arearing5's blog

As cars became more numerous, motorists began to make their way into quieter communities, using their streets as an alternative route. Traffic calming was born out of this practice by motorists. The concept of traffic calming was developed in Europe in the late 1960's. It is based upon the idea that neighborhoods streets should help to create and sustain a sense or place. In these areas, automobiles should not dominate. traffic calming devices

The neighborhood streets should be places where families can stroll, kids can play, people can bike and pet their dogs, all without being harmed by speeding cars. There's no reason to speed on a neighborhood street. This is the purpose of a main thoroughfare. In fact, you most certainly can't play tag or take your dog for a stroll along the state intersection. This same rule should apply to every street in the neighborhood.

While the concept of traffic calming has been around only fairly recently, the tools for their implementation have been around for quite longer. The speed bump, a useful tool to traffic calming, is an example. The speed bumps has been around since the early 20th century. The first town to implement the use of speed bumps is Chatham, New Jersey, which raised its crosswalks 5 inches above the ground specifically to slow down speeding motorists. Since then, you could find a speed bump virtually everywhere. It can also be called a speed hump (road hump), hump (sleeping policeman), or slow child in many parts of the country. this website

These traffic control devices slow traffic by forcing moving vehicles to slow down to allow them to pass safely and conveniently. They can cause vehicles to slow down as much as 5 mph. This is an effective traffic calming device and is simple to use. You can make them from any material, including concrete, asphalt, plastic, and rubber. The latter are prefabricated. While speed bumps made from prefabricated materials are intended for temporary use, they are also being considered as permanent traffic control devices.
