ferozali's blog

Viele Taucher besuchen Sabah, Borneo, um im weltberühmten Sipadan zu tauchen . Die Heimat atemberaubender Drop-Offs, Schildkröten bei jedem tauchen hurghadaTauchgang und von Jacques Cousteau betaucht, ist keine Überraschung, dass es ein beliebtes Tauchziel ist. Was viele Taucher nicht wissen, ist, dass es entlang der Westküste von Sabah eine Reihe von Wracks aus dem 2. Weltkrieg (WW2) gibt, die unvergessliche Taucherlebnisse bieten. Und alle sind über Tauchtagesausflüge von Kota Kinabalu (der Hauptstadt von Sabah) aus erreichbar.

Während angenommen wird, dass es im Südchinesischen Meer (aus dem 2. Weltkrieg) viele Wracks gibt, gibt es derzeit vier Wracks aus dem 2. Weltkrieg vor der Westküste von Sabah, die auch zum Tauchen geeignet sind. Alle Wracks sind japanische Frachtschiffe – was bedeutet, dass sie groß sind (ca. 150 m – 200 m) und historische „Schätze“ enthalten, die transportiert wurden, als sie untergingen. Aufgrund der langen Zeit, in der sie versenkt wurden (ca. 65 Jahre), sind sie alle mit atemberaubenden Weichkorallengärten und Hartkorallen bedeckt, die von Fischen nur so wimmeln und eine erstaunliche Vielfalt an tropischem Meeresleben beherbergen. Finden Sie Schwärme von Barrakudas, Ammenhaien, großen Zackenbarschen und großen Schwärmen von Gelben Schnappern und Füsilieren.

Drei der Wracks befinden sich in der Usukan Bay (Rice Bowl Wrack, Upside-Down Wreck und das Usukan Wrack), die 30 Seemeilen nordwestlich von Kota Kinabalu , Sabah, liegt. Das vierte Wrack, das Gaya-Wrack, befindet sich etwa 20 Minuten westlich von Pulau Gaya (außerhalb des Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park in der Nähe von Kota Kinabalu , Sabah). Die Wracks bieten sowohl Tauchen ohne Penetration (dh Schwimmen über und um das Wrack herum) als auch Tauchen mit begrenzter Penetration innerhalb der "Lichtzone". Der Rest dieses Artikels gibt einen Überblick über die zu betauchenden Wracks entlang der Westküste von Sabah.

Das Reisschüssel-Wrack – So genannt, weil beim ersten Tauchgang ein Cache mit Reisschüsseln im Bug gefunden wurde. Dies ist ein relativ langes Schiff (~150 m), das in nordöstlicher Richtung in 40 m an seiner tiefsten und 26 m an seiner tiefsten Stelle liegt am flachsten. Die Tiefe dieses Wracks macht es für mindestens PADI Advanced Open Water Divers geeignet und wird am besten mit Nitrox (EANx30) in der Freizeit getaucht. Der Aufbau ist an vielen Stellen durchlöchert, was einige Erkundungen möglich und interessant macht, und die Metallarbeiten sind robust. Der Weichkorallengarten ist unvergesslich. Während der „Trockenzeit“ können Sie oft eine atemberaubende Sicht auf das Wrack von über 30 m genießen.

The Upside-Down Wreck - Der Name verrät die Ausrichtung dieses Schiffes, das in der gleichen Richtung und in ähnlicher Tiefe wie das Rice Bowl-Wrack liegt. Dieses Wrack hat gute Durchschwimmmöglichkeiten , obwohl eine Taschenlampe unerlässlich ist und sich gut zum Erkunden sowie als Übungsplatz für die Spezialität Wracktaucher eignet.

Das Usukan- Wrack - Dies ist das tiefste der drei Wracks in der Usukan- Bucht mit 35 m – 45 m und daher nur für technische Taucher (Taucher, die für Dekompressionstauchen zertifiziert sind) zugänglich. Es ist ein gutes Wrack zum Tauchen mit Rebreathern oder zum Tauchen mit Twin-Tanks / Trimix . Das Wrack ist interessant und hat eine spektakuläre Peitschenkorallenbedeckung, die ihm in einem bestimmten Licht ein frostiges Aussehen verleihen kann.

Sie können sich ein Video von Rebreather- Tauchern am Wrack der Rice Bowl im Rahmen eines Tauchausflugs mit Borneo Dream von Kota Kinabalu ansehen .

