid, traditional medicine, kohl, surma, eye care, antimicrobial, beauty, spiritual, culture.
© Copyright by SunnahCure – Texts are welcome to be shared with author’s details (SunnahCure), but may not be copied or reproduced for own purposes.
What you should consider when taking out a loan online - Tips & Advice
Are you dreaming of a new car? Or maybe you need some extra money for your wedding or are you planning to start a family? An online personal loan can be the exact financial solution you need to fulfill your wishes.
Taking out a loan online can be a big decision to make, so we've compiled a list of the most important things to consider before applying.
Do I meet the requirements to qualify for a loan?The first thing you should consider is whether you meet the Ekonomi minimum requirements to qualify for a personal loan. The basic requirements are as follows, but note that the requirements may vary depending on the lender:
The next step is to think about what you want to use the loan for. There are many different types of loans on the market so it is important to choose a loan that suits your situation and what you intend to use it for. The most common are:
Private loan without collateral
An unsecured personal loan is a loan offered without any collateral for an asset, such as a car or a house. This type of loan is often used for travel, weddings or debt settlement and although it has a slightly higher interest rate than a secured loan, it gives you the freedom to borrow money without collateral.
Car loan
A car loan is an excellent way to buy a new or used car without having to spend a long time building up your savings. Car loans often have a lower interest rate than an unsecured private loan because the car is used as collateral, provided the vehicle is under 7 years old.
What are the interest rates?An interest rate is an amount that the bank or financial institution changes in addition to the money lent.
When you take out a loan, you want to choose the loan that gives you the lowest possible interest rate. This will help you focus on paying off the money you borrowed rather than just paying off the interest that builds up. Of course, the type of loan affects the interest rate. In general, loans with collateral, i.e. backed by an asset, have a significantly lower interest rate than an unsecured loan.
What are the fees associated with a personal loan?Each loan will have different fees associated with it. Charges to look out for include:
Make sure you take the time to consider these fees when deciding on the type and term of your loan to avoid unnecessary expenses.
What is the term of the loan?The length of your loan determines your repayment amounts and how much interest you end up paying during the term of the loan. The longer the loan, the lower your monthly repayments will be. Most personal loans can range from 1 to 7 years.
How are you going to pay it off?This seems like an obvious point but it is important to plan how you intend to repay the debt. Will you pay weekly, bi-weekly or monthly? Do you plan to pay it off earlier than the maturity? These key factors will help you choose the right loan to ensure you avoid unnecessary costs.
By considering these points, you can plan and equip yourself with all the necessary tools you need to make the right decisions for your needs and be confident that you are on the right path to achieving your financial dreams.
What is an online loan?An online loan can come from either an online-only lender or the online division of a more traditional lender. These are often unsecured personal loans, but you can get other types of loans online as well.
Ti capita mai di lavare i capelli e di sentirli sporchi già dopo uno o al massimo due giorni? Molto probabilmente ti diranno che il problema è che li tocchi troppo. Eppure tu sai bene che generalmente li tieni legati in una coda bassa proprio per evitare di spostarli e toccarli continuamente.
Ma allora perché i capelli si sporcano così facilmente?
Inquinamento, stress, spazzole poco pulite o piastra sporca, eccessivo utilizzo di prodotti per lo styling, cattiva alimentazione, polvere: le cause come puoi vedere sono moltissime, ma una in particolare potrebbe rappresentare il più grande errore che commetti quando lavi i capelli.
Sei curiosa di scoprire di quale errore si tratta? Preparati a sorprenderti!
Perché i capelli si sporcano subito? Questione di shampoo
Perché i capelli si sporcano così velocemente? La risposta a questa domanda è più semplice di quanto pensi. I capelli si sporcano dopo un giorno perché non li laviamo bene. La maggior parte di noi versa una consistente quantità di shampoo sulla mano e accarezza i capelli in modo delicato, senza strofinare. Certo, tutto questo è molto rilassante, ma non è altrettanto utile se l’obiettivo è quello di avere dei capelli ben puliti.
Per un corretto lavaggio, usa le punte delle dita e strofina lo shampoo sul cuoio capelluto. Dedica attenzione anche alle lunghezze, ma concentrati in particolar modo su tutta la testa, senza tralasciare nessun punto.
