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2.4GHz wifi jammer for home life and conference rooms

Mobile and Wi-Fi Blockers are designed to keep you safe and protect your personal space from unwanted phone calls, interception of communication channels and data leakage on mobile internet sites, Wi-Fi - Fi and mobile Bluetooth internet rely on tiny cameras and system vulnerabilities. In addition, when a signal jammer is used, the movement of most wireless devices will be blocked, 99% of which devices operate at the 2.4GHz frequency.

Hidden Antenna WiFi RF Signal Blocker

Typically, this type of Wi-Fi blocker is used to prohibit or do not want the use of mobile phones and Internet technology (in an office or conference room), as well as for personal protection of confidential data (such as in an apartment or house). The 2.4ghz blocker converts into wireless communication interference in the GSM800/900/1800/1900MHz, 2100Мгц3G, LTE-4G800/2600 and 2400MHz frequency bands, using Wi-Fi/Mobile Bluetooth Internet and most agent surveillance cameras and system vulnerabilities. The jammer is strictly prohibited from connecting at all and cannot transmit any information through any device using these frequency bands. The effective blocking range of Wi-Fi signals is up to 20 meters, which depends on the distance from the base station or other transmitting modules, the silent connection you want, the battery pulse signal, and even the materials in the building or the materials you want to place. Place mobile device model specifications.

Before first use, the antenna must be firmly fixed to the appropriate RF connector of the 2.4GHz signal jammer, and then charge the battery for a few hours or connect it to a power outlet. The battery pack can run on its own for up to 2 hours on a single charge, but it can continue to run if the inhibitor is connected to the charger. This suppressor has a traditional brown shape and is equipped with additional buttons, sensors or indicators. It is easy to operate and the audio equipment is not heavy, so it can be used as a positioning device. You can also define the style and install it in any room you want. Sell, purchase and use 2.4GHz power jammers and cordless network interceptors to ensure personal security and stay within your personal property without violating the law. However, it is worth remembering that you do not have the right to block the use of services in public areas by third parties through various signal interruption methods.

Many customers often call and say: I need a new cell phone signal jammer that can shield a radius of 50 meters, a distance of 500 meters, and a radius of one kilometer, and it must be shielded by China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom.

Is there anything wrong with the customer's requirements? No problem, and they also put forward specific distance requirements, but can it be achieved? The answer is: it is relatively difficult to achieve.

Why does this happen? Isn't the main parameter of the signal jammer marked with its own shielding distance? Can't it be achieved by placing more units according to this distance?

In fact, otherwise, the customer's requirements will be wrong, but they may not know that the shielding plan of the signal jammer is not a number. This forces us to understand the principle of the signal jammer:

latest 8-antenna Signal Jammer

During the operation, the signal jammer scans the low-end and high-end of the wireless channel at a certain speed. The scanning speed can cause error interference in the cell phone receiving the message format signal, causing the mobile phone to be unable to detect the normal microwave heating signal information sent from the communication base station, and inevitably prevent the mobile phone from establishing a connection with the communication base station within the overall plan, achieving the purpose of shielding the signal.

Simply put, the power emitted by the cell phone signal jammer interferes with the power of the mobile phone receiving the communication base station. After all, there is a competitive relationship between the jammer and the communication base station. If the signal strength of the signal jammer is lower than the wireless channel power transmitted by the communication base station to the mobile phone in the natural environment at that time, then the jammer cannot be shielded. Only when the output power of the signal jammer exceeds the output power transmitted by the communication base station to the mobile phone can it be effectively shielded. Therefore, any signal blocker will show different shielding distances when used in different signal environments, and it will be different for China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom, because the density of base stations built by these three operators, the direction of base stations and the power of base stations are unlikely to be the same.

In other words, how long the cell phone signal blocker can shield is not only related to its own signal strength, but also to the distance between base stations in the application environment (base stations are not limited to large-scale signal transmission towers built on the ground, but also signal expansion antennas on the roof and signal expansion and transmission in some buildings). Another important factor is the obstacle. If it is a metal material, it will be blocked directly; if it is a load-bearing wall of a concrete structure, it will attenuate by at least 10 times after passing through; if it is a wood board or glass material, the attenuation after passing through is relatively small.

Therefore, next time there is a customer who asks how long the shielding distance is, be sure to ask the distance between base stations in the environment, and then whether it is used indoors or outdoors, whether it needs to pass through the wall, etc. Customers can leave messages online to learn how to use the signal jammer. Only by understanding these can they choose the appropriate signal jammer.

