gram33frog's blog

There are many reasons that we may not choose to do things that are beneficial for us. At the time I was first exposed to meditation at 19 years old, I was completing my first academic degree. I had just begun to research the positive effects that meditation can have on our lives. Meditation was an extremely scientific, medical experience. I discovered how meditation is good for your heart and your stress levels. It's also good for your overall health. I would describe it all in very scientific and medical descriptions exclusively. kubera mantra for wealth

I was aware that meditation was good for my health, but I didn't care too much about maintaining my blood pressure. I was a typical 19-yearold student and didn't pay much attention to the long-term effects. I found meditation to be very beneficial from the start. I just didn't realize it at the time. Although I enjoyed meditation, I was too busy to make the time to do it regularly. I basically practiced meditating intermittently and not on a consistent basis.

What changed for me was when, years ago, I started meeting people who had been meditating for a very long time. These people were able to share with me the positive effects meditation can have on your growth. They explained that meditation was a good way to grow emotionally and spiritually as well as physically. Once I understood that meditation was so much more than a good idea to "medical/physical" reasons I decided that I would have to begin practicing it regularly. Since I was a youngster, I had been fascinated by "growth". I read a book about meditation immediately and began to practice it regularly. I started meditating every day, twice a day because growing while I'm here on this planet is very important to me and always has been. kubera mantra for wealth

One thing that will really help you with meditation on a regular basis, I believe, is to find your "reason" to meditate. Other things can take priority over meditation if you don't have a compelling reason. Making money, socializing, working and other things will take precedence in your life. This will make it more difficult to find meditation time. Meditation provides more than medical benefits. It can also increase your happiness and spiritual well-being.
