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Aurogra100 mg is regarded to be one of the most appropriate generic drugs for ED treatment.

Erectile dysfunction has adverse effects on one’s sexual life. Depression, irritation in behavior leading to a divide between the partners.

The problem of ED infuses loss of self-esteem, confidence, and manhood among men. Especially in a country like India where masculinity is directly linked with an erect penis.

Order Aurogra 100 Mg from genericbucket and keep your penis erect for more than 2 hours to enjoy memorable intercourse.

How does the drug Aurogra 100 Mg can furnish its work in the body?

Erectile dysfunction is basically not a disease but a disorder of body systems and reproductive organs caused due to changing lifestyles.

In Erectile dysfunction, blood vessels on the penis receive an inadequate supply of blood resulting in less or no erection.

Aurogra100 Mg relaxes the vessels on the penis, which allows more blood to flow causing an erection that lasts long.

Once sexually aroused the sildenafil gets activated. This is an important point for all who are going to try this drug in near future.

The drug only works after you are already aroused. Without stimulation, no erection takes place.

How long does it take for Aurogra 100 Mg to work?

Usually once taken into the food pipe, within 30 to 40 minutes the drug does its job of erection. So, plan your intercourse accordingly.

The time also depends on your eating habits and various addictions. If you consume the drug with alcohol or after the drug consumes alcohol then it may take more than 40 minutes.

Healthy eating and drinking favor sexual pleasure. A person with a mismanaged routine will face difficulties in his sexual life.

How to eat up Aurogra 100 Mg pills?

Take 1 glass of water and swallow it with 1 pill ofAurogra100 Mg tablets.

As soon as the salt, Sildenafil citrate dissolves with water it starts its job.

Care is to be taken that you don’t consume the pills with alcohol because this will lower the efficiency of the drug resulting in less erection.

Don’t consume the drug with any beverage like soda, or any acidic juice as it may react with the drug and show unwanted and fatal side effects.

Usually, people take the drug after having a meal. But make sure to have a light one.

Aurogra 100 Mg Storage Conditions

Storage of this drug is very simple and requires the necessary facilities.

Any temperature within the range of 15°C to 30°C is suitable for the storage of this drug.

But try to keep the pills away from humid and moisture-laden places. Moisture being a form of water may react with the drug and reduce its effectiveness.

Aurogra 100 Mg Side Effects

Well, every drug shows some side effects. Mostly they are minor ones and do not cause great damage so we ignore them. But if the drug causes side effects that are fatal, septic then consults a doctor immediately. Below are the side effects ofAurogra100 Mg pills :



High blood pressure

More sweating

Joint pain

Chest pain


Loss of vision (in critical cases, occurs very rarely)

Aurogra 100 Mg Precautions

Take special precautions if the person is above 60 years of age. At such an age the strength of the tissues reduces, the arteries work under great pressure. So please consult a doctor before its usage.

Each body reacts differently to the same chemicals. So who how the drug may react in your body. To avoid any consequences take advice from a doctor.

What is the usefulness of Aurogra 100 Mg pills?

The main use of the drug is to erect your penis and retain that erection for more tum 2 to 3 hours.

After usingAurogra100 Mg tablets spark will generate in your marriage life.

Those who are suffering from sexual impotence should also intake this drug. With only an erection you wouldn’t be able to shake the bed. For that, you need stamina, strength, and vigor.

Aurogra 100 Mg besides giving you an erection also boosts your energy to shake up the bed.

Why purchase Aurogra 100 Mg from genericbucket?

Genericbucket is a specialist in providing premium sexual pleasure to its customers. Ask someone suffering from ED, he will always refer you to Genericbucket.

Genericbucket secures the privacy of their customer without letting the delivery agent know what’s inside the box.

Products from Genericbucket are genuine products with recommendations from renowned sexologists and doctors.

Tadalista 60mg drug is a medicine having generic Tadalafil in it. This is a medicine that allows you to harden your penis and low it to grow hard. This happens due to the potential PDE 5 hormone-inhibiting substance that is Tadalafil.

When you take this pill it makes the blood flow to the penis tissues increase therefore allowing you to have more penis sensitivity.

In this article, we will look at some of the critical factors of Tadalista 60mg such as the process of how to administer your daily pill, and what might happen if you miss a dose or take more amounts of generic Tadalafil than what you are supposed to. Lastly, we also look at some of the common queries of most patients.