Das Gaya-Wrack - Das große Gaya-Wrack ist ein tiefes Wrack und sitzt aufrecht in 36 m - 50 m Wassertiefe. Das Wrack ist im Allgemeinen intakt und es gibt viele interessante Erkundungs- und Wrackdurchdringungsmöglichkeiten für technische Taucher mit entsprechender Erfahrung und Ausbildung ( Rebreather- Taucher oder Taucher mit zwei Tanks). tauchen hurghadaObwohl die Identität des Wracks nicht bestätigt wurde, wird angenommen, dass es sich um die Nittetsu Maru handelt . Am 14. Oktober 1944 versenkte das U-Boot Dace (SS-247) zwei japanische Handelstanker, die Eikyo Maru und Nittetsu Maru und den beschädigten Erztransporter Taizen Maru vor Nord-Borneo, 06°05'N, 115°55'E". Die Beschreibung dieses Wracks stimmt mit der der Nittetsu Maru überein . Nach Einsatzberichten heißt es, die Dace habe die Nittetsu Maru (ein Frachtschiff von 5.993 Tonnen) versenkt Eikyo Maru (ein Öltanker von 6.948 Tonnen) und beschädigt das Frachtschiff Taizen schwer Maru (5.396 Tonnen).

Wracktauchen ist eine beliebte Form des Gerätetauchens unter Freizeittauchern. Entlang oder in einem Schiffswrack zu tauchen ist für Taucher aus mehreren Gründen attraktiv. Schiffswracks haben eine Geschichte, die beim Tauchen eine andere Perspektive bietet. Wracks werden auch schnell zu einem künstlichen Riff, das vielen Arten von Meereslebewesen einen Lebensraum bietet – normalerweise sind sie von Fischen umgeben und beherbergen Lebewesen. Das Tauchen entlang eines Wracks stellt Taucher vor neue Herausforderungen.

You will most likely have heard that there are times when doing some groundwork on a particular type of tradesman is essential - what you heard was right. There are occasions when you require a flooring contractor for both domestic or/and commercial flooring installations. If you are doing your research from the comfort of a desk, in other words via the internet, separating the professionals from the cowboys can be an exhausting task at the best of times. Your decision to call or email for a quote is based on a hunch; usually after comparing the various competing websites that flooring contractors use to promote themselves.


One of the toughest things to establish is whether your choice will be correct; you won't know this until your choice of flooring contractor has signed off your installation with you. This task in itself can be a harsh and costly learning curve, especially for first-timers.


Getting Word of Mouth Recommendations Via the Internet

Due to modern advances in technology consumers now have a view into a world which, previously, was only available face to face down the local pub, or in other community groups. I'm talking about virtual word of mouth, namely: review websites. We all know that contractors referred from someone we know are tried and tested, and tradesmen love to be referred as not only are referrals the easiest jobs to acquire - usually at no cost as the promotion has been word of mouth. Gathering references and genuine feedback from real people can be time consuming as opposed to scanning the internet, therefore review sites are an effective time saving method.


A level playing field for any real tradesman to set out his stall

Review sites provide a level playing field for real tradesmen and service providers to show the world their quality. The reality is that they are scrutinized not only by ombudsmen, but by real customers so you know the comments are genuine. This type of feedback is invaluable groundworks contractor  when it comes to selecting a flooring contractor. If they get featured on a review site such as Free Index they can be made or broken in public eye.


Let the Accreditation do the talking

Additionally you may also verify the quality that the person/company you are looking to hire is offering by seeing if they are accredited by a professional organization. I am talking about the kind of organizations which stand for values like service, craftsmanship, and commitment to health and safety.


Not all Accreditation's Are equal

With any tradesman or construction company you will note that they may look to have accreditation's galore, or will attain to it being the case. However there are only a handful that stand for anything of real value such as:


    Chas Accreditation

    Safe Contractor Approved



Ensure if are you choosing a flooring contractor that they have at the least the three accreditation's previously mentioned, or you may get an unwanted surprise.


Quantum - Spirituality


The Age of Aquarius has given mankind the new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics.


These laws are a gift to us from the Grand Architect of the Universe, the Prime Mover, the Creator God.


They are meant for all humanity, not just for a select few, how think they have the right and privilege to know the Universes Secrets.


The New Laws of Quantum Physics are the Laws of Creation. And when we, the ordinary people, fully understand them we will understand that there are no secrets of the Universe.


