dojammer's blog

I believe many friends are interested in the problem of how the 5g signal jammer can achieve signal shielding in the examination room. Today, the 5g signal jammer manufacturer will explain this problem to everyone. Come and understand it with me.

1. During the working process, transmit the scanner to the low-end frequency of the wireless channel at a certain rate. The scanner speed may cause errors in the packet signal received by the mobile phone. The mobile phone cannot detect any normal data transmitted from the base station, making it impossible for the mobile phone to establish a connection with the base station, thus blocking it. The purpose of the data signal.

Super High Power 5G Signal Jammer

2. Use your own outgoing frequency to influence the frequency your mobile phone receives from base stations and wired routers, thereby achieving the purpose of blocking them.

3. Within a certain frequency range, the mobile phone and the communication base station are connected through electromagnetic waves, and data and sound are transmitted at a certain serial port baud rate and deployment method. During the working process, the high-end scanner moves toward the low-end frequency of the wireless channel at a certain rate.

4. The functional characteristics of radio waves are determined by its frequency. The mobile phone must send radio waves that meet the requirements before it can connect to the communication operator's communication base station. The mobile phone signal jammer transmits the same wireless frequency as the mobile phone. Because the frequency is the same, the mobile phone cannot tell which signal is the normal communication base station signal and "influence" it. In the form of a loop, the three video signals are continuously played to match the impact band, covering the three bands at once, and the distance between these loops is small, resulting in almost no chance for the mobile phone to speak.

Usually, the smallest area of ​​cell phone signal jammer is tens of meters around. If there are enough signal blockers, the largest one is unlimited. Otherwise, how can the detention center reach all signal blocking|

The area of ​​our cell phone signal blocking depends on the area of ​​your FM. Generally, one type of housing of 120 square meters is enough. Electronics has a variety of signal blockers. You can also go to learn about it.

16 Antennas Cell Phone Signal Jammer

The area of ​​our cell phone signal blocking is based on the power of the signal blocker. As long as the local environmental signal strength is different when testing the application site, if the indoor signal is weak, the area is large. If there are GSM communication signal towers or something in the outside world, then the GSM signal jammer is close in the outside area!

The actual analysis shows that when our mobile phone signal blocking works, as long as the improper setting causes the transmission power to be too large, in a small area of ​​the multi-functional hall, teachers and other storage areas, the electromagnetic waves are superimposed in the narrow and long area space, and reflected multiple times through the walls, ceilings and ground that were originally separated from the outside, the people in the room will be in a more serious electromagnetic pollution. According to the survey, the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination are the occasions where our mobile phone signal shielding is used the most. In some examination rooms where our mobile phone signal shielding is used, the key parties (college entrance examination inspectors, candidates and teachers) are irritable and unable to concentrate, and some candidates even have headaches. Various signs indicate that if the transmission power of our mobile phone signal shielding is too high, it will seriously affect the normal thinking of the candidates in the examination room.

When it is really necessary to use a jammer, try to use a low-power mobile phone signal shielding. If it can solve the problem at one time, do not set up multiple units. The lower the installation position, the better. Do not hang it above people's heads, which is very detrimental to human health. Our cell phone signal shielding, which we set up during the provincial agricultural modernization work conference, was placed in the flowers on the ground beside the wall of the multi-function hall. It not only achieved the desired effect, but also did not affect the beauty of the venue. It can be said to be the best of both worlds.

Does the cell phone signal jammer device need to consider heat dissipation?

Nowadays, most students in schools have their own mobile phones. Some students will secretly play with their mobile phones, read novels, play games and other bad behaviors during class. It greatly affects personal learning and classroom order. Especially when the school exams are practical, some students will use their cell phones to send messages to cheat. Considering the problem of students playing with mobile phones, many schools have noticed this problem and have chosen to install test room signal shielding instruments. However, after using the test room signal shielding instrument for a period of time, the body will become hot. The body may become hot and the device may not be used normally.

High Power Portable blocker

Of course, this is not absolute. But some brands will have heat dissipation problems, and the heat dissipation of each brand is different. So what method does the test room signal shielding instrument use to dissipate heat? In the past, the old test room signal shielding instrument used natural aluminum alloy plate for heat dissipation, but this heat dissipation method is inefficient and prone to crashes. But now most of the new test room signal shielding instruments use fan cooling system, which has high heat dissipation efficiency and no noise. It can effectively help the equipment to dissipate heat quickly.

Some schools have air conditioners installed in their classrooms. If the signal shielding instrument for the examination room is installed in the classroom with air conditioners, it can dissipate heat well even in hot weather. In fact, the signal shielding instrument for the examination room is like a mobile phone.