Ma quante volte fare lo shampoo sotto la doccia? L’ideale extension ciglia sarebbe due o tre volte, per essere certi di aver eliminato ogni traccia di sporco. Ah, e per quanto riguarda la quantità di shampoo da usare, una “cucchiaiata” andrà benissimo, quindi non esagerare!
Bene, dopo aver scoperto qual è il miglior modo per fare lo shampoo, vogliamo segnalarti anche una serie di consigli e trucchi di bellezza per avere capelli sempre al top. Seguili per dire addio alla chioma spenta e piatta!
Capelli spenti? Prova questi trucchi di bellezza
1. Doccia calda o tiepida? La maggior parte di voi saprà già qual è la risposta corretta a questa domanda. Le docce calde sono bellissime, rilassanti e rigeneranti, ma fanno anche tanto male alla pelle e ai capelli. L’acqua bollente rimuove infatti gli oli naturali dal cuoio capelluto, e tutto ciò significa una sola cosa: capelli secchi e crespi. Una doccia tiepida sarà la soluzione migliore!
2. Lavare i capelli regolarmente: ogni quanti giorni bisogna lavare i capelli? C’è chi li lava tutti i giorni e chi lo fa una volta a settimana. L’ideale sarebbe un lavaggio ogni tre giorni.
3. Pettinare i capelli sotto la doccia: c’è chi dice che così facendo si possono spezzare e chi invece non può fare a meno di pettinare i capelli bagnati. Cosa dobbiamo sapere al riguardo? In generale è vero, pettinare i capelli bagnati può spezzarli, ma il pericolo si elimina semplicemente usando un pettine a denti larghi e partendo dalle punte per salire
gradualmente, senza strappare via i nodi.
Infine, dal momento che “siamo ciò che mangiamo”, ricorda che se vuoi avere capelli sani ogni giorno non basta comprare i migliori shampoo e la piastra più costosa. Piuttosto, impara a prenderti cura di te dall’interno.
Bevi almeno 2,5 litri di acqua ogni giorno e mangia in modo equilibrato e sano, prediligendo cibi come uova, frutti di bosco, frutta secca, pesce, verdure e patate dolci.
Que vous soyez un.e pro dans le monde des extensions de cils ou bien que vous soyez totalement nouveau.elle, il est indéniable que les Extensions de cils hybrides sont d’une beauté extrême. C’est une technique de pose qui est devenue populaire vraiment très rapidement dans l’industrie, et qui permet aux client.e.s un look encore plus sur-mesure. Ce type de pose est aussi une super opportunité pour les personnes ayant une ligne des cils vraiment très irrégulière et qui souhaitent du volume à certains endroits, et de la longueur à d’autres. Si vous souhaitiez tester les poses hybrides mais que vous n’êtes pas totalement sûr.e.s de vous, on est là pour vous aider à vous décider. LES EXTENSIONS CLASSIQUES
Pour créer une pose d’extensions de cils hybride, les lash techs utilisent extensions de cils un mix de classique et de volume, afin d’obtenir le MEILLEUR des deux techniques. Si vous ne le saviez pas déjà, les poses Classiques consistent à poser une extension par cil naturel, pour un résultat super naturel. Les poses volumes, elles, sont composées de bouquets de plusieurs extensions de cils qui sont posés sur un seul cil naturel. Ces bouquets permettent de donner du volume et de véritablement intensifier le regard. Le nombre d’extensions qui compose un bouquet est à ajuster en fonction du rendu désiré par le ou la client.e.
Si jamais vous avez déjà admiré les cils d’un.e célébrité en vous demandant comment ils peuvent être naturellement si denses, on vous confie un secret, ça ne l’est sûrement pas - naturel. Il est très très probable qu’il s’agissent d’extensions hybrides. Très prisées et portées par les membres de la famille Kardashian, les Extensions de cils Hybrides créent une ligne de cils déstructurée, pleine de textures et effilée, tout en restant duveteuse et légère.
Les Extensions de cils Hybrides sont parfaites pour les personnes ayant une ligne des cils comportant des trous, irrégulière, ou bien qui ont des cils très fins. Des bouquets volume peuvent être ajoutées sur les sections plus éparses, et des extensions classiques, posées, à des endroits stratégiques afin d’allonger les cils là où ils sont plus courts.
