ferozali's blog



When looking to obtain an accredited education in film and photography, students can look into online schools and colleges to do so. Options for earning an accredited education online in this field include various degrees. Training can be completed in specific areas that relate to the students career of choice. Learning will include topics that prepare students for successful career in various industries. Students can learn numerous things about film and photography career training prior to enrollment in an educational training program.


1) Online career preparation will help students to gain the skills needed to enter into professional careers. Training is available at the:





    master degree


...levels of study. Students can choose from a number of accredited career preparation programs in order to become filmmakers, videographers, photography assistant, cinematographer, editors, photojournalists, sports photographers, and many other exciting careers in this field. Pursuing these careers will require students to complete the coursework provided to them based on the level of education desired.


2) Specialized areas of study are available for students to choose from when pursuing an accredited online degree. Students can enroll in film and photography or just Wedding Film and Photography Surrey courses. Coursework will cover topics such as:





    Creative Expression

    Film Developing




...and other courses related to the specific area of study. Gaining skills in these areas will help to prepare students for the workforce. Studies will provide the knowledge needed to succeed in the field.


3) When students enroll in accredited online schools and colleges for training in film and photography, they will prepare for the career of a lifetime. Training will include online courses in journalism, broadcasting, as well as the use of film and photography equipment to carry out numerous tasks. These tasks will be based on the profession that each individual student desires to enter into. Training will equip students with the skills to produce videos and pictures and work in media production, news, documentaries, magazines, and much more. Online career training in this field is also available to those who wish to just complete single courses in order to learn new skills or enhance their current skills. Students who enroll in an accredited online school or colleges will be able to seek the employment they long for by gaining the education they need.


Investing in the Crypto Currency market space can be a little daunting for the traditional investor, as investing directly in Crypto Currency (CC) requires the use of new tools and adopting some new concepts. So if you do decide to dip your toes in this market, you will want to have a very good idea of what to do and what to expect.


Buying and selling CC's requires you to choose an Exchange that deals in the products you want to buy and sell, be they Bitcoin, Litecoin, or any of the over 1300 other tokens in play. In previous editions we have briefly described the products and services available at a few exchanges, to give you an idea of the different offerings. There are many Exchanges to choose from and they all do things in their own way. Look for the things that matter to you, for example:


- Deposit policies, methods, and costs of each method


- Withdrawal policies and costs


- Which fiat currencies they deal in for deposits and withdrawals


- Products they deal in, such as crypto coins, gold, silver etc


- Costs for transactions


- where is this Exchange based? (USA / UK / South Korea / Japan...)


Be prepared for the Exchange setup procedure to be detailed and lengthy, as the Exchanges generally want to know a lot about you. It is akin to setting up a new bank account, as the Exchanges are brokers of valuables, and they want to be sure that you are who you say you are, quantum ai and that you are a trustworthy person to deal with. It seems that "trust' is earned over time, as the Exchanges typically allow only small investment amounts to begin with.


Your Exchange will keep your CC's in storage for you. Many offer "cold storage" which simply means that your coins are kept "offline" until you indicate that you want to do something with them. There are quite a few news stories of Exchanges being hacked, and many coins stolen. Think about your coins being in something like a bank account at the Exchange, but remember that your coins are digital only, and that all blockchain transactions are irreversible. Unlike your bank, these Exchanges do not have deposit insurance, so be aware that hackers are always out there trying everything they can to get at your Crypto Coins and steal them. Exchanges generally offer Password protected accounts, and many offer 2-factor authorization schemes - something to seriously consider in order to protect your account from hackers.


Given that hackers love to prey on Exchanges and your account, we always recommend that you use a digital wallet for your coins. It is relatively easy to move coins between your Exchange account and your wallet. Be sure to choose a wallet that handles all the coins you want to be buying and selling. Your wallet is also the device you use to "spend" your coins with the merchants who accept CC's for payment. The two types of wallets are "hot" and "cold". Hot wallets are very easy to use but they leave your coins exposed to the internet, but only on your computer, not the Exchange server. Cold wallets use offline storage mediums, such as specialized hardware memory sticks and simple hard copy printouts. Using a cold wallet makes transactions more complicated, but they are the safest.


Your wallet contains the "private" key that authorizes all the transactions you want to initiate. You also have a "public" key that is shared on the network so that all users can identify your account when involved in a transaction with you. When hackers get your private key, they can move your coins anywhere they want, and it is irreversible.



