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"Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" has become a massively popular international hit. The manga-turned-anime tells the story of Tanjiro, an ordinary boy in Taisho-era Japan whose life is turned upside-down when a demon kills his family. His only surviving sibling, little sister Nezuko, is turned into a demon. But somehow, she retains a portion of her humanity. Tanjiro vows to slay the demon that wrecked his life and cure his sister of her possession.Demon Slayer Shoes

The demons of "Demon Slayer" are, in fact, not demons. They are oni, Japanese monsters whose names are translated into English "as 'demon,' 'devil,' or 'ogre," according to the Book of Yokai. They act most like kyūketsuki, a blood-sucking subspecies of oni — vampires, in essence. And, like western vampires, they are vulnerable to sunlight. To slay a demon, you can decapitate them with a sword made of special metal, inject them with a derivative of wisteria, or expose them to sunlight. But that's not all that sets these demons apart. Many have something called blood demon art, a special power with a hidden truth.