Si vous avez déjà essayé des Extensions de cils classiques et n’êtes pas complètement sûr.e.s de vouloir sauter le pas et passer aux Extensions de cils volume russe, les Extensions de cils hybrides sont un véritables must pour vous ! Cette pose vous permettra de vous rendre un peu mieux compte du rendu d’une pose volume russe sur vous. Vous pouvez aussi partir sur ce type de pose si vous souhaitez obtenir un effet plus « wow » . N’hésitez jamais à lancer la conversation avec votre lash tech, il ou elle vous conseillera au mieux afin de vous proposer ses conseils d’expert.e.s en fonction de votre morphologie, de vos cils naturels et du look que vous cherchez.
Si vous partez sur une pose hybride, ou que votre lash tech vous a conseillé de partir sur une pose hybride, préparez-vous à rester sur la table de massage un peu plus longtemps que lors d’une pose classique. Cela peut prendre environ 2h30 pour faire une pose hybride complète, car cela nécessite plus de précision et de sens créatif que d’autres types de poses. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, ce n’est pas du tout désagréable, et par expérience, je peux vous dire que la plupart des gens s’endorment même !
À l’instar d’une pose classique ou volume russe, votre lash tech va isoler chaque cil naturel avant d’y coller les extensions. Pour un meilleur résultat, les bouquets seront en général créés à la main par votre lash artiste. De manière générale, deux bouquets seront posés sur deux cils naturels, et une extension classique sera posée de chaque côté de ceux-ci. Cette technique est ensuite répétée tout le long de la ligne des cils jusqu’à obtenir un set complet.
De la même façon qu’une pose classique ou volume, si vous vous rendez chez un.e lash tech professionnel.le, il n’y pas de raison que vos cils soient abîmés par la pose. Il y a en revanche certaines choses à prendre en considération après avoir effectué votre pose qui vous permettront de maintenir votre pose. Tout d’abord, comme n’importe quel poil ou cheveu, le cycle naturel du cil implique qu’il finira, à terme, par tomber, emportant avec lui l’extension ou le bouquet collé dessus. C’est pourquoi il est nécessaire de prendre des rendez-vous de remplissage, afin que votre jolie pose dure plus longtemps.
¿Encantar con una sola mirada? ¿Quién no desea eso? Además de unos ojos hermosos y radiantes, esto también incluye unas pestañas largas y espesas. Por desgracia, no todo el mundo tiene la suerte de que la naturaleza le haya dado unas pestañas perfectas. Pero la buena noticia es que, hoy en día, todo el mundo puede engrosar sus pestañas. Aquí te contamos la mejor manera de hacerlo y en qué debes fijarte.
¿Cómo puedo engrosar mis pestañas?Afortunadamente, en la actualidad existen muchas formas de engrosar extensiones de pestañas las pestañas. Además del engrosamiento puramente óptico y a corto plazo con rímel y similares, también puedes ayudar a tus pestañas de otras maneras.
Un engrosamiento de pestañas o Extensión de pestañas puede hacerse en casa o mediante un tratamiento profesional en un estudio de pestañas. Con el engrosamiento de pestañas, se pegan pestañas artificiales sobre las naturales, con lo que se agranda visualmente el ojo al mismo tiempo. Si te aplicas las pestañas tú misma, debes tener cuidado: Para que el aspecto sea realmente natural, al principio sólo debes pegar un máximo de 50 pestañas individuales. ¿Cómo funciona mejor?
Para que al aplicarlo sólo se capte la línea de las pestañas superiores, las inferiores deben cubrirse con una almohadilla. A continuación se fija el párpado superior, tras lo cual se desengrasan las pestañas para que el pegamento se fije mejor. A continuación, mediante la llamada técnica de volumen, se pegan las pestañas artificiales individuales sobre la pestaña natural con unas pinzas.
Cuánto cuesta un lifting de pestañasSi no le acaban de regalar vales, un profesional Levantamiento de pestañas puede ser bastante caro. Un lifting de pestañas en el Estudio de Pestañas cuesta entre 40 y 70 euros. Los precios varían en función de la técnica. Después del tratamiento, puede lavarse la cara normalmente o desmaquillarse. Por supuesto, también puedes usar maquillaje para los ojos.