We will understand that there are no secrets to physical atoms, protons, quanta or any of the theories for the physical Universe. The Physical Universe only exists as a physical object because we exist to experience it.


What are we? Well we are not physical beings, we are spiral energy beings. To be more precise, we are Souls.


We 'blinked out' of what the Laws of Quantum Physics call the Quantum Ocean, which in reality is the Mind of The Creator God.


There are not secrets when you understand that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.


This Mind of God, is an infinite Soul. We live, move and have our being within this infinite Soul.


We 'blinked out' into a physical reality, an individual quantum ai uk  incarnation for one reason only, to experience physical Life. When we 'blinked out' this physical reality we experience, 'blinked out' with us.


Each Soul 'blinks out' into it's own physical reality. There are as many physical realities in the planet as there are Souls on the planet.


But if no Souls 'blinked out' then there would be no physical reality of any kind.


So 'physicalness' does not exist unless there is a Soul who can experience and observe it.

Spiritual Quantum Physics is just that. Only the term Quantum refers to the smallest unit of Spirituality, which is an individual soul.


And an individual Soul is just one drop in the infinite ocean called the Quantum Ocean. Spiritual Quantum Physics gives us a new paradigm for health.


It tells us that we are individual Souls who have 'blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean, mind of God, to experience "Life" on the physical, emotional, mental plane.


To do this, each Soul builds a physical, emotional and mental body to use to "Experience Life."


Within the Quantum Ocean, Mind of Gd, there are an infinites number of Divine blueprints that can be 'blinked out' into the physical reality to be observed and used by individual Souls.


There are Divine Blueprints for planets, Galaxies, and even Universes. There are Divine Blueprints for the Mineral Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom, and the Animal Kingdom.


And there is a divine blueprint for man, within the Divine Blueprint for man, are Divine blueprints for perfect physical, mental and emotional health.


The one big difference between the Kingdom of Man and the other kingdoms, is that we haver been given free will.


We, as individual Souls, have 'blinked in' and 'blinked out' of the Mind of God many times.


Each time we do, we bring back to the Quantum Ocean, with us, our experiences, conscious and unconscious. We set up our Karma with which we will take out into the physical world with us next time we 'blink out.' Even negative thoughts, negative feelings, negative actions are also energy.


But they are energies that interfere with energies,which create perfect health on the physical plane.


If each Soul would incarnate out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, with no negative energies, they would 'blink out' with a perfect health matrix.


And they could experience Life with Perfect Health.


But this is not the case nowadays. Mankind has drifted so far from the concepts of Spiritual Quantum Physics, IE ALL IS ENERGY, thoughts and things and we are not physical bodies, with Souls. We are Souls who create our own physical bodies.


The great thinkers, teachers, doctors, religious leaders have created a world of materialism where physical bodies are more important than SOULS.



Almost everyone seems to have an opinion about whether Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer was wise or otherwise when she decided to end permanent telecommuting arrangements at her company.


I don't. This may be a little surprising, since I write a regular opinion column. My regular readers have probably concluded that I have opinions, worthwhile or not, about everything.


Editorialists, journalists and bloggers all rushed to comment on the policy change. Some argued that working from home is productive, and accused Mayer of missing or ignoring the drawbacks of working in an office. Others defended Mayer, pointing out that her decision was simply about what was best for Yahoo, not a broader statement about the utility of working from home. Still others tied the news into the ongoing discussion about women trying to climb the corporate ladder and raise young children simultaneously, while others polled the public to see whether they thought working from home made employees more or less effective.


Readers keeping up with the coverage would be forgiven for suspecting reactions to Yahoo's policy say more about their respective authors than about Yahoo.


People tend to assume, falsely, that their experiences and priorities are always relevant to somebody else's situation. Running my own business gives me quite enough to do without worrying about how Mayer runs her company. Lacking an insider's perspective, I cannot form a knowledgeable opinion about whether I would have reached the same decision in Mayer's position. All I can do is reflect on my own experiences, apply my own values and priorities, and wonder whether lack of productivity is really at the core of Yahoo's problems.


Employees at my company, starting with me as its founder, have always worked from home on occasion. In some cases, employees have split their workweek between  work from home employee monitoting and office for extended periods of time; in a few situations, they have worked almost exclusively from home for temporary periods of up to a year.