It will heat up when used in hot weather. But generally speaking, it will not damage the machine. However, it still depends on the quality of the equipment. If you choose a poor quality one, it is likely to be damaged. If you choose a good one, there will be no problem. For example, choose: the signal shielding instrument for the examination room produced by Chengdu 8341 Information Technology, which uses a fan for heat dissipation. The quality of their products has been certified by the state, and the quality is quite guaranteed. Therefore, when choosing a signal shielding instrument for the examination room, you must compare several reliable manufacturers.

The most widely used mobile phone standard at present is the popular asm global mobile communication system. GSM standard equipment accounts for more than 80% of the current global cellular mobile communication technology equipment sales market. It is widely used. Maybe you know about mobile phone apps. That's right, phone calls and text messages use ASM to provide stable network basic data types. However, the asm network is far more than what everyone is familiar with. The asm control module is one of the aspects that many electronic device manufacturers understand and analyze carefully. It is used in many aspects of daily life, but people don’t understand it. Common key management security systems and GSM network vehicle security systems and intelligent robots have used ASM control modules.

GSM also supports indoor coverage, and the efficiency of the TV antenna can be allocated to the indoor antenna distribution system through a power splitter. This is also a very typical configuration solution to achieve high-density call requirements in homes, which is common in shopping malls and airports. Covering the room can also be done based on the network signal within the building, but this can enhance the signal quality and reduce interference and echo.

Signal Jammers

Why do you have to install a jammer?

First of all, GSM is the basic frequency band used for mobile phone voice communications and SMS services. As we all know, the irrational use of mobile phones is obvious, and using mobile phones in public places will cause greater harm to others. You can imagine that if you are reading in silence and relaxing, you suddenly feel a little nervous. How annoying is it when someone has already made a phone call? I agree, we don't like to be disturbed when we have to be quiet.

The gsm network frequency band is very important for the application of electronic devices and equipment. Therefore, in many areas where the use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited, jamming equipment that blocks basic mobile phone communications is installed. This is what we often call a GSM jammer.

When buying an asm jammer, we must understand our requirements. For example, in addition to the ASM network, we must also block data signal types, 3G and 4G network frequency bands. According to these methods, we can purchase a mobile phone jammer that blocks all signals. In addition, when we order electronic jamming equipment, we need to consider the area where we use it. Portable jammers can be used indoors and outdoors, while desktop all-in-one jammers use a variety of antenna designs. To put it bluntly, they will have a wider range of uses, not only suitable for thousands of people, but also widely used in prisons. , courts, schools and other more places because they have a wider interference radius and more types of signal shielding.

For my application, I recommend using a 4-wire antenna portable ASM jammer. It can meet your needs and give you a calm environment for reading, no matter how quiet you need it to be. For enterprises or key institutions, the fully functional multi-antenna surface jammer will be your best choice. It is very outstanding in terms of functionality and intervention radius, and is expected to be used on a large scale. .

Modern technology and opportunities have made it easier and more accessible to a wide range of groups, whether individuals or small businesses. Besides, GPS tracking (the ability to track the location of drivers, couriers, delivery drivers, children, etc. in real time on a map and see data on their movements and stays) is becoming a more popular service for families and businesses. Everyone can use a GPS jammer, but in some cases, you need to hide from the eyes. To stop gps tracking, use a GPS jammer and no device in the world can pinpoint the coordinates of a person.

Standard jammers in cars are usually installed in the cab, connected to the car's power supply. Their blocking range is a few meters. But there are alternatives to such devices, which can block not only GPS signals in the car, but also external signals.

2 Bands Signal Jammer

Driving a car around the city or off-roading in an SUV, remaining invisible - this dream a few years ago is no longer a reality. Successfully, devices that can block GPS signals appear on the market - they are called tracker jammers, and companies engaged in freight transport, courier drivers can also use signal suppressors. This is a great opportunity to completely avoid prying eyes. Just install such a device in your car, Switching it on will block the signal for 5 to 15 meters, which means that drivers can be sure that they will disappear from the eyes of all curious observers.

The features of a universal GPS jammer look like this: It can not only block gps beacons, but also mobile phones, Internet connections and other frequencies - this versatility is created by the fact that the device can operate in all usable ranges. Compact size - truck devices can be easily placed in the car, carried with you, or can be placed in an inconspicuous area.

The larger the range of influence, the better it is for drivers of large passenger cars. For small cars, you can use such devices with minimal operating range. To quickly turn on or mute the GPS sounder, just press the required button, the system will immediately start or stop its work, and you can see how to prevent GPS tracking. Before buying a GPS jammer, you need to explore its functions, understand exactly how it eliminates signals, how much heat it consumes and more information, which will help prevent safe driving. Use the device at any time and go beyond. GPS jammers have different price ranges, which depend on power, range, design, etc.