Sólo debe abstenerse de utilizar la máscara de pestañas durante las primeras 24 horas después del tratamiento. Y es mejor utilizar una máscara de pestañas soluble en agua porque es mucho más suave para las pestañas y también se puede retirar con más cuidado.
Cómo hacer que el engrosamiento de las pestañas dure más tiempoPara que su volumen dure lo máximo posible y para que disfrute de su espesamiento de pestañas artificiales, debe seguir estos consejos:
So you’re thinking about starting an Instagram account for your lash business, huh? According to Hootsuite, 200 million Instagram users visit at least one business profile a day. *Hint hint* that means for a visual business like lashing, IG can be a goldmine of customer leads to help you grow your lash extension clientele. In order to use the platform for your benefit, you’ve got to start from scratch and create your own business account. Here are our five fav tips to consider when building your account for your lash business.
1 | SETUP YOUR LASH EXTENSION ACCOUNT AS A BUSINESS PROFILEFirst things first, make sure you start your account the right way! A business account on Instagram will give you access to metrics that you won’t be able to get with a normal account. You’ll have the ability to view insights about how your followers are interacting with your eyelash extension business - AKA you can see if they’re going through your Instagram account to check out your website, book with you, etc. With a biz account, you can also easily add a phone number, email address, location address, website, and business info to your profile for your lash extension clients (or potential clients) to easily make contact. You can even directly link your booking website.
If you want to get super specific, you can even check out what percentage of your followers are male or female, your followers’ ages, how many people followed or unfollowed you that day, and more. With these insights, you’ll have specific knowledge to customize your content more for your audience and turn followers into new lash + brow clients.
2 | USE ALL 30 HASHTAGS + MAKE THEM SPECIFIC TO EYELASH EXTENSIONSYou can think of hashtags as strategically playing the lottery - you’re allowed thirty hashtags per post and each one gives you the opportunity for someone new to find your lash extension business. Using hashtags is an easy way for people to find your business and see your work, which will help you generate more leads. Try to find + use hashtags that have a decent amount of posts under them, but not so many that the tag is oversaturated with posts to the point where your photos get buried.
For example, the hashtag “#EyelashExtensions” has over eyelash extensions 15 million posts. Your picture will most likely be quickly buried in the other content. Instead, try a location-specific hashtag such as “#LashExtensionsDallas” that only has 10,000 posts - you’ll’ be way more likely to find customers in your area and your post won’t be buried as easily.
3 | ENGAGE WITH OTHER LASH EXTENSION ARTISTSStarting from zero followers can be daunting (we’ve all been there, babe) but thankfully, the eyelash extension network is a supportive business community. Use hashtags to find + comment on the posts of other lash artists, follow them, and continue to like pictures of their work. Most people will be really grateful to have some more love on their page and will return the kindness by engaging with your content.
Lash brands would love to talk to you as well! At Lash Affair, we’re all about spreading the lash love on social - our team gets excited to read comments and messages back and forth with artists. We really love when we’re tagged in photos of your work with our lash extensions and products. As a small courtesy, try to steer clear of tagging brands whose products you didn’t use.
4 | DON’T BE SHY, GET SOCIAL WITH YOUR LASH EXTENSION CLIENTSAs you start to grow your following and post more of your killer sets of lash extensions, your followers will engage more on your business page. They’ll leave comments, slide in your DMs, and respond to your stories. Be sure you’re taking a little time out of your day to show them some love back! Responding to messages and comments will make your followers feel heard and will help build a good, lasting relationship with them that will only benefit you in the future. Be sure to show genuine interest in your followers and start a conversation about their possible lash needs. Increased engagement on your page will also increase your visibility on the platform AKA more engagement means IG’s algorithm will push your content to be seen by more people.
5 | POST REGULARLY (LASH BEFORE + AFTERS, TIPS, WHATEVA)This one may seem like a no brainer, but posting regularly will encourage your lash extension business account’s growth. People want to follow an active IG and stay up to date on your work, policies, and news. This is a great opportunity to diversify your posts as well. Your page is a place to showcase your work as well as your business - you can post before and afters of your lash + brow services, lash extension aftercare products, educational graphics, information about your business, etc.