Telecommuting plays an important, though limited, role at our company. Our organization would not be nearly as strong without it. Yet what works for us would not necessarily work for other businesses in our own industry, let alone in fields that are very different from the tax and financial planning services we provide. Some firms probably need to allow more telecommuting than we do, while others should do it less.


The debate over the "productivity" of work-from-home employees largely misses the point, for two reasons. The first is that working from home probably increases productivity sometimes and reduces it at other times, in different amounts for different employees. The second is that productivity - the number of units of "work," however we define it, that an employee churns out in a given period of time or for a given amount of compensation - may not be the most important consideration in evaluating an employee's performance or overall value to the company. It might not even be close.


There is almost no circumstance in which I would hire a new employee and have that person start by working from home most or all of the time. The need to evaluate a new employee's work habits and ability to self-supervise is part of the reason, but only a minor part. Even if I had the utmost faith in the employee's diligence and focus, we want to provide as much guidance and mentoring as possible during the first few years an employee is with us. At the same time, we want to integrate that person into our tightly knit, team-oriented, client-centric culture.

When the weather outside begins to get warm, most individuals love spending time outside and enjoying nature with friends or alone. While this weather makes for nice outdoor experiences, most people are not interested in the little critters ant exterminator moving around indoors, especially in their own homes. With this change of season also comes the birth and hatching of new insects both large and small. In many homes and businesses residents and business owners are experiencing the burden of ant infestations and are relying on ant control specialists to help them get rid of these annoying little critters.

There are many different kinds of ants, some are small and some are large. Although ants are thought to feed only on sugar, they can also feed on many other things such as meats, dairy products and even dead insects and other dead animals. Once an infestation has been established it can be very difficult for the average individual to remove every last one of these pests. In the event of an infestation, it is critical for the homeowner to implement the proper ant control methods not only in order to completely exterminate all of the insects but also to ensure that they won't return again.

An interesting, and sometimes difficult to understand fact about ants is that they are a very communal type of insect which makes them capable of strategizing and working together as a team in order to do whatever it takes to sustainably survive in their chosen environment. Like all animals, they are attracted to water which means that almost any moist environment is an ideal place for them to establish where they will live, feed and also reproduce. Not only are they just annoying but they also attract other insects and animals such as cockroaches and even rodents. When preventing an insect invasion it is critical to keep in mind the potential places from which they can enter a home or any closed structure. Places such as doors and window seals are common spots for ants to access the interior of structures, as many of these places contain wood that may be damp and cracked. Although ants are small and seemingly harmless, many types are capable of biting humans, leaving behind annoying and even painful sores. They also have unique defense mechanisms and are capable of communicating elaborate attack signals. This makes possible their unique ability to swarm all over their prey, biting their victim together as a group which has the potential to even kill both animals and humans.

Like roaches, ants are highly resilient survivalists and they are able to sustain living in almost all conditions, even extreme temperatures. They are also capable of swimming in water and have highly durable exoskeletons protecting them from predators and enabling them to survive in almost any environment. The most effective ant control methods for the prevention of an infestation and for the extermination of an existing invasion are only available by licensed professionals.

Le whisky et les cigares ont longtemps été associés aux bonnes choses de la vie. La combinaison d'un whisky doux et fumé avec un cigare bien vieilli peut créer une expérience vraiment indulgente. L'un des whiskies les plus recherchés au monde est le Macallan 18 Sherry Oak, et c'est un accord parfait avec des cigares fins.

Le Macallan 18 Sherry Oak est un whisky écossais single malt qui a été vieilli pendant 18 ans dans des fûts de chêne assaisonnés au sherry de Jerez, en Espagne. Ce processus crée une saveur riche et complexe à la fois douce et épicée. Le whisky a des notes de fruits secs, de gingembre et de cannelle, avec une finale longue et chaleureuse. C'est un whisky qui peut être siroté et savouré, et c'est un favori parmi les amateurs de whisky.

Associer le Macallan 18 Sherry Oak à un bon cigare est un accord paradisiaque. La saveur riche et fumée d'un cigare complète la douceur du whisky, créant une expérience luxueuse et indulgente. Lors de la sélection d'un cigare à associer au Macallan 18 Sherry Oak, il est important de choisir un cigare qui ne dominera pas le whisky. Un cigare moyennement corsé avec une saveur riche et complexe est le choix parfait.