Viele Taucher besuchen Sabah, Borneo, um im weltberühmten Sipadan zu tauchen . Die Heimat atemberaubender Drop-Offs, Schildkröten bei jedem tauchen hurghadaTauchgang und von Jacques Cousteau betaucht, ist keine Überraschung, dass es ein beliebtes Tauchziel ist. Was viele Taucher nicht wissen, ist, dass es entlang der Westküste von Sabah eine Reihe von Wracks aus dem 2. Weltkrieg (WW2) gibt, die unvergessliche Taucherlebnisse bieten. Und alle sind über Tauchtagesausflüge von Kota Kinabalu (der Hauptstadt von Sabah) aus erreichbar.

Während angenommen wird, dass es im Südchinesischen Meer (aus dem 2. Weltkrieg) viele Wracks gibt, gibt es derzeit vier Wracks aus dem 2. Weltkrieg vor der Westküste von Sabah, die auch zum Tauchen geeignet sind. Alle Wracks sind japanische Frachtschiffe – was bedeutet, dass sie groß sind (ca. 150 m – 200 m) und historische „Schätze“ enthalten, die transportiert wurden, als sie untergingen. Aufgrund der langen Zeit, in der sie versenkt wurden (ca. 65 Jahre), sind sie alle mit atemberaubenden Weichkorallengärten und Hartkorallen bedeckt, die von Fischen nur so wimmeln und eine erstaunliche Vielfalt an tropischem Meeresleben beherbergen. Finden Sie Schwärme von Barrakudas, Ammenhaien, großen Zackenbarschen und großen Schwärmen von Gelben Schnappern und Füsilieren.

Drei der Wracks befinden sich in der Usukan Bay (Rice Bowl Wrack, Upside-Down Wreck und das Usukan Wrack), die 30 Seemeilen nordwestlich von Kota Kinabalu , Sabah, liegt. Das vierte Wrack, das Gaya-Wrack, befindet sich etwa 20 Minuten westlich von Pulau Gaya (außerhalb des Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park in der Nähe von Kota Kinabalu , Sabah). Die Wracks bieten sowohl Tauchen ohne Penetration (dh Schwimmen über und um das Wrack herum) als auch Tauchen mit begrenzter Penetration innerhalb der "Lichtzone". Der Rest dieses Artikels gibt einen Überblick über die zu betauchenden Wracks entlang der Westküste von Sabah.

Das Reisschüssel-Wrack – So genannt, weil beim ersten Tauchgang ein Cache mit Reisschüsseln im Bug gefunden wurde. Dies ist ein relativ langes Schiff (~150 m), das in nordöstlicher Richtung in 40 m an seiner tiefsten und 26 m an seiner tiefsten Stelle liegt am flachsten. Die Tiefe dieses Wracks macht es für mindestens PADI Advanced Open Water Divers geeignet und wird am besten mit Nitrox (EANx30) in der Freizeit getaucht. Der Aufbau ist an vielen Stellen durchlöchert, was einige Erkundungen möglich und interessant macht, und die Metallarbeiten sind robust. Der Weichkorallengarten ist unvergesslich. Während der „Trockenzeit“ können Sie oft eine atemberaubende Sicht auf das Wrack von über 30 m genießen.

The Upside-Down Wreck - Der Name verrät die Ausrichtung dieses Schiffes, das in der gleichen Richtung und in ähnlicher Tiefe wie das Rice Bowl-Wrack liegt. Dieses Wrack hat gute Durchschwimmmöglichkeiten , obwohl eine Taschenlampe unerlässlich ist und sich gut zum Erkunden sowie als Übungsplatz für die Spezialität Wracktaucher eignet.

Das Usukan- Wrack - Dies ist das tiefste der drei Wracks in der Usukan- Bucht mit 35 m – 45 m und daher nur für technische Taucher (Taucher, die für Dekompressionstauchen zertifiziert sind) zugänglich. Es ist ein gutes Wrack zum Tauchen mit Rebreathern oder zum Tauchen mit Twin-Tanks / Trimix . Das Wrack ist interessant und hat eine spektakuläre Peitschenkorallenbedeckung, die ihm in einem bestimmten Licht ein frostiges Aussehen verleihen kann.

Sie können sich ein Video von Rebreather- Tauchern am Wrack der Rice Bowl im Rahmen eines Tauchausflugs mit Borneo Dream von Kota Kinabalu ansehen .