To understand the answer to the question of whether the 5g signal blocker has an impact on the Internet access of laptops, we must first understand the image frequency band of the cell phone signal screen and the frequency band used by the laptop network.

First of all, if the frequency band affected by the 5g signal blocker overlaps with the frequency band used by the laptop network, it will affect the network function of the laptop. Let's take a look at the frequency band affected by the 5g signal blocker. Because the signal coverage of Chinese operators is wide and the application style is diverse, the 5g signal blocker must achieve the effect of shielding major websites. Generally, it will effectively shield and affect the 2G, 3G, and 4G frequency band signals, Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth signals.

12 Antennas Cell Phone Signal Jammer

After understanding what frequency bands the 5g signal blocker introduced above can affect, let's take a look at what frequency bands are used on the laptop network.

Notebooks generally have two ways to access the Internet, one is the cable network, that is, the Ethernet network, and the other is the wireless network. At present, 5g signal jammers cannot block or affect the cable network, so here we mainly summarize the frequency bands of laptop wireless networks. According to the current classification of laptops on the market, wireless networks support single-frequency and single-frequency. The so-called single-frequency refers to only supporting WiFi2.4 frequency band to connect to the network, while single-frequency means supporting WiFi2.4 and WiFi5.82 frequency bands to connect to the network. Most laptops only support single-frequency, and some high-priced or more conscientious ones will be equipped with single-frequency networks.

After understanding the working frequency bands of 5g signal jammers and laptops, people with eyes may immediately understand whether 5g signal jammers have an impact on laptop networks. In short, mobile phone signal jammers may have an impact on laptop networks.

In fact, it needs to be subdivided into the following situations:

1. The 5g signal jammer has no WLAN control module and has no effect on the laptop wireless network;

2. The 5g signal jammer supports the WiFi2.4 frequency band, which affects the single-frequency laptop wireless network and does not affect the single-frequency laptop wireless network;

3. The 5g signal jammer supports the WiFi2.4 and WiFi5.8 frequency bands, which will affect the wireless network function of the laptop.

Does the 5g signal jammer have any effect on the laptop wireless network?

Based on the above detailed understanding, the 5g signal jammer also has an answer to whether it has an effect on the laptop network. The 5g signal jammer is likely to have an impact on the laptop wireless network function. For those customers who have the need to use 5g signal jammers for shielding, it is necessary to equip the laptop with an Ethernet interface cable for connecting to the external network for work, so that the effect of taking care of both fish and bear's paw can be achieved.

In many occasions in daily life, such as exams, meetings, etc., it is very inappropriate to use mobile phones. At this time, in addition to paying for the mobile phone in advance, you can also use cell phone signal jammers to block cell phone data signals and Wi-Fi signals for special occasions. Without cell phone data signal and online data signal, we will not play with mobile phones, which achieves the desired effect very well.

The creation of cell phones has indeed increased the distance between people and provided great convenience for your daily life. However, with the spread of mobile phones, everyone has reached an inseparable state, which has brought great disadvantages to many occasions. Hence the huge shopping malls of cell phone signal jammers.

So, where arecell phone signal jammers suitable for? The application areas of cell phone signal jammers are still very common. Some confidentiality organizations, state agencies, colleges and universities, etc. can learn more about it.

10 Bands Jammer

1. Various large, medium and small examinations

Fairness and justice are the key rules of social development, and there are many exams that need to be faced in life, ranging from primary school to junior high school, junior high school to high school, and national-level exams such as college entrance examinations and civil service recruitment exams. In order to prevent students from cheating, in In various large, medium and small examinations, cell phone signal jammers and other means must be used to block information in the examination room so that it cannot reach the cell phone and cannot communicate. Online needs, then it can also be a good way to guard against students' cheating practices.

2. National defense areas, cells, and detention centers

In some areas that require strict control, such as defense centers, prison cells, detention centers, etc., the level of information confidentiality is very high. Mobile phones should be strictly monitored, and mobile phone signals should be blocked in areas such as defense centers, prison cells, detention centers, etc. This can greatly prevent leaks. In addition to the three major types of mobile phone signal jammers described above, in other areas where phone calls are strictly prohibited, such as gas stations, petrochemical plants, hospitals, etc., the effect of installing a mobile phone signal jammer is also very ideal.

