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What  is happiness?

Happiness is a state of mind. Being  happy means that you are at peace with yourself and with the world around you. Happiness also means having a positive attitude. It depends on your ability to take control according to your own happiness rules.

Happiness gives purpose and meaning to one’s life. Happiness is a state of mind. Being happy means that you are at peace with yourself and with the world around  you. Happiness also means having a positive attitude. It depends on your ability to take control according to your own happiness rules.

Why happiness is important?

Happiness does not come from something that is going to happen to you, it comes from something you do for yourself. It comes from your own feelings and thoughts. You have to think about what you are going through and make sure that you do not blame anyone or anything for your problems but consider a possible solution within yourself - so that you can find happiness in life. Happiness is important because it makes life more exciting and interesting.

How to be happy?

There is no way of predicting how happy you may be in your lifetime. Therefore, it is very important to know what makes you happy and how to get more happiness in your life. Some people find happiness in different things like helping others as an act of charity, travelling to new places or climbing mountains. Therefore, it is better to find out what helps you stay happy.

Happiness is not just a feeling, happiness is an emotion that gives us purpose and meaning in life. We can’t be happy unless we feel good about ourselves, we can’t feel good about ourselves without doing good things and being generous to others.

Happiness is one of the ultimate goals to achieve in life and having a happy life leads to a healthy and strong mind. When we feel satisfied with our work, in the relationships with our family members and friends, we are able to lead a happier life. So it is important to know the signs of happiness so that you can react accordingly.


Work-life balance

Maintaining a healthy balance between your work life and personal life is very essential. The person who fails to do so ends up living a very messed up life.

Work-life balanceis vital in any individual's life because it helps you lead a stress-free and happy life.

When the balance between work life and personal life is missing it causes deterioration in the employees and decreases their ability to work.

How to attain work-life balance?

You can very easily achieve a balanced work and personal life by following several steps:

     Take breaks while working

     Have a long-term plan

     Stick to working hours

     Schedule your activities

     Try flexible working

     Decide your priorities

Identify productivity peaks

Inner Peace

For many people, inner peace is related to happiness. Not being sad doesn't mean a person has inner peace. Inner peace means living a stress-free life where your mind is free from tension.

Inner peace is an assorted topic, it differs from one person to another. In simple words, we can say inner peace means being mentally at peace or tension-free.

How do we attain this Inner peace?

Now the big question is How to find inner peace in life? By following some simple steps you can find inner peace in life, such as:


     Go for a walk


     Do self-care

     Add a hint of humour to your life

     Set boundaries, put your guard up

     Accept your flaws

     Try living in the moment

     Let go

What is a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle means nothing but leading a healthy disease-free life. But a healthy lifestyle doesn't necessarily mean exercise or diet, there are a number of things besides that as the person does not smoke, healthy weight of the person, eating a balanced diet, having good relationships, etc.

How to live a healthy lifestyle?

To live a healthy lifestyle you need to follow certain things such as:

     Exercise regularly and try being more active physically

     Reduce your screen time

     Get sound sleep

     Stay hydrated, drink at least 3 to 4 litres of water daily

     Reduce alcohol consumption

     Quit smoking

     Take multivitamins

     Keep a check on your weight, blood pressure and diabetes

What is Overthinking?

Overthinking means ruminating about something or some situation or worrying about what might happen in future.

Overthinking becomes harmful when you repeatedly dwell on something over and over that it starts affecting your day-to-day activities.

Let's see how to stop overthinking and relax

There are many ways in which you can stop or prevent overthinking, some of them are listed below:

     Alter your thoughts

     Keep a track of what triggers your overthinking

     Get help from a friend, a family member or a psychiatrist

     Let go of the past

     Try living in the moment

     Find a solution to your problems

     Do not let your intuition become your fear

What is loyalty?

Loyaltyis the most important virtue in any relationship be it romantic or platonic. It is one's faithfulness towards the other person.

Loyalty is not materialistic, you can not touch or see loyalty. Being loyal is a lot more than staying committed or not cheating. It means respecting the other person's choices and decisions and standing by their side no matter what.

Love alone is not enough to make any relationship work. It is loyalty that makes a relationship stronger and more valuable.

Why is Loyalty important in a relationship?

     Loyalty is the key to a healthy relationship

     Loyalty makes any relationship successful

     Loyalty provides a sense of security

     Loyalty builds trust between partners