Das Gaya-Wrack - Das große Gaya-Wrack ist ein tiefes Wrack und sitzt aufrecht in 36 m - 50 m Wassertiefe. Das Wrack ist im Allgemeinen intakt und es gibt viele interessante Erkundungs- und Wrackdurchdringungsmöglichkeiten für technische Taucher mit entsprechender Erfahrung und Ausbildung ( Rebreather- Taucher oder Taucher mit zwei Tanks). tauchen hurghadaObwohl die Identität des Wracks nicht bestätigt wurde, wird angenommen, dass es sich um die Nittetsu Maru handelt . Am 14. Oktober 1944 versenkte das U-Boot Dace (SS-247) zwei japanische Handelstanker, die Eikyo Maru und Nittetsu Maru und den beschädigten Erztransporter Taizen Maru vor Nord-Borneo, 06°05'N, 115°55'E". Die Beschreibung dieses Wracks stimmt mit der der Nittetsu Maru überein . Nach Einsatzberichten heißt es, die Dace habe die Nittetsu Maru (ein Frachtschiff von 5.993 Tonnen) versenkt Eikyo Maru (ein Öltanker von 6.948 Tonnen) und beschädigt das Frachtschiff Taizen schwer Maru (5.396 Tonnen).

Wracktauchen ist eine beliebte Form des Gerätetauchens unter Freizeittauchern. Entlang oder in einem Schiffswrack zu tauchen ist für Taucher aus mehreren Gründen attraktiv. Schiffswracks haben eine Geschichte, die beim Tauchen eine andere Perspektive bietet. Wracks werden auch schnell zu einem künstlichen Riff, das vielen Arten von Meereslebewesen einen Lebensraum bietet – normalerweise sind sie von Fischen umgeben und beherbergen Lebewesen. Das Tauchen entlang eines Wracks stellt Taucher vor neue Herausforderungen.

You will most likely have heard that there are times when doing some groundwork on a particular type of tradesman is essential - what you heard was right. There are occasions when you require a flooring contractor for both domestic or/and commercial flooring installations. If you are doing your research from the comfort of a desk, in other words via the internet, separating the professionals from the cowboys can be an exhausting task at the best of times. Your decision to call or email for a quote is based on a hunch; usually after comparing the various competing websites that flooring contractors use to promote themselves.


One of the toughest things to establish is whether your choice will be correct; you won't know this until your choice of flooring contractor has signed off your installation with you. This task in itself can be a harsh and costly learning curve, especially for first-timers.


Getting Word of Mouth Recommendations Via the Internet

Due to modern advances in technology consumers now have a view into a world which, previously, was only available face to face down the local pub, or in other community groups. I'm talking about virtual word of mouth, namely: review websites. We all know that contractors referred from someone we know are tried and tested, and tradesmen love to be referred as not only are referrals the easiest jobs to acquire - usually at no cost as the promotion has been word of mouth. Gathering references and genuine feedback from real people can be time consuming as opposed to scanning the internet, therefore review sites are an effective time saving method.


A level playing field for any real tradesman to set out his stall

Review sites provide a level playing field for real tradesmen and service providers to show the world their quality. The reality is that they are scrutinized not only by ombudsmen, but by real customers so you know the comments are genuine. This type of feedback is invaluable groundworks contractor  when it comes to selecting a flooring contractor. If they get featured on a review site such as Free Index they can be made or broken in public eye.


Let the Accreditation do the talking

Additionally you may also verify the quality that the person/company you are looking to hire is offering by seeing if they are accredited by a professional organization. I am talking about the kind of organizations which stand for values like service, craftsmanship, and commitment to health and safety.


Not all Accreditation's Are equal

With any tradesman or construction company you will note that they may look to have accreditation's galore, or will attain to it being the case. However there are only a handful that stand for anything of real value such as:


    Chas Accreditation

    Safe Contractor Approved



Ensure if are you choosing a flooring contractor that they have at the least the three accreditation's previously mentioned, or you may get an unwanted surprise.


Quantum - Spirituality


The Age of Aquarius has given mankind the new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics.


These laws are a gift to us from the Grand Architect of the Universe, the Prime Mover, the Creator God.


They are meant for all humanity, not just for a select few, how think they have the right and privilege to know the Universes Secrets.


The New Laws of Quantum Physics are the Laws of Creation. And when we, the ordinary people, fully understand them we will understand that there are no secrets of the Universe.


We will understand that there are no secrets to physical atoms, protons, quanta or any of the theories for the physical Universe. The Physical Universe only exists as a physical object because we exist to experience it.


What are we? Well we are not physical beings, we are spiral energy beings. To be more precise, we are Souls.


We 'blinked out' of what the Laws of Quantum Physics call the Quantum Ocean, which in reality is the Mind of The Creator God.


There are not secrets when you understand that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.


This Mind of God, is an infinite Soul. We live, move and have our being within this infinite Soul.


We 'blinked out' into a physical reality, an individual quantum ai uk  incarnation for one reason only, to experience physical Life. When we 'blinked out' this physical reality we experience, 'blinked out' with us.