Recently, a unique device commonly known as GPS jammer (suppressor or GPS blocker) has emerged in the field of electronic navigation. The task of this portable gps jammer device is to prevent any user from identifying their exact location by using GPS tracking. This article will give you an opportunity to check out the short GPS jammer. The jammer system of GPS signals is designed to suppress the signals of the global satellite navigation system GPS system in the range of 1500-1600MHz. Based on GPS to detect the location of cars and all vehicles, APS blocking devices will not interfere with devices such as mobile phones and GNS jammers. Since trackers are usually installed in cars, trucks and buses, they are usually installed in the car's cab. After connecting through the car's cigarette lighter, the device immediately starts working and generates radio noise (interference) in the range of 1500-1600MHz (l1/L2) within a radius of 15 meters. This is a basic frequency band, and all devices that work with GPS, including trackers that can track all coordinates, are blocked. After turning on the navigation callback function, all GPS can be used to identify your location, stop receiving signals, and disappear from the monitor display.

3 Bands Signal Jammer

More and more people are often dealing with illegal GPS tracking. Therefore, a GPS signal suppressor (dryer) can help you effectively avoid GPS tracking signals. The aps jammer can be powered by the car cigarette lighter in the car. It is a very convenient and compact device that can suppress GPS signals. The basic working principle of the anti-aps system is to interfere with the transmission frequency of the valid signal. The greater the intensity of the output power noise generator, the smaller the probability of accessing the frequency, and the larger the interference radius.

There are three types of GPS jammers:

1. GPS jammer, which blocks communication satellite signals (in turn, it will cause noise in the communication satellite frequency). Always transmit the signal at two key frequencies to interfere with the equipment on the road (or in the air); the frequency of GPS (civilian L1 frequency band for dry trackers) is 1575.42MHz. The frequency of GLONASS (civilian L1 frequency band, dry trackers); 1602MHz. Since the frequencies are very close, they are blocked by broadband jammers and only one antenna is needed.

2) GSM jammers, which cause interference on the frequencies of the telecom operators. Operators operate on different frequencies, depending on the mode (3G, 4G) and standard (GSM, DAMPS, CDMA). Therefore, several antennas are installed on the interfering device to block the entire range, and these antennas work separately.

3) Universal jammers. It can be used in all frequency bands, such as telecom operators and satellite signals, and it has multiple antennas to cause interference in a selected range. It also often gives the possibility of selective operation, that is, the ability to cause noise only on selected frequencies (for example, only the range of cellular communication modules GSM1800).

It is important to note that the use of GPS jammers is legal if you use it for personal security and privacy, but if you deprive third parties of the ability to use various GPS signals, you are violating the law. If you still don't know how to interfere with the GPS signal, please feel free to leave a message to our supervisor online and we will help you get more information and choose the best project you want.

As we spend a Sunday, do we want to enjoy our free time and devote the day to our favorite hobbies: spring outings, fishing, shopping, climbing, installation or swimming? But at this time, some of you might Call you to bother me. If you want to protect your happiness every moment, you need a signal jammer to suppress thought-provoking phone calls.

There are times when we don't want to communicate with other people, but annoying people will continue to call you. Thus, your business can put you on the phone a few times over the weekend and ask you questions, which can disrupt your day-to-day mentality. When you don't want to hear a cell phone call, just turn on the cell phone signal jammer and no one will disturb you.

12 Antennas Cell Phone Signal Jammer

When you don't want to be tracked, you urgently need to buy a GPS tracking jammer to protect your private life and private conversations. More importantly, the GPS jammer can also protect your private conversations from being eavesdropped. If you haven't had one before When using cell phone jammers, you should know that they are user-friendly and easy to operate. Portable jammers are perfect for you if you want to take your jammer with you.

In addition, you can also find a lot of information about cell phone jammers here. This information is very useful to you and will help you choose a cell phone jammer that meets all your requirements. In addition, our customer support service is available around the clock, so if any questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For all their advantages, cell phones can also be very harmful and cause a lot of inconveniences. That’s why we want to tell you more about cell phone signal jammers. With this full-featured device, you and your private information will be safe because the cell phone jammer is ready to block phone signals within a specific radius.

Cell phone signal jammer is a dream special tool for controlling cell phone communications. Typically, inspectors and troops use cell phone jammers to prevent extremist behavior or to interrupt phone communications in emergencies. Many people are hesitant to use jammers to block cell phone signals. Even in public places, people tend to install cell phone signal jammers to prevent unpleasant and quite shameful situations caused by cell phone signals.