Be sure to utilize every type of post on Instagram. Story highlights are a great place to put your menu, policies, and information about yourself, employees, or salon. You should also use IG’s video sharing options called “Reels,” as well as their long video sharing called “IGTV.” You can post videos to showcase lashes, studio tours, or Q&As. Use those insights we talked about to reach bigger audiences by giving them content they genuinely enjoy!
Additionally, having a posting schedule that you stick to every week will hold you accountable for your activity on Instagram. Deciding what days and times you’ll post will make the process of remembering to post less stressful - you can even find the best times and days to post in your insights tab. P.S. You can even download scheduling apps for free that will help you plan ahead and post for you!
As we navigate the increasingly digitised landscape of the 21st century, it's fascinating to see how artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives. From predicting weather patterns to recommending your next movie on Netflix, AI impacts us in ways we often don't realize. So, we thought, why not seek AI's perspective on fashion?
In our quest for the best online fashion destinations, we turned to OpenAI's language model, ChatGPT. Known for its advanced capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text, we asked ChatGPT to share its top picks for the best online fashion stores in Australia. Read on to discover the unique blend of established names and emerging players in the Australian online fashion scene, all recommended by an AI. Prepare to redefine your shopping experiences!
The Iconic
As one of Australia's most popular online fashion stores, Australia Fashion Deals Marketplace The Iconic offers a wide selection of clothing, accessories, beauty products, and more. With more than 1000 brands and 60,000 fashion and sports products, it caters to different style preferences and budgets. Their user-friendly platform, fast delivery, and easy return policy make shopping a breeze.
Sass & BideKnown for its distinctive style, Sass & Bide offers bold, beautiful, and glamorous pieces that make a statement. The online store carries their complete line, from ready-to-wear to bespoke denim and exclusive gallery pieces.
Spell & The Gypsy CollectiveThis Byron Bay-based label is famous for its boho-inspired designs. Spell & The Gypsy Collective is perfect for those who prefer a relaxed, dreamy style. They are also committed to sustainable practices, making them a great choice for eco-conscious shoppers.
CueCue offers high-quality pieces with a focus on modern design and luxury fabrics. Known for their excellent tailoring, Cue is a great place to shop for chic workwear and stylish everyday pieces.
As a parent or caregiver, finding the perfect clothes and shoes for your little ones can be a challenging task. With so many options available online, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Thankfully, there are a plethora of online stores in Australia that offer a wide range of clothes and shoes for babies and toddlers.
In this blog post, we've rounded up some of the best online stores in Australia where you can find stylish, comfortable, and high-quality clothes and shoes for your little ones. We understand the importance of finding clothes that are not only fashionable but also practical and safe for your child.
From affordable basics to designer brands, we've included a variety of online stores that cater to all budgets and preferences. We've also made sure to include stores that offer a wide range of sizes, so whether you're shopping for a newborn or a toddler, you'll find what you need.
We know how important it is to find the perfect clothes and shoes for your little ones, and we hope that this guide will make your online shopping experience a little easier. So, without further ado, let's dive into the best online stores to buy clothes and shoes for babies and toddlers in Australia!
Ollies PlaceOllies Place is a brand that offers a variety of products for babies and toddlers. Their line of clothing includes onesies, rompers, dresses, and tops made from soft and comfortable materials like cotton and polyester. They also offer a range of accessories, such as hats, bibs, and socks, to complete any outfit. Ollies Place is known for their cute and playful designs, featuring everything from animal prints to bright patterns. They also offer a selection of products for bath time, including towels and washcloths. Overall, Ollies Place is a great choice for parents who want to dress their little ones in comfortable, stylish, and affordable clothing.
As we navigate the increasingly digitised landscape of the 21st century, it's fascinating to see how artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives. From predicting weather patterns to recommending your next movie on Netflix, AI impacts us in ways we often don't realize. So, we thought, why not seek AI's perspective on fashion?
In our quest for the best online fashion destinations, we turned to OpenAI's language model, ChatGPT. Known for its advanced capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text, we asked ChatGPT to share its top picks for the best online fashion stores in Australia. Read on to discover the unique blend of established names and emerging players in the Australian online fashion scene, all recommended by an AI. Prepare to redefine your shopping experiences!