3. State agencies and enterprises

State agencies, enterprises, etc. also have demand for cell phone signal jammers. The frequency of meetings held by party building agencies, government agencies, enterprises, etc. can be said to be very high. In order to allow participants to gather more at the meeting and learn the spirit of the meeting more deeply, it is also necessary to pay attention to the use of mobile phones. When leading cadres hold meetings, they turn on cell phone signal jammers to block mobile phone signals. The leading cadres talk happily and the people below listen attentively.

When using a cell phone signal jammer, you can choose it according to the applicable situation. If the location is relatively large, you can use a cell phone signal jammer with too large an output power.

There are some products that are very similar in appearance but different in quality. In the process of purchasing a GPS jammer, you can really have a reasonable way to judge the quality of the device. On this premise, before making the selection This is the basis for everyone in the purchase process, but some people do not fully understand how to judge the quality during the purchase process? There are many ways to do the same thing. After you can accurately carry out the control, you can obtain the required results naturally.

In many cases, some laymen don't know how to judge a GPS jammer, at this time you can immediately grasp the well-known brands. If the brand you choose is very good, then the quality can be guaranteed, but if the brand we choose is not actually very good, the quality will certainly be questionable, so for these laymen In other words, you can carefully choose products from well-known brands, which may be more helpful.

New 2 Band GPS Jammer

The eyes of the people are bright. When you are in the process of purchasing a jammer through some methods, you need to truly understand their user reviews and take a proper look at what other people’s reviews are like. , you can learn more about all aspects of information in detail, and understand everyone’s comments. If others’ judgments are particularly good, it means that the quality is sufficiently guaranteed, so if you are making a choice In the process, we need to consider things in this field. Therefore, only by ensuring product quality can we bring better application effects to ourselves.

There are many different types of GPS jammers on the market. If you are not sure how to make a decision during the selection process, we can actually compare different devices. In the process, you can understand the advantages and disadvantages of them. Even in bad situations, you can still make the right choice, which is a good way for everyone. Therefore, when everyone makes a choice, we should do a good job of comparing these products, because Only in this way can you further care about clarity and make corresponding choices. Learning to distinguish quality is also the prerequisite and basis for making choices. I hope everyone can do better.

Nowadays, there are more and more criminal activities at home and abroad, especially telecom fraud is getting more and more serious. Do you remember the fraud video of a certain country last year? Let the Chinese people clearly realize the harm of fraud, but do you know what technology these telecom frauds use to locate your location? How to solve the problem of fraud phone not locating your location?

In recent years, fraud criminals have become more and more rampant, and many criminals use GPS to carry out fraud activities more frequently. The actual frequency of cellular calls can cause intruders to track, and intruders try to determine the actual location of everyone or other groups. In order to deal with the use of communication equipment, mobile phone jammers for vehicles are designed.

Mini cell phone jammer

There are many jammers on mobile phones that are suitable for monitoring or preventing common faults. Therefore, all your personal behaviors will be monitored by others. At all times, you need to be very careful to prevent being tracked by agents. Using GPS blockers can easily prevent intelligence activities. You must install a gps mobile phone jammer in your car, and your location will be kept secret.

If you suspect someone is using GPS to track your location, protect yourself as soon as possible. Imagine that with the help of a GPS spy device, someone can listen to every word of your conversation and use it against you. Besides, the surveillance system is so small that it is almost impossible to find its location. However, when installing a GPS signal jammer in a vehicle or somewhere else, it can not only save time but also ensure safety. It is important to note that if you use mini jammers to protect personal safety and privacy, it is legal to use them.

Cracking method 1: Enter the cell phone settings, click "Network Settings", change the network mode to "Manual Model" and then enter "Online Search".

Principle: The work of the cell phone starts within a certain frequency range. The cell phone signal blocker can only block the phone signal without affecting other nearby electronic devices; save power, the power is 12W-480W.

It is also called cell phone signal blocker, cell phone signal blocker, phone jammer, signal jammer, cell phone blocker, signal obstruction device, cell phone signal isolator, signal isolator, cell phone signal interceptor, radio signal blocker, etc. according to its function.

10 Bands Jammer

In order to solve the information security problem during the examination process, many examination halls usually use cell phone signal blockers and conduct external signal interference within a certain range in some ordinary high schools.

How does the blocker interfere with mobile phone signals?