Each Soul 'blinks out' into it's own physical reality. There are as many physical realities in the planet as there are Souls on the planet.


But if no Souls 'blinked out' then there would be no physical reality of any kind.


So 'physicalness' does not exist unless there is a Soul who can experience and observe it.

Spiritual Quantum Physics is just that. Only the term Quantum refers to the smallest unit of Spirituality, which is an individual soul.


And an individual Soul is just one drop in the infinite ocean called the Quantum Ocean. Spiritual Quantum Physics gives us a new paradigm for health.


It tells us that we are individual Souls who have 'blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean, mind of God, to experience "Life" on the physical, emotional, mental plane.


To do this, each Soul builds a physical, emotional and mental body to use to "Experience Life."


Within the Quantum Ocean, Mind of Gd, there are an infinites number of Divine blueprints that can be 'blinked out' into the physical reality to be observed and used by individual Souls.


There are Divine Blueprints for planets, Galaxies, and even Universes. There are Divine Blueprints for the Mineral Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom, and the Animal Kingdom.


And there is a divine blueprint for man, within the Divine Blueprint for man, are Divine blueprints for perfect physical, mental and emotional health.


The one big difference between the Kingdom of Man and the other kingdoms, is that we haver been given free will.


We, as individual Souls, have 'blinked in' and 'blinked out' of the Mind of God many times.


Each time we do, we bring back to the Quantum Ocean, with us, our experiences, conscious and unconscious. We set up our Karma with which we will take out into the physical world with us next time we 'blink out.' Even negative thoughts, negative feelings, negative actions are also energy.


But they are energies that interfere with energies,which create perfect health on the physical plane.


If each Soul would incarnate out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, with no negative energies, they would 'blink out' with a perfect health matrix.


And they could experience Life with Perfect Health.


But this is not the case nowadays. Mankind has drifted so far from the concepts of Spiritual Quantum Physics, IE ALL IS ENERGY, thoughts and things and we are not physical bodies, with Souls. We are Souls who create our own physical bodies.


The great thinkers, teachers, doctors, religious leaders have created a world of materialism where physical bodies are more important than SOULS.



Almost everyone seems to have an opinion about whether Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer was wise or otherwise when she decided to end permanent telecommuting arrangements at her company.


I don't. This may be a little surprising, since I write a regular opinion column. My regular readers have probably concluded that I have opinions, worthwhile or not, about everything.


Editorialists, journalists and bloggers all rushed to comment on the policy change. Some argued that working from home is productive, and accused Mayer of missing or ignoring the drawbacks of working in an office. Others defended Mayer, pointing out that her decision was simply about what was best for Yahoo, not a broader statement about the utility of working from home. Still others tied the news into the ongoing discussion about women trying to climb the corporate ladder and raise young children simultaneously, while others polled the public to see whether they thought working from home made employees more or less effective.


Readers keeping up with the coverage would be forgiven for suspecting reactions to Yahoo's policy say more about their respective authors than about Yahoo.


People tend to assume, falsely, that their experiences and priorities are always relevant to somebody else's situation. Running my own business gives me quite enough to do without worrying about how Mayer runs her company. Lacking an insider's perspective, I cannot form a knowledgeable opinion about whether I would have reached the same decision in Mayer's position. All I can do is reflect on my own experiences, apply my own values and priorities, and wonder whether lack of productivity is really at the core of Yahoo's problems.


Employees at my company, starting with me as its founder, have always worked from home on occasion. In some cases, employees have split their workweek between  work from home employee monitoting and office for extended periods of time; in a few situations, they have worked almost exclusively from home for temporary periods of up to a year.


Telecommuting plays an important, though limited, role at our company. Our organization would not be nearly as strong without it. Yet what works for us would not necessarily work for other businesses in our own industry, let alone in fields that are very different from the tax and financial planning services we provide. Some firms probably need to allow more telecommuting than we do, while others should do it less.


The debate over the "productivity" of work-from-home employees largely misses the point, for two reasons. The first is that working from home probably increases productivity sometimes and reduces it at other times, in different amounts for different employees. The second is that productivity - the number of units of "work," however we define it, that an employee churns out in a given period of time or for a given amount of compensation - may not be the most important consideration in evaluating an employee's performance or overall value to the company. It might not even be close.


There is almost no circumstance in which I would hire a new employee and have that person start by working from home most or all of the time. The need to evaluate a new employee's work habits and ability to self-supervise is part of the reason, but only a minor part. Even if I had the utmost faith in the employee's diligence and focus, we want to provide as much guidance and mentoring as possible during the first few years an employee is with us. At the same time, we want to integrate that person into our tightly knit, team-oriented, client-centric culture.