But since this article relates to the working process of Tadalista 60mg we start by looking at the working process of the pill. Let’s begin…

After the effects of the generic substance is Tadalafil begins to take effect the nature of the substance is to effect an inhibitory action on the PDE5 hormones. Along with this, you can find an increase in the hormonal secretion levels of the cGMP hormone.

The levels of cGMP hormone begin going above and beyond a level, this would trigger the actions of nitric oxide that correspond to a vasodilation action on the tissues.

It can be said that due to the vasodilation action of the tissues, the blood-carrying capacities of the nerves increase and then this is what allows you to have harder erections.

How to Take Tadalista 60mg?

Being an oral pill there is only one way that you can have the pills. And that is by swallowing a pill whole with water.

No crushing, chewing, or breaking of the pills is allowed during the time you have the pills in your mouth. As such you can fix the timings of taking the pill on your own. You may take it during the morning time or at night depending on when your free time is.

And remember that while you can have the pills on an empty stomach or filled stomach that is after having meals, try and have a small amount of meal that is light. Avoid taking in heavier meals or richly prepared food items. This will allow the pills to with faster.

Remember that a Tadalista pill taken on an empty stomach will start working faster than when you have it after a full-fledged meal.

While water is the best substance to use for taking on the pills of Tadalista 60mg, alcohol or even grape juice are not that good options. Why? Both of them are contraindication fluids having a huge tendency to have instant side effects. So remember and act to take your Daily Tadalista 60mg with water only.

Missed dose

So what happens when you suddenly miss a dose? Do you suffer from side effects? Well, while there are no linked side effects of taking the pills of Tadalista 60mg there is one problem though.

You see due to the short-term working nature of the pills, missing a dose means that you don’t get erectile hardness when you don’t take your pills on time.

One pill of Tadalista 60 is only active for around 24 hours so the next day when you don’t have your pill it’s tough for you to get or maintain a hard erection.


On taking more than what amounts of Tadalista 60mg you need, you definitely have more Tadalafil than what you actually require. And this extra amount of Tadalafil in your body can quickly generate severe side effects. So, avoid using the dose in more amounts than what has been given in your doctor’s prescription.


While Tadalista does not have any vigorous side effects when you take your daily pill in the recommended dose it does have a few substances that are better avoided.

Two of these we gave mentioned above include alcohol and grape juice.

Rather in this section, we are going to have a look at the medicines that are contradicting Tadalista 60.  The list of medicines that you cannot take includes-

Nitrate containing medicines


Some brands of good pressure-reducing pills

A few oral contraceptive brands

HIV and AIDS pills

Some medicines for curing antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal infections

Cenforce 200mg is a reliable and affordable medicine in the treatment of the erectile dysfunction in men. For men struggling with erectile dysfunction, Cenforce 200 is an effective and reasonably priced drug (ED). Cenforce 200, which contains 200 mg of Sildenafil Citrate, the same active component as the well-known medication Viagra, is an efficient solution for people looking to boost their sexual performance and self-confidence.

Cenforce 200mg is a high dose version of Cenforce 150 and Cenforce 100 and it must be used if you are having much severe difficulty and problem and it must also be considered to use it according to the age of patient.

Millions of men throughout the world struggle with erectile dysfunction. Age, stress, medical issues, or way of life choices are just a few of the causes. By boosting blood flow to the penile area, Cenforce 200 solves this issue and enables a harder and more durable erection during sexual activity.

The price of Cenforce 200 is one of its main benefits. Contrary to other name-brand drugs, Cenforce 200 offers an affordable solution for erectile dysfunction treatment without sacrificing quality or efficacy.

Take one tablet of Cenforce 200 30 to 60 minutes before having sex to start doing its magic. Within this window, the drug will start to work, and its effects could extend for up to 4-6 hours. The medication does not create an erection without arousal; hence it is significant to emphasize that sexual stimulation is necessary for the drug to function.

Most users of Cenforce 200 report just minor side effects, which is typical considering how well-tolerated the drug is. Mild side effects like headaches, vertigo, face flushing, or nasal congestion, however, could happen to some people. Before beginning any new medicine, it is imperative to speak with a healthcare provider, especially if you have current medical conditions or are already taking other medications.

In conclusion, Cenforce 200 is a practical and inexpensive treatment for erectile dysfunction in men. Its active component, Sildenafil Citrate, aims to increase erections and general sexual performance by increasing blood flow to the penile area. Cenforce 200 is a well-liked option for people looking for a dependable and affordable treatment for ED due to its simple-to-use formulation and minimal adverse effects.