The Iconic
As one of Australia's most popular online fashion stores, Australia Fashion Deals Marketplace The Iconic offers a wide selection of clothing, accessories, beauty products, and more. With more than 1000 brands and 60,000 fashion and sports products, it caters to different style preferences and budgets. Their user-friendly platform, fast delivery, and easy return policy make shopping a breeze.
Sass & BideKnown for its distinctive style, Sass & Bide offers bold, beautiful, and glamorous pieces that make a statement. The online store carries their complete line, from ready-to-wear to bespoke denim and exclusive gallery pieces.
Spell & The Gypsy CollectiveThis Byron Bay-based label is famous for its boho-inspired designs. Spell & The Gypsy Collective is perfect for those who prefer a relaxed, dreamy style. They are also committed to sustainable practices, making them a great choice for eco-conscious shoppers.
CueCue offers high-quality pieces with a focus on modern design and luxury fabrics. Known for their excellent tailoring, Cue is a great place to shop for chic workwear and stylish everyday pieces.
As a parent or caregiver, finding the perfect clothes and shoes for your little ones can be a challenging task. With so many options available online, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Thankfully, there are a plethora of online stores in Australia that offer a wide range of clothes and shoes for babies and toddlers.
In this blog post, we've rounded up some of the best online stores in Australia where you can find stylish, comfortable, and high-quality clothes and shoes for your little ones. We understand the importance of finding clothes that are not only fashionable but also practical and safe for your child.
From affordable basics to designer brands, we've included a variety of online stores that cater to all budgets and preferences. We've also made sure to include stores that offer a wide range of sizes, so whether you're shopping for a newborn or a toddler, you'll find what you need.
We know how important it is to find the perfect clothes and shoes for your little ones, and we hope that this guide will make your online shopping experience a little easier. So, without further ado, let's dive into the best online stores to buy clothes and shoes for babies and toddlers in Australia!
Ollies PlaceOllies Place is a brand that offers a variety of products for babies and toddlers. Their line of clothing includes onesies, rompers, dresses, and tops made from soft and comfortable materials like cotton and polyester. They also offer a range of accessories, such as hats, bibs, and socks, to complete any outfit. Ollies Place is known for their cute and playful designs, featuring everything from animal prints to bright patterns. They also offer a selection of products for bath time, including towels and washcloths. Overall, Ollies Place is a great choice for parents who want to dress their little ones in comfortable, stylish, and affordable clothing.
Ramadan is a month of fasting and spiritual reflection for Muslims around the world. Fasting during Ramadan can be challenging, but it can also be a time of growth and self-discovery. To make the most of your fasting experience, here are 5 fasting tips to keep in mind:
1. Try not to skip suhoor: Suhoor is the pre-dawn meal that Muslims eat before beginning their fast for the day. It’s important not to skip suhoor, as it can help to sustain your energy levels throughout the day. Be sure to eat a balanced meal that includes protein, whole grains, and healthy fats.
2. Focus on eating healthy foods: During Ramadan, it’s important to focus on eating healthy foods that provide your body with the nutrients it needs. Avoid sugary or fried foods, and instead opt for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
3. Avoid eating too much: While it can be tempting to overindulge at surma iftar, it’s important to practice moderation and avoid eating too much. Eating too much can lead to feelings of discomfort and sluggishness, which can make it difficult to stay energized throughout the evening.
4. Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is essential during Ramadan, especially during the hot summer months. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the evening to help replenish your body after a day of fasting.
5. Get a good night’s sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for physical and mental health. During Ramadan, it’s important to maintain a regular sleep schedule and get enough rest each night.
By following these 5 fasting tips, you can make the most of your Ramadan fasting experience and stay healthy and energized throughout the month. Remember to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed to ensure that you are taking care of yourself during this special time.
How to use Black Musk Fragrance StoneAs a perfume
Apply the SunnahCure musk to the desired areas by rubbing it against the skin. You can also crush some of the musk and rub it under the armpits.
In case of internal or external possession by a zina and love jinn, apply the musk around the intimate area, especially at night before going to bed (but also during the day).
As a room scent
Leave the SunnahCure musk stone in the room that is to be scented with musk, or crush some of the musk stone and use it in a fragrance lamp instead of the fragrance oil that is normally used.
