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What Makes A Good Data Analyst?

What then distinguishes a good data analyst? Consider yourself a "good" analyst, do you? Exist any characteristics, features, or talents that can help you excel in your chosen field? If yes, how can we put these skills into practice so they can contribute to our success in our work? To get better results, you can learn to control these tendencies. This piece is explicitly addressed to analysts who aspire to excel in their positions. However, whether you are now managing a team of analysts or will in the future, this article can also assist managers in keeping an eye out for the qualities they may desire to foster within their teams. To know more about data analysis join Data Science Training in Chennaiat FITA Academy.

1)Be able to tell a story

Why should I practise telling stories well? Because knowledge within a tale elicits positive responses from people. They might not be able to recall the entire narrative. Data needs to be clarified and simplified in a manner understandable to the line of business, project managers, and the project team. A skilled analyst must be able to confidently and effectively convey concepts so that non-technical audiences can understand the material and so that this can influence decision-makers to make the right choices. Spend less time preparing the data.

2)Pay attention to detail

A skilled analyst should pay close attention to the little things because doing so will enable them to investigate or handle suspicious events during any data analysis project and prevent costly mistakes later on. The Devil is in the details, as the phrase goes.

3)Be creative with data

Skilled analysts should make it a habit to be able to show off their data competency, flare, and mastery of data manipulation to solve or respond to organisational concerns. This trait would aid the analyst in learning to recognise when something—such as a data problem—is seriously off. Based on shady data, I've seen an analyst write an analysis and offer recommendations. The analyst must feel at ease working with sizable amounts of data from many sources and be able to recognise meaningful patterns and trends. To know more about creativity with data join Best Online Data Science Courses.

4)Be a people person

According to Scott Ambler, the practise leader of agile development at the IBM Methods Group and the author of several books on software project management and agile development, "Communication and collaboration skills are crucial for business analysts to be effective." "They must therefore be people."

An excellent analyst must feel at ease interacting and networking with a wide range of people from various business sectors. Since the analyst will act as a liaison between the public and the firm, they should be outgoing. His or her interpersonal skills will improve as a result, making it simpler to comprehend corporate wants and produce excellent data analytics projects.

5)Keep learning new skills and tools

Ed Parker once said that "the intelligent guy has accomplished many things and is yet eager to learn more." A successful analyst must constantly try to improve in all areas, including data, tools, presentation and communication methods, etc. The entire field of data analytics is extremely dynamic and constantly evolving. Therefore, to stand out from the crowd, you must constantly improve yourself and expand your technical skill set.

A smart analyst must never be satisfied to carry out the same tasks in the same manner repeatedly. Instead of relying on their go-to tools and making them function in every circumstance, they must strive to choose the best tool for the task.


I hope this article will help a data analyst to become a good and skilled data analyst. To know more about the qualities of a good data analyst join Data Science Training in Bangalore.