Why You Must Consider Cenforce 200mg?

If you are having a erectile dysfunction you must consider Cenforce 200 as it is a medicine that is very active in the functionality of it. Cenforce 200mg is a medicine that is commonly prescribed by a doctor or a surgeon.

Cenforce 200mg contains sildenafil citrate as the active ingredient that is also used in Viagra. Men with erectile dysfunction (ED) are frequently treated with the drug Cenforce 200, which has sildenafil as its active component.

It functions by boosting blood flow to the penis, which makes it possible for an erection to happen when being sexually stimulated. It’s crucial to discuss treatment options, potential risks and benefits, and available options with a medical professional if you have symptoms of ED.

Some Interesting Insights About Cenforce 200mg

Men with erectile dysfunction (ED) are frequently prescribed the drug Cenforce 200mg. It functions by increasing blood flow to the penis when sexually excited because sildenafil is its active element.

It is crucial to use this medication as directed by your doctor and to report any adverse effects or concerns right away. We providing all the dose and type of ED pills like Cenforce 120mg, Cenforce 150mg, Cenforce D, Cenforce FM 100mg, Cenforce Professional 100mg and Cenforce Soft 100mg.

Sildenafil Citrate:

Sildenafil citrate, a PDE5 inhibitor frequently prescribed for the treatment of ED in males, is a component of the drug Cenforce 200. When sexually stimulated, it causes an erection by widening blood vessels in the penis and boosting blood flow.

However, it’s crucial to remember that Cenforce 200mg should only be used with a doctor’s supervision following a careful assessment of each patient’s medical history and symptoms.

Before beginning treatment, it is also important to take into account any possible adverse effects and combinations with other medications or medical problems. It is best to discuss the potential hazards and advantages of Cenforce 200 with a healthcare professional, as well as any worries or inquiries you might have about available ED treatment options.

How does Cenforce 200mg work?

A man’s body creates nitric oxide in response to sexual stimulation, which activates the enzyme guanylate cyclase to make cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), a chemical messenger that relaxes the smooth muscles in the penis and boosts blood flow. An erection is the effect of this.

As a result of PDE5 enzymes destroying cGMP more quickly than it can be created, normal penile function is hampered in men with ED. Sildenafil causes erections by blocking PDE5 enzymes and raising cGMP levels, which promote vasodilation and improve blood flow to the penile tissues.

In accordance with your doctor’s instructions, Cenforce 200 should be taken orally with water about an hour prior to sexual activity. It should be used in accordance with all applicable precautions and usage guidelines, as side effects including headache or upset stomach are possible.

How should I get Cenforce 200mg?

Cenforce 200 is a prescription-only drug that needs to be discussed with and approved by a qualified healthcare professional. Without first seeing your doctor, you shouldn’t buy or use Cenforce since it could interfere with other medications you’re taking, exacerbate some medical conditions, or cause negative effects.

If your doctor decides Cenforce 200 is the best treatment option for your problem, they will write you a prescription so you can buy the drug from a pharmacy. To make the drug obtainable in a physical form:

Take your doctor’s prescription with you to any nearby pharmacy.

Your pharmacist will check the legitimacy of the prescription and make sure the medication is dispensed and packaged correctly.

They’ll outline the proper way to take Cenforce 200 and cover important information including interactions, side effects, and more.

Alternatively, e-pharmacies can ship drugs like Cenforce directly if legitimate prescriptions are shared through their websites. Based on availability, people can buy online after verification and necessary approvals/billing/payment related steps have been fulfilled in accordance with jurisdiction-based guidelines, ensuring safe purchasing practices are followed for legitimate reasons.

Side Effects:

Men with erectile dysfunction might take the drug Cenforce 200 to cure their condition. Like many medicines, it could cause some negative effects, such as:



feeling queasy or sick

Flushing (Redness or warmth in the face, neck, or chest)


Achy muscles

Vision alterations (blurred vision, seeing a blue tinge to objects)

Headache or a stuffy nose

While these side effects are typically minor and disappear within a few hours, you should seek medical assistance right away if they last longer or get worse.

In addition, there are a few more severe but less frequent side effects of Cenforce 200, including:

1) Priapism, which is characterized by prolonged erections that last more than four hours and may result in irreversible harm if addressed.

2) Get quick medical attention if you’re hearing or vision suddenly changes.

Contact your healthcare physician right away if you notice any unsettling effects while taking Cenforce 200. Always explore the potential dangers and advantages of any new medicine with your doctor before beginning it.

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