Simply put, the cell phone signal blocker is to block the phone and base station through radio waves within a certain frequency range, and complete the data and sound transmission with a certain baud rate and modulation method to interfere. In fact, during the work process, the mobile phone contacts the base station through the uplink frequency, and then transfers the signal to the MSC mobile service switching center to realize the call.

Cracking method 2

1. Use Bluetooth: upload the answer to the file with the mobile phone.

The cell phone signal jammer uses microwave radiation interference technology to emit tangible electromagnetic signals within a certain distance range.

2. Method of cell phone signal jammer.

It uses frequency multiplication, frequency division, frequency hopping filtering and other technologies for the uplink and downlink channels of the mobile system to analyze the required screen magnetic field; customize the spherical shielding space according to the power size of the jammer, and automatically form a shielding magnetic field within the specified range, so that the phone in the space loses the mobile phone.

The cell phone signal jammer scans from the low-end frequency of the forward channel to the high-end at a certain speed during operation. The scanning speed can form a chaotic code interference in the phone in the received message signal. The mobile phone cannot detect the normal data sent by the base station, so that the cell phone cannot establish a connection with the base station. In order to cope with the continuous development of the communication system, the third-generation cell phone signal jammer has been carefully developed according to the actual situation of foreign mobile communications.

The examination room must strengthen discipline and specialize in the main examination and monitoring of the test process, prohibiting any cheating. In addition, the cell phone signal jammer is also suitable for all prohibited places such as military, government agencies, prisons and gas stations.

When the cell phone signal jammer is in working state, it can make the mobile sending and receiving signal function in the specified range invalid and unable to dial out and dial in, thus achieving the purpose of mandatory disabling.

In many complex environments, the situation on the scene is unclear. In order to make the cell phone signal jammer play a very good effect and prevent accidents in special occasions. For the situation of the power supply system of the equipment going out to perform tasks, the cell phone signal jammer is usually equipped with a built-in battery or an external battery box. Increase the use time of the impact instrument and protect the combat personnel from the harm of the remote control time bomb. Whether the cell phone signal jammer uses a built-in battery or an external battery box, there is still a lot of knowledge in daily maintenance of the internal structure battery when it is idle. Let's discuss how to maintain the built-in battery or external battery box of the cell phone signal jammer.

High Power Portable blocker

Regardless of whether the cell phone signal jammer uses a built-in battery or an external battery box, the current mainstream batteries and battery boxes all choose 18650 lithium batteries as the most basic lithium battery core of the battery. The 18650 lithium battery core has the advantages of easy to carry, sufficient power, and long service life. Only by properly maintaining the battery on a daily basis can the built-in battery of the mobile phone signal jammer be fully utilized and the battery life be increased.

Use the cell phone signal jammer to charge with the correct charger. The batteries used in cell phone signal jammers are basically customized batteries, so the battery charger is equipped independently according to the customized batteries. Therefore, the charging of the built-in battery of the jammer also needs to be equipped with a special charger.

If the cell phone signal jammer is not used for a long time, it is necessary to charge and discharge the built-in battery of the jammer once in a while. If the built-in battery of the cell phone signal jammer is not charged in time, the internal 18650 lithium battery cell may be damaged. If it happens, after the battery is fully charged, the cell phone signal jammer will find that the time used is much shorter than the normal time before. After waiting for a while after standby, it will be restarted. The cell phone signal jammer can continue to operate for a period of time. At this time, it can be basically judged that the 18650 lithium battery cell of the cell phone signal jammer has a common fault and needs to be returned to the factory for repair.

In general, after using the cell phone signal jammer, it must be charged in time to ensure that the battery has sufficient power. In the case of long-term non-use, it is also necessary to charge and discharge frequently to increase the battery life

The application of full-screen segment cell phone signal blockers cannot give up the cost of modern communication technology for the people.

Among the people who use full-screen segment cell phone signal blockers, some are to prevent cheating in exams, and some are to keep the venue quiet or exchange privacy protection, which are all derived from the desire and purpose of excellence. However, there are still their own interests. For example, the owner of a telephone booth is likely to use a full-screen segment cell phone signal blocker to affect the mobile communication base station around the business location, making it difficult for people working near the telephone booth to use their mobile phones, but to change to voice chat in the telephone booth to improve their source of life. In addition, mobile communication operators may also use full-screen segment mobile phone signal blockers to harm the interests of the other party, allowing you to gain an advantage in some of the same industry competition.