Un excellent choix pour un cigare à associer avec le Blanton's price est le cigare Padron 1964 Anniversary Series. Ce cigare est un cigare mi-corsé à corsé fabriqué avec du tabac nicaraguayen. Il a un profil aromatique complexe avec des notes de café, de cacao et d'épices. Le cigare Padron 1964 Anniversary Series est un match parfait pour le Macallan 18 Sherry Oak car il a une saveur riche et audacieuse qui complète le whisky.

Un autre excellent choix pour un cigare à associer au Macallan 18 Sherry Oak est le cigare Arturo Fuente Hemingway Classic. Ce cigare est un cigare moyennement corsé fabriqué avec du tabac dominicain. Il a une saveur douce et crémeuse avec des notes de cèdre et d'épices. Le cigare Arturo Fuente Hemingway Classic est un match parfait pour le Macallan 18 Sherry Oak car il a une saveur douce et complexe qui complète le whisky.

Lorsque vous appréciez l'accord parfait entre Macallan 18 Sherry Oak et un bon cigare, il est important de prendre votre temps et de savourer l'expérience. Commencez par siroter le whisky et notez son profil aromatique. Ensuite, allumez le cigare et tirez quelques bouffées pour vous faire une idée de sa saveur. Sirotez à nouveau le whisky, puis tirez une autre bouffée de cigare. Continuez à alterner entre siroter le whisky et fumer le cigare, en prenant le temps d'apprécier les saveurs uniques de chacun.

En conclusion, l'accord parfait entre Macallan 18 Sherry Oak et les cigares fins est une indulgence luxueuse qui doit être savourée et appréciée. Que vous choisissiez le cigare Padron 1964 Anniversary Series ou le cigare Arturo Fuente Hemingway Classic, la combinaison d'un whisky doux et complexe avec un cigare riche et savoureux est un mariage parfait. Alors, asseyez-vous, détendez-vous et profitez de l'accord parfait entre Macallan 18 Sherry Oak et un bon cigare.

There are always things that happen in people's lives that can cause them problems physically or financially. Sometimes, it can cause problems with both. When this happens, it is difficult to pay creditors so people may consider filing for bankruptcy.

While a lot of people will stay away from that term because they worry that it will affect their chance of ever getting credit again in the future, it is not always true. The type of bankruptcy that a person files as well as what their overall credit history Antony Locke  looks like needs be considered. There are a lot of things that are going to be looked at when someone files for bankruptcy.

It is important that a person is able to buy food for their family and support themselves. When someone is paying out more than they are getting paid each month, they need to do something. Bankruptcy is going to help them clear the debt that they currently have.

It is important to take things step by step through this process though. When someone gets a loan, they are planning to pay the loan back. Each time, they have something happen in their life or have unexpected expenses, it can make it difficult to pay back any loans that they have.

It is important to make sure that they are not getting harassed by bill collectors. Some people are able to make payment arrangements and take care of the issues using that method. Other people get overwhelmed with debt and will take out new loans to pay for the loans that they already have.

When this happens, it is a spiral effect which can cause them to get deeper and deeper into debt. This is something that is not going to be good for their stress level or for their financial situations. People have to be able to purchase their food and make sure that they are able to maintain their monthly utility bills.

Filing for bankruptcy can clear them of the debts that they have. It will give them a fresh start to their financial career. There are many things that this is going to help. Their stress level will also be reduced.

Nobody likes the idea of filing for bankruptcy, but sometimes, this is the only answer to their problems. They cannot get loans to consolidate their debt. They may not be able to pay their loan payments no matter how hard they work for it.

Sometimes, bankruptcy is their only option to get their finances back on track. While not everybody feels this is really an answer, it is a solution to their financial struggles in most situations. This will give them a second chance to get things back on track for them.

Most people will learn from a bankruptcy. They need to learn that they have to plan ahead, even for the emergencies that happen in their life. It is not anything that is fun to deal with though.

Just knowing that people are unable to pay their bills can be very stressful. It is something that is going to also cause creditors to harass them on the phone by calling them continuously. The creditors want their money and in most situations, the consumers want to pay those bills.

Professionals are going to be able to help people go through each of the steps to filing for bankruptcy. It is important that all of the credit accounts and other types of accounts are listed on their bankruptcy. This is something that will be very  Antony Locke important when filing and can change the outcome of the application.

