chewlovedogtreats's blog

If you are searching for Raw Food Dog Treats in Canada, then visit Chew Love Dog Treats. Chew Love Dog Treats - healthy all-natural dog treats made in Canada. From single to multi-ingredient snacks, these treats will win your dog's heart. Chew Love Dog Treats products are renowned for leveraging the nutritional benefits of natural fruits, vegetables, beef, chicken, turkey, and much more. But one single-ingredient product that catches the eye is deer. The standalone treat has gained in popularity over the last couple of years and dog companions want to know - why all the fuss about venison? Let’s find out. No matter the selective breed or mix, all dogs (aka Canis familiaris) are direct descendants of the gray wolf. Wolves are carnivores, and since they very first appeared in Eurasia in the early Pleistocene period through to when they migrated to North America approximately 750, 000 years ago, they have preferred to eat large hoofed mammals - namely deer. Simply put, eating venison is in their DNA. This is why deer meat is the alternative for dogs who may have food sensitivities or allergies to other protein sources such as beef or chicken, neither of which were consumed by their ancestors. Give your dog a treat that they were meant to eat.

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If you are looking for Turkey Dog Treats in Canada, then you should contact with Chew Love Dog Treats. Turkey is lean, white meat that helps dogs build muscle so they can protect you or even win more tug of war games with you. It's full of wonderful nutrients and is also highly digestible, so it can be used for dogs with digestive issues. . Use our treats to reinforce a calm, submissive state. A great tool for positive reinforcement of the behaviors you want to achieve. . Always monitor your dog when it’s their first time to try our dog treats, make sure your dog is chewing properly. Always have fresh drinking water nearby.

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If you are looking for Dog Treats Port Moody, then you should contact with Chew Love Dog Treats. We all want to give our pet the most excellent dog treats. Due to this reason, we give them treats on regular basis. Be that as it may, in some cases the dog treats we believe are good can be extremely hurtful to the canines. The business sector for dog treats is becoming bigger consistently. With dogs getting to be dealt with additional like people, its elusive a store that doesn’t convey treats for our pets. There are bread kitchens that are completely dedicated to making treats for canines, and a few stores even convey solidified treats for dogs, and a large portion of these snacks aren’t especially solid for them.

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If you are looking for Bison Dog Treats in Canada, then you should contact with Chew Love Dog Treats. A great source of protein, it also offers a protein alternative for those dogs who are either allergic to the common protein sources, such as chicken or beef. A tasty option for pups that are slightly fussy and need something different every now and then to keep them encouraged. If you have a picky eater, then this will be a perfect treat for your active and playful dog!

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