20 Antennas Cell Phone Signal Jammer

The above is a lot of people use full-screen segment cell phone signal blockers to say, but no matter what the purpose is, do not give up the cost of modern communication technology for the people. In fact, according to scientific research, it is possible to assemble a full-screen segment cell phone signal blocker without affecting the start of modern communication technology for the people. There are three reasons why the full-screen segment cell phone signal blocker disrupts the mobile communication base station signal:.

First, the user of the full-screen segment cell phone signal blocker did not consider the communication fraud of the smiling face, and the target of action was wrong. It should have restricted the mobile phone communication of a small number of people (such as students), but expanded the overall goal to other general people around.

Second, the operation steps are unscientific. Because the installation method of the full-screen segment cell phone signal blocker is unscientific or its signal strength is set too high, it should be controlled within a reversible range but it is not well controlled.

Third, the purchased full-screen segment cell phone signal blocker does not meet the radio equipment approval standards, the power exceeds the standard, or it is a counterfeit and substandard product. Finding the cause, in order to solve the impact on the mobile subway signal, it is actually very simple: first use reliable manufacturers to meet the standards, secondly select the assembly position and direction of action, and thirdly set the appropriate signal strength to limit the transmission signal to a closed reversible range. If the above three points can be achieved, the impact on nearby mobile communication base stations can be minimized.

2. The unscientific application of full-band cell phone signal blockers in schools may cause unnecessary harm to the human body.

Basic knowledge analysis shows that when the full-band cell phone signal blocker is working, if the setting is not standardized and the signal strength is too high, in a reversible large conference room, classroom and other enclosed spaces, electromagnetic waves accumulate in a small space, and according to the original external distance wall, ceiling, and ground multiple reflections, the staff in the room will be in a relatively serious electromagnetic wave radiation. According to the survey, the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination are the venues where the full-band cell phone signal blocker is used the most. Therefore, some test sites using the full-band signal blocker have caused some victims (college entrance examination inspectors, teachers and students) to become restless, unable to concentrate time and energy, and some students even have headaches. All signs indicate that if the signal strength of the full-bandcell phone signal blocker is too high, it will affect the normal thinking of the candidates who register in the examination room.

As we all know, radio waves are easily transmitted in the air. While the full-screen segment signal blocker is used to isolate the base station signal in a certain area and achieve its limited purpose, it also affects health to varying degrees. Therefore, the full-screen segment signal blocker must be used with caution.

Nowadays, there are many areas around us that are strictly prohibiting the use of mobile phones, especially those places with information security requirements such as examination sites, corporate offices, classrooms, factories, companies, etc. In the past, in addition to putting mobile phones in the signal shielding cabinets of the security department in advance, these areas can also install mobile phone signal blockers. Cell phone signals can appear in different places, everywhere, such as Wi-Fi signals and other signals exist everywhere, so installing a cell phone signal blocker can effectively block them. Without a mobile base station, the mobile phone will not be able to receive information. At this time, you are less likely to have the mentality of playing with your mobile phone, and you can quickly improve your personal skills and achieve your desired goals. The emergence of mobile phones has provided a very good communication tool for the general public, which has brought the distance between us closer and added great convenience to our daily lives. However, with the increasing popularity of mobile phones, most people have their own mobile phones. Mobile phones have now developed to the level that people do not leave their phones, but this has also added great threats to many special places. Therefore, the market for cell phone signal blockers has also emerged. If you want to choose a good signal shielding device, you need to understand how the device can achieve the best effect in each occasion.

16 Antennas Cell Phone Signal Jammer

If you want to maximize the actual effect of the cell phone signal jammer and use it in different venues, the operation method is as follows:

1. Use in a fixed area:

(1) Professional technicians use spectrum analyzers to accurately detect the network signal frequency of the control site in advance, and then adjust the output frequency of each frequency band of the mobile phone signal jammer according to the data information, so that the output data signal of each frequency band of the cell phone signal jammer can be more targeted, and the frequency band module can be used at the scene to give full play to the maximum effect.

(2) Place the cell phone signal jammer in a higher position. When the wireless antenna rises slowly, the shielding signal will cover more areas.

2. Mobile site installation:

(1) The output frequency of each module is adjusted. In addition to the self-use frequency to maintain the internal employee communication application, ensure that the output frequency of all modules can be seamlessly connected.

(2) When driving fast, insert the cell phone signal jammer in the middle of the transport team. If there are many cars, it is best to use several cell phone signal jammers in combination.

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