12 Antennas Cell Phone Signal Jammer

With the help of installing a machine jammer, you can influence the communication network. For mobile phone work, communication must be carried out through communication base stations in the middle of the telecommunications system. During phone calls, the cell phone's information is transmitted from tower to tower. The principle of the cell phone jammer is to transmit the same frequency as the cell phone, thus blocking the communication between the cell phone tower and the cell phone. Therefore, if you want to protect yourself from cell phone damage, then you can just turn on the cell phone signal jammer to ensure a quiet, safe and quiet natural environment.

The process characteristics of cell phone signal jammers are different from each other, so before purchasing, you need to know the specifications that the mobile phone signal jammer should have.

Cell phone signal jammer is the dream tool that guarantees personal and friendship zones. So, if you have found such a machine and equipment, buy it quickly. It will help you protect yourself.

In many occasions in daily life, such as exams, meetings, etc., it is very inappropriate to use mobile phones. At this time, in addition to paying for the mobile phone in advance, you can also use mobile phone signal jammers to block mobile phone data signals and Wi-Fi signals for special occasions. Without mobile phone data signal and online data signal, we will not play with mobile phones, which achieves the desired effect very well.

The creation of mobile phones has indeed increased the distance between people and provided great convenience for your daily life. However, with the spread of mobile phones, everyone has reached an inseparable state, which has brought great disadvantages to many occasions. Hence the huge shopping malls of cell phone signal jammers.

So, where are mobile phone signal jammers suitable for? The application areas of mobile phone signal jammers are still very common. Some confidentiality organizations, state agencies, colleges and universities, etc. can learn more about it.

12 Bands Signal Jammer

1. Various large, medium and small examinations

Fairness and justice are the key rules of social development, and there are many exams that need to be faced in life, ranging from primary school to junior high school, junior high school to high school, and national-level exams such as college entrance examinations and civil service recruitment exams. In order to prevent students from cheating, in In various large, medium and small examinations, mobile phone signal jammers and other means must be used to block information in the examination room so that it cannot reach the mobile phone and cannot communicate. Online needs, then it can also be a good way to guard against students' cheating practices.

2. National defense areas, cells, and detention centers

In some areas that require strict control, such as defense centers, prison cells, detention centers, etc., the level of information confidentiality is very high. Mobile phones should be strictly monitored, and cell phone signals should be blocked in areas such as defense centers, prison cells, detention centers, etc. This can greatly prevent leaks. In addition to the three major types of mobile phone signal jammers described above, in other areas where phone calls are strictly prohibited, such as gas stations, petrochemical plants, hospitals, etc., the effect of installing a mobile phone signal jammer is also very ideal.

3. State agencies and enterprises

State agencies, enterprises, etc. also have demand for mobile phone signal jammers. The frequency of meetings held by party building agencies, government agencies, enterprises, etc. can be said to be very high. In order to allow participants to gather more at the meeting and learn the spirit of the meeting more deeply, it is also necessary to pay attention to the use of mobile phones. When leading cadres hold meetings, they turn on mobile phone signal jammers to block mobile phone signals. The leading cadres talk happily and the people below listen attentively. When using a cell phone signal jammer, you can choose it according to the applicable situation. If the venue is relatively large, you can use a cell phone signal jammer with too large an output power.

When GPS devices were invented, it was very popular among militants and governments, however, the use of GPS in daily life has become more and more common. In addition, GPS can protect the safety of your family and friends by tracking their real-time location and showing it on a personal map. Thus, parents can track the location of their children at any time. Some manufacturers' production processes are completed based on GPS devices, however, GPS applications also have underlying aspects, thieves and other criminals use GPS to carry out illegal activities; tracking the location of others without their permission. GPS Jammers.

If you feel that someone is tracking your location, then we introduce you to tools such as GPS jammers. You can record every minute of your conversation and display your location. Therefore, when you want to ensure that you and your privacy are protected, GPS jammers are what you need. With this device, all "adversaries" will not be able to compromise your privacy.

New mini WIFI Jammer

GPS jammers are specifically used to block the use of GPS blocking signals. This jammer can be used to block various GPS tracking devices and jam satellite tracking communications. It should be noted that GPS jammers will not affect mobile phone signals. This type of jammer is very convenient to carry because it is small and light. In addition, you can use an external battery as a power source or a car power source.

Chengdu 8341 Information Technology Co., Ltd. provides jammers of various flavors; GPS jammers, Wi-Fi jammers, handheld jammers, mobile phone jammers, 3G and 4G, 5G jammers, etc. Here you can find jammers with different specifications and features. In addition, there are many appearance styles of jammer designs.

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