محلول SSD الكيميائي لتنظيف الدولار الأسود ، وتنظيف الأموال ، والمواد الكيميائية لتنظيف النقود السوداء ، والمواد الكيميائية SSD chemical للبيع ، والمواد الكيميائية لغسل الأموال السوداء ،لتنظيف المال ، والنوتات السوداء لتنظيف المواد الكيميائية ، ومسحوق التنشيط وأمبير. حل ssd ، آلة تنظيف النقود السوداء ، سعر الحل التلقائي ssd ، موردي المواد الكيميائية لمحلول ssd هل لديك عملة سوداء على شكل دولارات أو جنيه استرليني أو يورو أو أي عملة أخرى؟ لدي أقوى مادة كيميائية تنظيف وعالمية تبحث عنها. أبيع حل SSD التلقائي ، معجون Vetrol 0.2A وغيرها الكثير. لدي أيضًا مجموعة متنوعة من المساحيق اللازمة عند القيام بالتنظيفات الكبيرة مثل مسحوق التنشيط. نحن متخصصون في تنظيف جميع أنواع الأوراق النقدية المشوهة ، الأوراق السوداء ، الأوراق النقدية المضادة للنسيم ، العملات المغلفة بالطوابع والملطخة. نقوم بإذابة وإعادة تنشيط الكيماويات المجمدة ونقدم تنظيفًا بنسبة 100٪ للفواتير مثل الدولار واليورو والجنيه الاسترليني والراند وتحويل الألوان من الأوراق النقدية المستعملة إلى الأوراق النقدية البيضاء الجديدة.

نحن نقدم آلات للتنظيف الكبير ونقوم أيضًا بتسليم المنتجات إلى أي مكان يرغب فيه المشترون. يتوفر موظفو المختبر ليوضحوا للعملاء كيفية إنجاز العمل.

نحن فنيو مختبرات كيميائية مقرهم في جنوب إفريقيا مدرجون في الشركة المصنعة للمنتجات الصناعية والصيدلانية مع hellip ؛ نقوم بتنظيف جميع أنواع الأوراق النقدية أو إزالة النسمات منها ، والمساحيق المضادة للهواء والعديد من المنتجات الأخرى المستخدمة في تنظيف عملية العملات التي تم تعطيلها. نحن نوفر لك أحدث الأوتوماتيكية وأمبير. أفضل محلول كيميائي SSD ، مواد كيميائية عالمية ، مساحيق تنشيط ومتخصصون في تنظيف جميع أنواع الملاحظات المشوهة ، الملاحظات السوداء ، مكافحة النسيم ، العملة المختومة ، المميزة أو الملطخة. نقوم بإذابة وإعادة تنشيط الكيماويات المجمدة ونقدم تنظيفًا بنسبة 100٪ للفواتير مثل الدولار واليورو والجنيه الاسترليني وتحويل الألوان من الأوراق النقدية المستعملة إلى الأوراق النقدية البيضاء الجديدة.

حل SSD في مجموعته الكاملة هو أفضل حل كيميائي SSD chemical في السوق لتنظيف الأوراق النقدية المضادة للنسيم والعملة المشوهة والملاحظات المميزة وما شابه. ستندهش من قوة وسرعة هذه المادة الكيميائية. إنه قادر على تنظيف العملات الورقية بسعة BREEZE. نقوم بتخزين حل SSD المحدود لتنظيف مذكرة بنك ANTI-BREEZE أو المال الأسود.

Hiring a web marketing agency should be an exciting time for any business. Even if you've handled marketing so far, it will make a huge difference to have a professional company take over on your behalf. It allows you to focus on the business end of things and still see improved results. However, that's the best case scenario. The worst case scenario involves a Roofing Leadsweb marketing agency that proves more trouble than they're worth and may even set your progress back. So before you hire an agency, here's what you need to consider.

Your Budget

Whether you're hiring a web marketing agency or a new receptionist, your budget always needs to be considered first and foremost. When it comes to marketing, see if there's money you can add to it by giving the agency more jobs to do. For example, if someone has been handling social media for you, updating your blog, sending out email newsletters, etc. these are all things you can have your new agency handle.

Your Needs

At the same time, be sure you're clear about what you actually need from a web marketing agency. You may not need some of those things I just listed and, therefore, shouldn't be paying for them. In contrast to the above advice, if you're confident you're handling the blog just fine, there's money to be saved there.

You also don't want to wind up getting sold on services you don't need. If your market is a younger one, they may not respond to email newsletters like older clients would. So no matter how well a company claims to do them, they're not worth wasting a cent on.

