cocoo3's blog

A lot of people seem to think that cleaning your carpets is easy.

Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Not only does one need to understand fibre identification one also needs to be proficient in stain removal, odour removal, and repairs.

Then of course we use chemistry.

Chemicals, solutions, gels, and acids are all part of the arsenal we carry to delete all the problems we encounter.

The PH of any fabric, yarn, etc should be 7.5 which equals neutral.

Do you think you could remove this?

Do you know what it is even?

Using litmus paper aids in understanding whether the substance is alkaline or acid-based.

This type of work is a very common occurrence.

To remove all these problems for this customer this is what we had to do.

Flush the entire room using cold water only. This releases a lot of the gunk held in the carpet such as the customer's DIY attempts.

Next, we treated all the stains. For these stains, we used an acid with a PH of 3 so we had to wear a mask.

Leaving the chemical in place for 15 minutes we can now again flush those contaminated areas with cold water.

Now for the cleaning.

Applying a high-level alkaline solution was liberally applied and massaged into the fibres.

Allowing a dwell time of 5 minutes gave us time to set up our truck mount.

Using steam temperatures and water pressure of 400psi we slowly cleaned the entire carpet. Moving furniture was possible.

The total time to complete the work was around 60 minutes.

So before contemplating going on I can do it myself road it may be prudent to check out Warrington Carpet Cleaners first.