As Bakhour (incense)
Light a charcoal tablet and place it in a non-flammable container (bakhour burner, aluminium foil, etc.). After the charcoal has ignited, wait another 10-15 minutes. Now place 1-2 pinches of the SunnahCure Black Musk Bukhur stone on the charcoal tablet, so that a pleasant incense scent is created and now spread the scent of the Bakhour in the desired place. If the smoke begins to smell unpleasant, remove the old Bakhour and place 1-2 pinches on the charcoal again. You can repeat this process during the glowing time of the charcoal tablet.
How to use Rose WaterApplication for a beautiful skin complexion
Soak a cotton pad in SunnahCure rose water and rub it on your face or affected area. Don’t rinse off. Use morning and evening.
Application for dark circles under the eyes
Soak 2 cotton pads in SunnahCure rose water and place 1 pad on each eye for 15 minutes.
Use for headaches
Mix aloe juice with SunnahCure rose water and massage this onto your forehead and cheeks.
Application in a Ruqyah bath or aroma bath
Mix SunnahCure rose water into the bath water.
Use in Ruqyah house cleaning
Mix some SunnahCure rose water with the Ruqyah water and spray your home with it every day. In particular, the corners of the ceiling and ceiling edges with “BismiLLAH”.
Ramadan is a month of fasting and spiritual reflection for Muslims around the world. Fasting during Ramadan can be challenging, but it can also be a time of growth and self-discovery. To make the most of your fasting experience, here are 5 fasting tips to keep in mind:
1. Try not to skip suhoor: Suhoor is the pre-dawn meal that Muslims eat before beginning their fast for the day. It’s important not to skip suhoor, as it can help to sustain your energy levels throughout the day. Be sure to eat a balanced meal that includes protein, whole grains, and healthy fats.
2. Focus on eating healthy foods: During Ramadan, it’s important to focus on eating healthy foods that provide your body with the nutrients it needs. Avoid sugary or fried foods, and instead opt for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
3. Avoid eating too much: While it can be tempting to overindulge at antimony kohl iftar, it’s important to practice moderation and avoid eating too much. Eating too much can lead to feelings of discomfort and sluggishness, which can make it difficult to stay energized throughout the evening.
4. Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is essential during Ramadan, especially during the hot summer months. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the evening to help replenish your body after a day of fasting.
5. Get a good night’s sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for physical and mental health. During Ramadan, it’s important to maintain a regular sleep schedule and get enough rest each night.
By following these 5 fasting tips, you can make the most of your Ramadan fasting experience and stay healthy and energized throughout the month. Remember to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed to ensure that you are taking care of yourself during this special time.
How to use Black Musk Fragrance StoneAs a perfume
Apply the SunnahCure musk to the desired areas by rubbing it against the skin. You can also crush some of the musk and rub it under the armpits.
In case of internal or external possession by a zina and love jinn, apply the musk around the intimate area, especially at night before going to bed (but also during the day).
As a room scent
Leave the SunnahCure musk stone in the room that is to be scented with musk, or crush some of the musk stone and use it in a fragrance lamp instead of the fragrance oil that is normally used.
As Bakhour (incense)
Light a charcoal tablet and place it in a non-flammable container (bakhour burner, aluminium foil, etc.). After the charcoal has ignited, wait another 10-15 minutes. Now place 1-2 pinches of the SunnahCure Black Musk Bukhur stone on the charcoal tablet, so that a pleasant incense scent is created and now spread the scent of the Bakhour in the desired place. If the smoke begins to smell unpleasant, remove the old Bakhour and place 1-2 pinches on the charcoal again. You can repeat this process during the glowing time of the charcoal tablet.
How to use Rose WaterApplication for a beautiful skin complexion
Soak a cotton pad in SunnahCure rose water and rub it on your face or affected area. Don’t rinse off. Use morning and evening.
Application for dark circles under the eyes
Soak 2 cotton pads in SunnahCure rose water and place 1 pad on each eye for 15 minutes.
Use for headaches
Mix aloe juice with SunnahCure rose water and massage this onto your forehead and cheeks.
Application in a Ruqyah bath or aroma bath
Mix SunnahCure rose water into the bath water.
Use in Ruqyah house cleaning
Mix some SunnahCure rose water with the Ruqyah water and spray your home with it every day. In particular, the corners of the ceiling and ceiling edges with “BismiLLAH”.