Their Own Results

Any web marketing agency out there should count SEO amongst their expertise. So do a Google search for key phrases and see where they land. If they're not showing up on the first page, and preferably high up on it, what are the chances they'll know how to do the same for you (it's possible, of course; marketing agencies are a dense market, but it's still worth considering).

Their Work

You could perhaps forgive them for not beating out the hundreds of other web marketing agencies competing for Google real estate if they've proven they've helped others. This is where their resume comes into play. Any web marketing agency worthy of being considered should have a resume that clearly shows what they've done for other companies like yours.

However, don't take their resume at face value. You may have to ask questions like:

• How long did it take you to achieve these results?

• What did you charge?

• Are you still employed by them? If not, why?

They're a marketing agency, so they know how to sell. That means you're going to need to use a generous amount of scrutiny to get the answers you need.

The Tools They Use

Marketing online these days means using any of a number of different tools. So any web marketing agencies worthy of your time should be familiar with many and using at least a handful regularly. Not using tools doesn't mean they're somehow above the need. Tools like Clickable, Omniture, e-Frontier, and Webtrends all provide huge advantages. Anyone in web marketing who ignores them should raise a huge red flag in your mind.

Performance Guarantees

This component has two factors involved. First, you need to know how an agency plans on measuring their own performance. Put another way, what do they actually plan on providing you-objectively. Their answer needs to be specific as marketing can sometimes Roofing Leadsneedlessly drift into the vague.

The other interesting thing to look out for is how familiar they are with your company and does it come across in their answer? They should be able to explain where they'll get you in terms of page rank and how that result is affected by your competitors.

Of course, the second part is the guarantee. Their promises don't mean much if you don't get any assurances. So be sure they tell you what happens if they miss the mark.

While this may seem like a lot to ask or expect of a web marketing agency you're only interviewing, I assure you it's necessary. Otherwise, you could very easily end up paying for a problem.

Let's go straight into the subject. What is one of the most important factors when remodeling or building a home? Exactly: How much does it cost. Here we are:




Venetian plaster costs more than faux finishes. Why? It is more elaborate and the cost of materials is higher. What does that mean exactly? On average, as of 2008, venetian plaster runs about $10 per SF for a basic one color finish over a previously prepared substrate. Faux finish for a one-color basic starts at around $5 or fifty percent less. So if you want both Venetian plaster and Faux finishes than take the small walls for the plaster and the larger sections for Faux Finishes.




Venetian Plaster takes longer to apply, up to 3 times longer than applying faux finishes. But: Venetian plaster is increasing the value of your home if you don't choose extravagant colors and keep it simple in using a classic style like a Marmorino (very popular Venetian plaster style venetian plaster and means "little marble". The plaster consists of grounded Carrera marble powder which will add a special marble touch to the walls)




Venetian plaster is more resilient and durable although a good applied faux finish can resist fingerprints and handle a mild cleaning with a sponge.




Depending on the Faux Finish style a repair is sometimes impossible and the whole wall has to be redone. Normally sponged Faux finishes can be repaired easily.


It is possible to color match Venetian Plaster but you have to know that the color will fade overtime as it absorbs carbon from the air. After damage has occurred you might have to redo the whole wall. What about nails or minor scratches? They can be repaired without a problem; larger spots will cause difficulties as over the years you won't be able to match the same product or color tone.




Both can be applied to the most common surfaces with the proper preparation (wood, concrete, masonite, plastic, sheetrock, over painted surfaces on walls, floors, counters, woodwork, ceramic, tile, clay, columns, fireplaces, glass, metal, interior and exterior).




Venetian plaster is usually thicker and has more texture and weight placed upon the particular substrate; they can be breathable, semi-permeable, or coated to have a sealed surface.


Faux finishes are used with a glaze which makes the paint transparent and is normally applied after the wall had been painted with the base color. Glazes are a thin colored compound comprised of a binder, pigment, and usually water. They are not as durable as Venetian Plaster and can fade to somewhat a degree depending on the pigments and exposure to sunlight and elements.


What you should know about Venetian Plaster


You can apply Venetian Plaster yourself in getting the description and material ready made at Lowe's or Home Depot. They have all kinds of colors and tools you would need. BUT: you cannot return the plaster when it had been mixed and you cannot change the color anymore. This is the big difference to paint which can be returned and they change the color if it is not the right one. So you have to be sure and certain from the beginning.

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